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DAP support visual basic dotnet

Zeioth edited this page Aug 29, 2023 · 1 revision

In order to debug your programs, you have to compile them as described next

The easy way: Using dotnet

This is only available if your project has a .vbproj file. Compiling with the options Build and run dotnet or Build dotnet will automatically generate the necessary runtimeconfig.json file. So the only thing you have to do is to insert a breakpoint on neovim, open DAP, and select the .dll file that has been generated along with your .exe.

For more info read DAP wiki.

How to setup DAP to debug with visual basic dotnet

Please note that this section has nothing to do with compiler.nvim. I'm documenting this to make your life easier. To debug visual basic dotnet with DAP you have to:

How to check if everything works

Compile your program with Build dotnet, add a break point to your code, and then run DAP. You will see something like this.


Congratulations, now you can compile and debug visual basic dotnet.

Important for you to know

  • Note that mason installs the debugger for you. You don't need to install any system dependency.
  • If you find any issue while configuring DAP, run :DapSetLogLevel trace and :DapShowLog to find the reason.