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Github action that should execute when a new push happens on a repository, should alert the maintainer by mail with the number of files modified, number of modifications, full date (DD/MM/YYYY @ time)



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Github action that should execute when a new push happens on a repository, should alert the maintainer by mail with the number of files modified, number of modifications, full date (DD/MM/YYYY @ time) and the commit message

How to use it

  • Open an existing repository or create a new one
  • Add the action to your workflow (inside .github/workflows/)
  • Create the GitHub Secrets required for running the action (Settings > Secrets > Actions > New repository secret)
  • Enjoy detailed notifications on your repository when a new push happens !

Action configuration file (.yaml)

name: Git commit metadata annotation

on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Annotates commits with metadata
      # - uses: hmarr/debug-action@v2 uncomment to debug
      - name: Annotate Commit
        uses: ZeitounCorp/Git-Push-metadata-action@main
          owner: ${{ github.repository_owner }} # Owner of the repository
          repo: ${{ }} # Name of the repository where the push happened
          push_user: ${{ github.event.sender.login }} # User who pushed
          commit_sha: ${{ github.event.after }} # SHA of the commit
          ref: ${{ github.event.ref }} # Reference id of the commit
          commit_message: ${{ github.event.commits[0].message }} # Commit message
          push_id: ${{ github.event.commits[0].id }} # Commit id
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          receivers: ${{ secrets.LIST_OF_RECEIVERS }} # List of receivers, it's a secret
          mailer_password: ${{ secrets.MAILER_PASSWORD }} # Mailer password, it's a secret
          mailer_sender: ${{ secrets.MAILER_SENDER }} # Mailer sender, it's a secret
          nodemailer_host: ${{ secrets.NODEMAILER_HOST }} # Mailer host (host from your mail provider), it's a secret
          nodemailer_port: ${{ secrets.NODEMAILER_PORT }} # Mailer port (465 for ssl, comes from your mail provider), it's a secret


General secrets

  • GITHUB_TOKEN: Github Personal access token. you can generate one here (required)
  • LIST_OF_RECEIVERS: List of receivers separated by a comma (egc:, (required)

Mailer secrets look at the nodemailer documentation for more information

  • MAILER_PASSWORD: Mailer password, in order to use the mailing functionnality, you need to have a mailer account on your mail provider (gmail, hotmail, personnal mail server, etc...) (required)
  • MAILER_SENDER: email address, in order to use the mailing functionnality, you need to have a mailer account on your mail provider (gmail, hotmail, personnal mail server, etc...) (required)
  • NODEMAILER_HOST: Mailer host (host from your mail provider, egc: For OVH: (required)
  • NODEMAILER_PORT: Mailer port (465 for ssl, comes from your mail provider) (required)

Enjoy ! Made with 🖤 by @ZeitounCorp


Github action that should execute when a new push happens on a repository, should alert the maintainer by mail with the number of files modified, number of modifications, full date (DD/MM/YYYY @ time)







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