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Runtime management

For anyone wanting to run this on their own linux setup, but keep it relatively updatable without permission hell: ~/.config/systemd/user/hordebot.service

Description=AI Horde Discord bot

ExecStart=/usr/bin/npm run deploy


then just load it up with the following:

  • systemctl --user daemon-reload - makes sytstemd reparse all the potential configs
  • systemctl --user enable hordebot.service - makes systemd autostart the service at boot
  • systemctl --user start hordebot.service - makes systemd start the service now the --user stuff makes it run as just your user, no fancy permissions, no fuss - and you can just update with normal git commands.


  • you're on a systemd based system. If you're not you probably know what you're doing anyways
  • assumes your /usr/bin/npm is the correct one

Postgres bootstrapping

(writing this form a fedora POV, but it probably translates)

Initial configs

The default configs have gotten a bit pickier lately. you may need to find your pg_hba.conf and change the "method" from ident to md5

  • in fedora this config is at /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
  • use the host for ipv4 because I use as my db_ip

Setup the user

to get logged into PSQL to start with do sudo -i -u postgres psql

Make the user and privlidge it

  • CREATE ROLE aihordebot WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '1337haxxor'; - make the user, change out the password
  • CREATE database hordebot - make the database
  • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE hordebot TO aihordebot; - grants general permissions
  • \c hordebot - we need to go deeper
  • GRANT USAGE, CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO aihordebot; - and make sure the user can change the schema and set stuff up

This setup guide was written by thebwt