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  • No shared memory between processes in different machines only way of communication is through message passing
  • Used in distributed systems and high performance computing
  • Not targeted for shared memory machines but still works although rarely used as it degrades performance due to overhead of send and recieve of message passing
  • Running as a set of processes No shared Variables
  • All communication, synchronization require subroutine calls

  • MPI : Message Passing Interface
    • Processes running on different CPUs communicate with each other
    • Various communication patterns that are supported by MPI are abstracted in a "communicator"
    • Communicator type : MPI_Comm -> A communicator is a group of processes that can communicate and interact with each other using MPI functions.
    • Predefined default communicator : MPI_COMM_WORLD -> predefined constant representing the communicator that encompasses all processes in a parallel program.
    • Number of concurrent processes to be run is defined at runtime.
    • MPI functions return error codes or MPI_SUCCESS it doesnt return values.

MPI Fuctions

  • int MPI_Init(int *argc, char ***argv); : Configure our program to run MPI, must be called before any MPI functions.

    • Takes the address of command line arguments (in/out argument), search for specific commands to MPI, use it to configure, and remove them from the list of command line arguments.
  • int MPI_Finalize(); : Called at the end of the program, close communication and free allocated memory.

  • int MPI_Comm_size(MPI_Comm comm, int *size); : get the number of processes that are communicating inside our communicator

    • Takes a pointer to an integer int* size (out argument), we should define a variable size and pass its address to this function to be updated.

(Each process has its own unique identifier, called a "rank", which is used to distinguish it from other processes)

  • int MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_Comm comm, int *rank); : retrieve the rank of the calling process within a specified communicator.
    • Takes a pointer to an integer int* rank (out argument), we should define a variable rank and pass its address to this function to be updated

(Transmit from one process to another process)

 int MPI_Send(  void *buf,             // Generic pointer to anything in memory to fetch and send
                int count,             // number of primitive element in this buffer determined by datatype.
                MPI_Datatype datatype, // constants defined like MPI_CHAR as an abstraction to actual data type that allows comm. bet. different machines.
                int dest,              // rank of process which we want to transmit the buffer to.
                int tag,               // Generic integer used to distinguish one type of a message from another to same destination.
                MPI_Comm comm );       // Communicator -> MPI_COMM_WORLD.

int MPI_Recv(   void *buf,             // Generic pointer to place in memory where you want to recieve the incoming data (out argument).
                int count,             // number of primitive element in this buffer determined by datatype.
                MPI_Datatype datatype, // constants defined like MPI_CHAR as an abstraction to actual data type that allows comm. bet. different machines.
                int source,            // rank of process which we want to recieve from.
                int tag,               // select kind of message I want to recieve from source.
                MPI_Comm comm          // Communicator -> MPI_COMM_WORLD.
                MPI_Status *status );  // Info about success or failure of communication from another process.

(Reciever can get a message without knowing the amount of data, the sender MPI_ANY_SOURCE or the tag MPI_ANY_TAG)

  typedef struct MPI_Status {
        int MPI_SOURCE; //: rank of the process where the information came from
        int MPI_TAG;    //: tag value sent by the sender
        int MPI_ERROR;  //: indication that anything gone wrong
  • Example use of MPI_Status
    MPI_Status status;
    tag = status.MPI_TAG;
    source = status.MPI_SOURCE
    error = status.MPI_ERROR;
  • MPI_WTIME() : returns the current time with a double float.

    • to time a program segment :
        start_time = MPI_Wtime();
        end_time = MPI_Wtime();
        Time spent = end_time - start_time;


  • Compiled using WSL2 sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev
  • run using make n=4
    • type required number of processes (4 processes chosen here)
    • Makefile is included


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