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Recoglib is a library that lets you recognize and categorize a stream of pictures for specific document types.


Take a look at the file

Document types

Recoglib is capable of recognizing types that include:

  • Identity card
  • Driving license
  • Passport
  • Gun license
  • Residency permit
  • European Health Insurance Card
  • Holograms
  • Selfie (human face picture)
  • Face liveness

Configuration management

For compilation, running and deployment of the application following tools are required. Newer versions of the tools should work, these were tested to work and used during the development:

  • Hardware:
    • iOS device with camera for testing
    • macOS device for development
  • Software (required for development and deployment):
    • macOS
    • Xcode 15
  • Minimal supported iOS version:
    • iOS 13.0


Statically link the frameworks

Link your project against RecogLib.xcframework and LibZenid.xcframework frameworks. Frameworks are located in Sources directory. )

  • Hardware:
    • iOS real device with camera for testing (simulator doesn't support the camera)
    • macBook for development
  • Software (required for development and deployment):
    • Xcode

Installation with SPM

  1. Open your Xcode project.
  2. Add remote package dependency
  3. In your app target, General tab add LibZenid_iOS and Recoglib_iOS frameworks


The SDK has to be authorized, otherwise it is not going to work.

  1. Contact your manager and get information of initSDK API Endpoint and access to the ZenID system where you have to set your bundle ids. The api key you receive must be inserted into the request using the Cookie header
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 600
configuration.timeoutIntervalForResource = 600

if let cookie = HTTPCookie(properties: [ : "api_key",
    HTTPCookiePropertyKey.value : _YOUR_API_KEY_,
    HTTPCookiePropertyKey.originURL : apiURL,
    HTTPCookiePropertyKey.path : apiURL.path
]) {


  1. Fetch your challenge token from SDK:
import RecogLib_iOS

let challengeToken = ZenidSecurity.getChallengeToken()
  1. Send the challengeToken to the initSDK API endpoint.
GET https://{''your-api-url''}/initSdk?token={challengeToken}


  "Response": "......."
  1. Use response token, returned from initSDK API Endpoint, to initialize the SDK:
let responseToken = ... // backend response - initSDK API Endpoint
let success = ZenidSecurity.authorize(responseToken: responseToken)
  1. Do not forget to check returned value of authorize(responseToken:) method. If it is true, the SDK has been successfully initialised and is ready to be used, otherwise response token is not valid.


getChallengeToken() and authorize() should always be called together as getChallengeToken() resets the session.


getChallengeToken() and authorize() should not be called while a card or face is being processed.


You can choose which models (documents (CZ, SK, ...), selfie, faceliveness) you want to support. You can find all models available in the Models folder in the root of this repository.

If you want to support Selfie, add/link this folder and all files included: Models/face into your Xcode project.

If you want to support Faceliveness, add/link this folder and all files included: Models/face into your Xcode project.

If you want to support Documents, such as ID, Passport and so on, or different countries, follow instructions below:

  1. You can find all models for documents grouped by countries in the Models/documents folder.
  2. Choose which countries do you want to support.
  3. Optionally, you can remove unnecessary files in those folders, such as GUN files if you do not want to scan/recognize these kinds of documents.
  4. Link/add all selected folders with your Xcode project.


The SDK provides two options how to handle the scanning process. First of them is lightweight, where everything is provided to you and you can have running code with the logic and UI in just a couple lines of code. Second of them is more complicated where you have to implement everything from the scratch by yourself if needed. Let's have a look at those options.

Select profile

The SelectProfile method allows you to set the frontend validator configuration on the backend. The SDK receives a list of profiles and their respective configurations when Init() is called. Calling SelectProfile() sets the profile to be used for subsequent use of the verifier.

let profileSelected = ZenidSecurity.selectProfile(name: profileName)

let profileSelected = ZenidSecurity.selectProfile(name: ""). // default profile
let profileSelected = ZenidSecurity.selectProfile(name: "NFC"). // select profile named NFC (defined on backed)

List countries and documents enabled by licence

If your use case requires the user to select which document to validate then you can ask the backend what countries, documents and document pages are supported.

// Get supported countries
let country = ZenidSecurity.supportedCountries()
// Get supported documents for the country
let documents = ZenidSecurity.supportedDocuments(for: country)
// Get supported pages for the document and country
let pages = ZenidSecurity.supportedDocumentPageCodes(for: country, documentRole: documentRole)

Usage - Lightweight


Use DocumentController for scanning documents. You can configure the behaviour and also build custom UI based on the delegate of the controller if needed or you can just use our built-in UI that is provided.

// Configuration
let documentControllerConfig = DocumentControllerConfiguration(
    showVisualisation: true,
    showHelperVisualisation: true, // Enables text information rendering
    showDebugVisualisation: false, // Enables debug visualisation rendered directly to camera feed
    dataType: .picture,
    role: .Idc,
    country: .Cz,
    page: .Front,
    code: nil,
    documents: nil,
    settings: nil

// Controller
let camera = Camera()
Let cameraView = CameraView()
let urlPathOfModels =  URL.modelsDocuments
let urlPathOfMrzModels = URL.mrzModels // models used for reading MRZ zone from document

let documentController = DocumentController(camera: camera, view: cameraView, modelsUrl: urlPathOfModels, mrzModelsUrl: urlPathOfMrzModels)
documentController.delegate = self

// configure and start reading
documentController.configure(configuration: documentControllerConfig)


You should always keep one instance of Camera, even when you have more controllers (such as SelfieController, FacelivenessController, DocumentController).

Add the CameraView into your view hierarchy in order to see the camera's UI and live feed.

You can pass role, country, page, and code if you want to scan only one document. If you need to scan more than one document use documents field to pass an array of allowed documents.

You can turn off all visualisations by setting the showVisualisation: false. After that you are free to build your own UI.

The delegate of the controller is following:

public protocol DocumentControllerDelegate: AnyObject {
    func controller(_ controller: DocumentController, didScan result: DocumentResult, nfcCode: String)
    func controller(_ controller: DocumentController, didScan result: DocumentResult)
    func controller(_ controller: DocumentController, didRecord videoURL: URL)
    func controller(_ controller: DocumentController, didUpdate result: DocumentResult)

You can implement the delegate to be able to receive a message when scanning was successful or when the state of the scan has been changed. The didUpdate method could be used for building your custom UI. The method is called every single time when there is an update of the state of scanning process.


The SDK allows you to read NFC data from supported documents. NFC support must be configured on the backend, the mrz models must be loaded and the SelectProfile("NFC") method must be called on the SDK side.

The delegate method named func controller(_ controller: DocumentController, didScan result: DocumentResult, nfcCode: String) is called if the MRZ zone is successfully scanned and decoded on the document.

At this point you must start and finish reading the NFC document. The NfcDocumentReader class is used for this purpose. Due to the variability of the customer UI, the SDK does not provide a ready-made UIViewController solution to completely handle all NFC chip reading states. However, you can take inspiration from the ReadNfcViewController file in our demo application.

The result of calling the processNfcResult method is the same DocumentResult object as in the case of normal document verification. The next step is to send the captured and signed image to the backend.

func controller(_ controller: DocumentController, didScan result: DocumentResult, nfcCode: String) {
   Task {
      let nfcReader = NfcDocumentReader(mrzKey: nfcCode)
      let nfcData:NfcData = try await
      let documentResult = documentController?.processNfcResult(nfcData: nfcData, status: .OK)


Use FacelivenessController for scanning face. You can configure the behaviour and also build custom UI based on the delegate of the controller if needed or you can just use our built-in UI that is provided.

// Configuration
let faceLivenessControllerConfig = FacelivenessControllerConfiguration(
    showVisualisation: true,
    showHelperVisualisation: true,
    showDebugVisualisation: false,
    dataType: .picture,
    isLegacy: false
// Controller
let camera = Camera()
Let cameraView = CameraView()
let urlPathOfModels = URL.modelsFolder.appendingPathComponent("face")
let facelivenessController = FacelivenessController(camera: camera, view: contentView, modelsUrl: urlPathOfModels)
facelivenessController.delegate = self
facelivenessController.configure(configuration: faceLivenessControllerConfig)


You should always keep one instance of Camera, even when you have more controllers (such as SelfieController, FacelivenessController, DocumentController).

Add the CameraView into your view hierarchy in order to see the camera's UI and live feed.

You can turn off all visualisations by setting the showVisualisation: false. After that you are free to build your own UI.

The delegate of the controller is following:

public protocol FacelivenessControllerDelegate: AnyObject {
    func controller(_ controller: FacelivenessController, didScan result: FaceLivenessResult)
    func controller(_ controller: FacelivenessController, didRecord videoURL: URL)
    func controller(_ controller: FacelivenessController, didUpdate result: FaceLivenessResult)

You can implement the delegate to be able to receive a message when scanning was successful or when the state of the scan has been changed. The didUpdate method could be used for building your custom UI. The method is called every single time when there is an update of the state of scanning process.


Use SelfieController for scanning face. You can configure the behaviour and also build custom UI based on the delegate of the controller if needed or you can just use our built-in UI that is provided.

// Configuration
let selfieControllerConfig = SelfieControllerConfiguration(
    showVisualisation: true,
    showHelperVisualisation: true,
    showDebugVisualisation: false,
    dataType: .picture
// Controller
let camera = Camera()
Let cameraView = CameraView()
let selfieController = SelfieController(camera: camera, view: contentView, modelsUrl: URL.modelsFolder.appendingPathComponent("face"))
selfieController.delegate = self
selfieController.configure(configuration: selfieControllerConfig)


You should always keep one instance of Camera, even when you have more controllers (such as SelfieController, FacelivenessController, DocumentController).

Add the CameraView into your view hierarchy in order to see the camera's UI and live feed.

You can turn off all visualisations by setting the showVisualisation: false. After that you are free to build your own UI.

The delegate of the controller is following:

public protocol SelfieControllerDelegate: AnyObject {
    func controller(_ controller: SelfieController, didScan result: SelfieResult)
    func controller(_ controller: SelfieController, didRecord videoURL: URL)
    func controller(_ controller: SelfieController, didUpdate result: SelfieResult)

You can implement the delegate to be able to receive a message when scanning was successful or when the state of the scan has been changed. The didUpdate method could be used for building your custom UI. The method is called every single time when there is an update of the state of scanning process.

Usage - From Scratch

You are free to implement everything from the scratch, without use our controller classes. The SDK provides three classes for you: DocumentVerifier, SelfierVerifier, and FacelivenessVerifier.


Recoglib comes with DocumentVerifier that makes scanning documents really easy to use.


Verifier settings

You can tune a couple of parameters of document verifier. Each initializer has optional settings parameter.

let settings = DocumentVerifierSettings(
    showAimingCircle: false,
    drawOutline: true,
parameter name default value range
showAimingCircle true Bool
drawOutline false Bool
let verifier = DocumentVerifier(role: .Idc, country: .Cz, page: .Front, language: .Language, settings: settings)


Properties role, country, page , an language are public and can be changed whenever you like.

1. Recognizing only one specific document

First you initialize DocumentVerifier with expected role, country, page and language. For example, Front side of Czech Identity card looks like this.

let verifier = DocumentVerifier(role: .Idc, country: .Cz, page: .Front, language: .Language)
2. Recognizing multiple predefined documents

Alternativally you can initialize DocumentVerifier with DocumentsInput that needs array of Document structures. Document structure is a structure that consists of role: DocumentRole, country: Country, page: PageCode, and DocumentCode.

For example, if you want to scan Front side of Czech Identity card and Front side of Slovak driving license the setup looks like this.

let documentsInput = DocumentsInput(documents: [
    Document(role: .Idc, country: .Cz, page: .Front, code: nil),
    Document(role: .Drv, country: .Sk, page: .Front, code: nil)
let verifier = DocumentVerifier(input: documentsInput, language: .Czech)
3. Recognizing multiple undefined documents.

The parameters of DocumentVerifier initializer are optional, you can always pass nil value. For example, if you want to scan all documents available, just pass nil to every parameter.

let verifier = DocumentVerifier(role: nil, country: nil, page: nil, language: .Language)

For example, if you want to scan all Czech documents available, just pass nil to every parameter except country, that will be Czech.

let verifier = DocumentVerifier(role: nil, country: .Cz, page: nil, language: .Language)


You have to load models that you would like to support. URL is the path to your folder that contains files or other folders, such as CZ, SK, etc. You have to pass url that is a folder, not a single file.

let urlOfFolderWithModels = Bundle.main.bundleURL.appendingPathComponent("Models/documents")
if let models = DocumentVerifierModels(url: urlOfFolderWithModels) {

Image processing

Prerequirements - Camera session

Request Camera Permission

Open your project's Info.plist file and add the following key:

  • NSCameraUsageDescription: A message explaining why you need access to the camera.

Create an instance of AVCaptureSession and AVCaptureVideoDataOutput. These will allow you to capture video frames from the camera. Define the func captureOutput(_: ,didOutput: ,from:) delegate method declared in AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate and call the verify(buffer: ) method of DocumentVerifier.


Please note this delegate method is called from background thread. If you desire to update your view from this method, you need to do so from the main thread as shown below.

It is important to set the correct device orientation and send correctly oriented images for verification


More complex AVCaptureSession setup can be found in our examples PureVerifierViewController.swift or PureSelfieVerifierViewController

Property Name Default Range
specularAcceptableScore 50 <0; 100>
documentBlurAcceptableScore 50 <0; 100>
showAimingCircle True
drawOutline False
readBarcode True

Each initializer has optional settings parameter.

import AVFoundation

class CameraViewController: UIViewController, AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {

    private let captureSession = AVCaptureSession()
    private let videoDataOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
    private(set) var previewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer?

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // ! Note that set proper orientation is important
        setOrientation(orientation: UIDevice.current.orientation)

    // Function to set up the camera
    private func setupCamera() {
        guard let captureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(for: .video) else {
            fatalError("Camera not available.")

        do {
            let input = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: captureDevice)
            if captureSession.canAddInput(input) {

            if captureSession.canAddOutput(videoDataOutput) {
                videoDataOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: DispatchQueue(label: "videoQueue"))

            let previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: captureSession)
            previewLayer.videoGravity = .resizeAspectFill
            self.previewLayer = previewLayer

        } catch {
            print("Error setting up camera: \(error.localizedDescription)")

    // AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate methods
    func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
        // Process each video frame here

        let result = verifier.verify(buffer: sampleBuffer)

        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            // update your view here

    func setOrientation(orientation: UIDeviceOrientation) {
        for connection in captureSession.connections {
            switch UIDevice.current.orientation {
            case .portrait:
                previewLayer?.connection?.videoOrientation = .portrait
                connection.videoOrientation = .portrait
            case .landscapeRight:
                previewLayer?.connection?.videoOrientation = .portrait
                connection.videoOrientation = .landscapeLeft
            case .landscapeLeft:
                previewLayer?.connection?.videoOrientation = .portrait
                connection.videoOrientation = .landscapeRight
            case .portraitUpsideDown:
                previewLayer?.connection?.videoOrientation = .portrait
                connection.videoOrientation = .portraitUpsideDown

Alternatively you can use the verifyImage(imageBuffer: ) with CVImageBuffer of media data as shown below.

extension ViewController: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
    func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
        let pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer)
        let result = verifier.verifyImage(imageBuffer: pixelBuffer)
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.updateView(with: result)


If the validation state of DocumentVerifierState is .Nfc, it should start reading NFC data from the document.

Task {
   let nfcCode = verifier.getNfcKey()
   let nfcReader = NfcDocumentReader(mrzKey: nfcCode)
   do {
      let nfcData = try await
      let jsonString = nfcData.encodeToJson()
      verifier.processNfc(jsonData: jsonString, status: .OK)

   } catch {

The processNfc method must be called even if the NFC data reading from the document fails. For example, if the user cancels the read.

Task {
   let nfcCode = verifier.getNfcKey()
   let nfcReader = NfcDocumentReader(mrzKey: nfcCode)
   do {
      let nfcData = try await
   } catch {
      verifier.processNfc(jsonData: "", status: .USER_SKIPPED)    

Draw renderables

In case you want to add an information layer with objects that the verifier has detected, you can use the verifier.getRenderCommands(canvasWidth:Int, canvasHeight:Int) method. This method returns a string representation of the detected objects. This string is converted into a collection of drawable objects implementing Renderable protocol using RenderableFactory.createRenderables(commands: String). The types of renderable objects are the classes Line,Rectangle,Circle,Ellipse,Text,Triangle.

var previewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer?
var drawingLayer = DrawingLayer()

// Add the custom layers
override func viewDidLoad() {

    if let previewLayer {
        previewLayer.frame = view.frame

    drawingLayer.frame = view.frame

// Get the objects detected in the current frame and render them over the preview layer.
private func drawRenderables(buffer: CMSampleBuffer) {
    guard let size = previewLayer?.frame.size, let commands = verifier.getRenderCommands(canvasWidth: Int(size.width), canvasHeight: Int(size.height))
    else { return }

    DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
        let renderables = RenderableFactory.createRenderables(commands: commands)

Face liveness verifier

You can use FaceLivenessVerifier to verify face liveness from short video. Human faces are to be identified in video frames. Interface is very similar to DocumentVerifier, first you initialize FaceLivenessVerifier and then call the verify(buffer: ) or verifyImage(imageBuffer: ) method in func captureOutput(_: ,didOutput: ,from:) .

Face liveness step parameters

Available since version 2.0.12

During the face liveness check, additional parameters (FaceLivenessStepParameters) for the current check can be accessed by calling the verifier method getStepParameters() The object is only available during the liveness part of the process. It is null during the preliminary quality check.


let verifierResult = verifier.verifyImage(imageBuffer: pixelBuffer)
let parameters:FaceLivenessStepParameters = verifier.getStepParameters()

The object FaceLivenessStepParameters has the following properties:

Property Description
name Name of the step. It can be "CenteredCheck", "AngleCheck Left", "AngleCheck Right", "AngleCheck Up", "AngleCheck Down", "LegacyAngleCheck", "UpPerspectiveCheck" or "SmileCheck". CenteredCheck requires the user to look at the camera. The AngleCheck steps require the user to turn their head in a specific direction. The LegacyAngleCheck requires the user to turn his head in any direction. It's only used when legacy mode is enabled. SmileCheck requires the user to smile, UpPerspective requires turn up and sometimes also turn down or repeat movement.
totalCheckCount The total number of the checks the user has to pass, including the ones that were already passed.
passedCheckCount The number of checks the user has passed.
hasFailed Flag that is true if the user has failed the most recent check. After the failed check, a few seconds pass and the check process is restarted - the flag is set to false and passedCheckCount goes back to 0.
headYaw Euler angles of the head in degrees. Only defined if a face is visible.
headPitch Euler angles of the head in degrees. Only defined if a face is visible.
headRoll Euler angles of the head in degrees. Only defined if a face is visible.
faceCenterX Coordinates of the center of the face in relative units. Multiply by the width or height of the camera preview to get absolute units. Only defined if a face is visible.
faceCenterY Coordinates of the center of the face in relative units. Multiply by the width or height of the camera preview to get absolute units. Only defined if a face is visible.
faceWidth Size of the face in relative units. Multiply by the width or height of the camera preview to get absolute units. Only defined if a face is visible.
faceHeight Size of the face in relative units. Multiply by the width or height of the camera preview to get absolute units. Only defined if a face is visible.


You have to load models that you would like to support. URL is the path to a specific file. You have to pass url that is a specific single file, not a folder.

let verifier = FaceLivenessVerifier(...)
let url = Bundle.main.bundleURL.appendingPathComponent("Models/face")
if let models = FaceVerifierModels(url: url) {


You can use DocumentVerifier to detect 2D holograms on cards. To do that, you can use this object the same way like to detect documents and call method beginHologramVerification and endHologramVerification. You can record video for selfie and faceliveness, however, there is no need to call any methods on their verifiers.

Detection logic in captureOutput(_: ,didOutput: ,from:) is almost the same but in case of holograms you can easily add reconrding video with VideoWriter class. This video can be uploaded to the backend after successful detection of hologram.

Selfie verifier

You can use SelfieVerifier to verify selfie (human face picture) from short video. Human faces are to be identified in video frames. Interface is very similar to DocumentVerifier, first you initialize SelfieVerifier and then call the verify(buffer: ) or verifyImage(imageBuffer: ) method in func captureOutput(_: ,didOutput: ,from:).

Auxiliary Images

You can get all images that have been taken during the Faceliveness process.

let verifier = FaceLivenessVerifier(...)
let info = verifier.getAuxiliaryInfo()
for imageData in info.images {
    let image = UIImage(data: imageData)
    // You can use the image
for metadata in info.metadata {
    // You can use the image metadata

Legacy mode

Faceliveness verifier has two modes. First is the new one and second one is the legacy. You can choose which one you want by using FaceLivenessVerifierSettings in constructor or update method of the verifier class. Moreover, you can specify the qualify of those pictures. Be default the legacy mode is disabled.

Constructor method

let settings = FaceLivenessVerifierSettings(
    isLegacyModeEnabled: true,
    maxAuxiliaryImageSize: 300,
    visualizerVersion: 1
let verifier = FaceLivenessVerifier(language: .Czech, settings: settings)

Update method

let verifier = FaceLivenessVerifier(...)
let settings = FaceLivenessVerifierSettings(
    isLegacyModeEnabled: false,
    maxAuxiliaryImageSize: 300,
    visualizerVersion: 1
verifier.update(settings: settings)
let info = verifier.getAuxiliaryInfo()


The returning value of the verify() or verifyImage(imageBuffer: ) methods is a struct of type DocumentResult for documents, HologramResult for holograms or FaceResult for face liveness.

It contains all the information found describing currently analysed document/face.

DocumentResult contains following values:

  • state - state of currently analysed image (e.g. NoMatchFound, Blurry or ReflectionPresent etc.)
  • code - version of a document (e.g. new or old version of Slovakia identity card). This attribute can be nil when state is equal to NoMatchFound
  • role - specified type of a document
  • country - specified origin country of a document
  • page - specified page
  • signature - signature when state is OK

Hologram result contains state of currently analysed image. HologramResult.state can be center, tiltLeftAndRight, tiltUpAndDown and finally ok

Selfie detection result contains state of currently analysed image. SelfieResult.state can be NoFaceFound, Blurry, Dark, ConfirmingFace and finally Ok

Face liveness detection result contains state of currently analysed image. FaceLivenessResult.state can be LookAtMe, TurnHead, Smile, Blurry, Dark, DontSmile and finally Ok


The SDK now generates a signature for the snapshots it takes. The backend uses the signature to verify picture origin and integrity. The signature lets you upload the final frame instead of the whole video for verification. The SDK only generates a signature when the result state is OK.

The SDK provides the signature as an attribute inside of the result objects of verifiers, such as DocumentResult, FaceLivenessResult, and SelfieResult. Hologram does not support the signature.

This is what ImageSignature structure looks like:

struct ImageSignature {
    let image: Data
    let signature: String

Where the image attribute is binary data of the image that contains the SDK signature. You have to send this binary data to the backend if you want to have your signature to be validated. The signature attribute is a string that represents the signature itself that you should send to the backend in your investigation sample HTTP REST call.

Signature now contain "--ZENID_SIGNATURE--" prefix. The new recommended way of sending signature is by adding it as a second file to multipart upload of sample (first file being the image or video itself). Alternative method, if you are uploading image/file as binary body in POST request is to append signature to binary data of image/video as is. Old way of sending signature as request parameter in URL still works, but you can encounter issues due to URL size limits so it is recommended to switch to the new method.

Sample request - Signature added to the end of the body of the message

func sendImageWithSignature(imageData: Data, signature: String) {
    let urlString = "https://your-server/sample?country=&expectedSampleType=DocumentPicture&documentCode=&pageCode=&role=&profile="
    guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else { return }

    var httpBodyData = imageData

    // Append the signature data to the imageData
    if let signatureData = .utf8) {

    var request = URLRequest(url: url)
    request.httpMethod = "POST"
    request.setValue("application/octet-stream", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
    request.setValue("\(httpBodyData.count)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Length")
    request.httpBody = httpBodyData

    let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
        if let error = error { return }
        if let data = data { return }

How to fix focusing problem with new iPhone Pro models.

You must zoom in on the video stream to compensate for the minimum focus distance and required magnification. We created a method which do exactly this, so you don't have to write your own. This method is available since iOS 15 which covers iPhone 13 Pro and newer.

if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
    Camera.setRecommendedZoomFactor(for: device) // AVCaptureDevice

Open Source

Zenid is powered by Open Source libraries.

  • AHEasing (WTFPL)
  • Catch2 (Boost Software License 1.0)
  • cppcodec (MIT License)
  • cvui (MIT License)
  • cxxopts (MIT License)
  • fmt (MIT License)
  • gmath (MIT License)
  • hedley (Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal)
  • imgui (MIT License)
  • implot (MIT License)
  • JSON for Modern C++ (Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal)
  • Magic Enum C++ (MIT License)
  • nameof (MIT License)
  • OpenCV (Apache License 2.0)
  • PicoSHA2 (MIT License)
  • plusaes (Boost Software License 1.0)
  • Rapidcsv (BSD 3-Clause license)
  • Tensorflow Lite (Apache License 2.0)
  • TooJpeg (zlib License)