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Code notebook for python package learning.


emoji connotation tag
🌕 or ✅ experienced :full_moon:
🌔 or ✅ advanced :moon:
🌓 or ✅ well-grounded :first_quarter_moon:
🌒 or ⬜ understanding :waxing_crescent_moon:
🌑 or ⬜ strange :new_moon:


ML Framework

integrated machine/deep/reinforcement learning toolkits.

Deep Learning and Neural Network
  • 🌓 pytorch : open source deep learning framework commonly used in academia.
  • 🌓 tensorflow : open source deep learning framework commonly used in industry.
  • 🌑 paddle : baidu open source deep learning platform derived from industry practices.
  • 🌑 ncnn : tencent high performance neural network forward computing framework optimized for mobiles.
Reinforcement Learning
  • 🌒 gym : a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
  • 🌑 ACME : a research framework for reinforcement learning by DeepMind.
Machine Learning
  • 🌓 sklearn : machine learning library.
  • 🌑 autokeras : automl system based on keras.
  • 🌑 pytorch_geometric : geometric deep learning extension library for pytorch.
  • 🌓 textbrewer: nlp knowledge distillation toolkit.
  • 🌓 OpenPrompt : prompt tuning toolkit developed by Tsinghua.
  • 🌑 OpenAttack : an open-source package for texual adversarial attack.
  • 🌑 PyCID: a python library for causal influence diagrams.

Applied AI

NLP/CV/etc. packages.

  • 🌔 torchvision : vision processing toolkit in pytorch.
  • 🌓 ​cv2 : opencv in python.
  • 🌓 ​pillow : python imaging library.
  • 🌓 torchtext : natural language data processing for pytorch.

  • 🌓 nltk : english natural language toolkit by UPenn.

    for chinese, we should import Stanford NLP Chinese package.

  • 🌓 ltp : chinese language technology platform by HIT.

  • 🌓 gensim : topic modelling for humans (semantic vector).

  • 🌓 glove : toy python implementation of glove.

  • 🌓 ​hugging face : sota pre-trained language model toolkit.

    mainly for pre-trained and transformer, etc.

  • 🌓 ​fairseq : a seq2seq learning toolkit for pytorch by fair.

  • 🌑 EDA : easy data augmentation techniques for text.

  • 🌑 pattern : simpler to get started than nltk.

  • 🌑 pyenchant : easy access to dictionaries

  • 🌒 allennlp : natural language processing toolkit based on pytorch by Allen.

    mainly for ELMo, KnowBERT, etc.

  • 🌑 seqeval : evaluation for sequence labelling.

  • 🌑 sentence transformers : compute dense vector representations for sentences, paragraphs, and images.

  • 🌒 ​(corenlp, spacy, jieba) : chinese processing, language processing, etc.

we put gensim and glove together in this code notebook.

  • 🌑 ​torchaudio : audio processing toolkit in pytorch.

Data Science

data processing and computing.

  • 🌓 pandas : high performance and user-friendly data structure and analysis tool.
  • 🌔 matplotlib : comprehensive library for creating static, animated and interactive visualizations in python.
  • 🌓 numpy : scientific computing.
  • 🌓 scipy : open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.


programming aids.

Running Auxiliary
  • 🌒 ​tqdm : progress bar.
  • 🌑 labml : training visualization on the mobile phone.
  • 🌑 wandb: experiment results management.
  • 🌑 TensorSensor:visualization of errors about tensor.
  • 🌑 optuna: automatic hyperparameter searching.
  • 🌑 alfred: visualization of annotations.
  • 🌓 threading : multithreading.
  • 🌓 multiprocessing : multiprocessing.
  • 🌓 deepspeed : microsoft training acceleration toolkit.
  • 🌑 bminf : a low-resource inference package for large-scale pretrained language models (PLMs).

We put threading and multiprocessing together in this code notebook.

File System
  • 🌑 ​glob : file path manager.
  • 🌑 ​shutil : advanced file operation module.
Information Retrieval
  • 🌑 ​re : regex.
  • 🌑 ​elasticsearch : search and analysis engine.
  • 🌓 scrapy : web crawler.
Towards User
  • 🌑 ​pyqt : GUI.
  • 🌑 ​pyinstaller : application packaging.
Operating System
  • 🌒 os : access os-related functions.
  • 🌑 ​sys : access interpreter-related variables and functions.
Encoding Management
  • 🌑 unidecode : because ascii is much easier to deal with
  • 🌑 chardet : character encoding detection


  • .py file is not runnable : we view it as a codebook composed by numerous fragments, but not an executable file (there is no strong relation between every two fragments).


Code notebook for python package learning.






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