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How to report a simulator bug

Sébastien Tromp edited this page Jan 27, 2022 · 1 revision

(writing all this, I realize having a one-button bug report feature for specific battles would probably be best. I'll look into that, but for the moment we have to do this the manual way)

If you want to help me as most as you can to figure out and fix bugs with the simulator (typically the ones that say 100% win and where you lose), this what I would ideally need:

  1. Wait until your game is over (because some info won't be available until the end), but note down what battle was impacted
  2. Go to the Replays tab, then hit the "Stats" button of the game you want to report a bug for
  3. Click on the Report a bug button at the top right. Keep that window open somewhere, as you'll paste information there
  4. Go to the Battles tab, and click on the battle that had the issue
  5. On the simulator tab, click on the "Copy" button to get the board states. Paste that on the bug report window, as well as the Turn number of the battle
  6. Then go back (arrow at the top left), and on the Replays screen click the "Watch" button
  7. Then click on "View online", and copy the URL of the page that opened in your browser. Paste that on the bug report window
  8. (Optional) Fill in your email address if you want me to be able to reply and ask some questions and offer my thanks :)
  9. Hit the Send button. The report should look something like this in the end