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Field Grid View

ZeromusXYZ edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 3 revisions


This view shows the results from parsing the currently select packet in the Packet List. This is a grid with each row representing a parsed field of the data.

The three shown columns are for position, named field and data as defined by the parsing engine.

Position (Pos)

Position is shown in hex format 0x00 with a possible bit-offset shown denoted by a semi-column (:) optionally followed by a dash (-) following by a length. The bit offsets are NOT in a hex format. All values have zero-based counting.

Example: 0x0A:1-4

This field is related to 2nd through 5th bit of the byte at position 10 of the data. Making it representation of 4 bits with a offset of 1 bit

Field Name (Name)

This is simply the name used by the parser for this entry. In rules-based-engines this is also the name of the local variable if you add a hashtag (#) in front of it for argument values.


This is the output result of a parse by the engine. How it's show depends on the engine itself, but it searchable as a string if you have pre-parsing enabled in the settings.

Clicking on any of the entries will highlight all fields and data that is related to the selected field. The Raw Data View will also update accordingly. If you didn't select a data entry, but rather a operation or comment, it will highlight all other operations and comments instead, as well as possibly the header data.

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