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Opening Files

ZeromusXYZ edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 3 revisions

File -> Open / Append log

Opening a file

When you pick open (or append if the Engine supports it), you will get a file open dialog box where you can navigate to the log file that you want to open. If you opened a Project File, you will get the Project Settings dialog before actually opening the file that allows you to tweak some settings if needed.

If you loaded a new log file that doesn't have a Project File linked to it yet. It will try to auto-detect what it's supposed to do with it to be able to open it. The program will try to guess what Engine it needs to use to open the file based on file extension.

Pasting data from clipboard

File -> Add from clipboard / New Tab from clipboard

Not all Engines support Add from clipboard, and this option will be grayed out if it does not. If you are pasting data from the clipboard to a new tab, it will prompt a Engine select dialog where you can manually pick what should be used to try and load the data. The dialog will only show engines that support append for their data. Additionally if the used Engine supports Rules Files or Encryption Settings they will be prompted for as well.

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