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Shop Types

Chase Greco edited this page Apr 23, 2016 · 1 revision

Shop Types put the RPG in PlayerShopsRPG! They allow you to specify shop "types" which are essentially a whitelist of items that a specific type can buy and sell. For example a shop with the type Baker may only be allowed to buy and sell cakes and cookies, while a shop with the type Farmer may be allowed to buy and sell wheat, carrots, and potatoes!

To create shop types simply edit the file shopTypes.config located in the PlayerShopsRPG config directory. Create a new entry in the file in the following format:

Blacksmith {

In this example we've created a Shop Type of Blacksmith that is only allowed to buy and sell Diamond Blocks and Iron Ingots. To assign this type to a shop, stand in the shop and execute /shop set type Blacksmith. Now whenever the shop owner goes to create a new item in the shop it will be checked against this whitelist. Note: Shop types only apply to newly created items, so it's best to set them when first creating the shop.

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