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Deployed Contracts(Polygon Mainnet)

Deployed Contracts(Goerli Testnet)


  • ZertiDiamond: 0x667855326c5cb7C9Edaf897bC3f14E552fD84955
  • ZetToken: 0xFd6CB3CB3cE04c579f35BF5Bd12Ee09141C536EB


  • ERC5516Facet: 0x55cdcadc6e819b4907a50a59dcc706b88ce31e49
  • SubscriptionFacet: 0xec614af7489004389ac01f48f6e9dafc04cd2b35
  • DiamondCutFacet: 0xb0c0d4893edcd40705f8db0b4ae120847646d48a
  • DiamondLoupeFacet: 0x09bf1a98499baa435802784542efdc21423db774
  • OwnershipFacet: 0x4d92e367e72ba9eD2a5201E15bcf8BF505dD4348


  • DiamondInit: 0x543ef797ecDa9E39AB2a4B95640e3eb46f1c27F4

Zerti is a Web3 based project whose objective is to secure the validity and trustability of certifications, aptitudes and degrees emitted by institutions, organizations or enterprises/corporations, relying on the immutability and transparency of the Blockchain. This makes for a more trustable Curriculum Vitae and complements the employer-employee relation, which makes finding jobs easier for everyone.

Here(In the main branch) you will find the contracts currently used in the application.

Test the app here