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Continual Learning Based on nnUNet

For the detailed information about how to run nnUNet (e.g. installation, debugging, etc.), please refer to the original readme file provided by its authors: It is highly recommended that you have a look at it and try to run some examples before reading this document.

1. Installation

Please refer to the Installation section in to install the required libraries and set necessary environment variables.

2. Data Preparation


In the table above, we list the datasets in our experiments. You can download the datasets here: Medical Segmentation Decathlon, KiTS2021.

nnU-Net expects datasets in a structured format. This format closely (but not entirely) follows the data structure of the Medical Segmentation Decthlon. See here for detailed explanation. For Medical Segmentation Decthlon, you can directly put it in your raw data directory but some trivial modification is still required. You should rename all the training images to be ending up with '0000.nii.gz' ('0000' is the indexing of modality. For example, you should rename liver_0.nii.gz to liver_0_0000.nii.gz so that nnUNet can understand your dataset organization). Only modification on training images in folder imagesTr is needed, labels files should be kept as it is. We don't provide code to do such modification since it is not complicated.

For KiTS2021 dataset, we provide this script to automatically handle data conversion. Modifying the data directory path in the script to match your storing position and run it, then everything is done.

3. Data Preprocessing and Experiment Planning.

Provided that the requested raw dataset is located in the correct folder (nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUNet_raw_data/TaskXXX_MYTASK, also see here), you can run this step with the following command:

As can be seen in the table in Section 2, for task 6,8,9,10, we stick to their original labels. Therefore you can directly run the original nnunet experiment and preprocess command as follows:

nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t XXX --verify_dataset_integrity --planner2d None

XXX is the integer identifier associated with your Task name. You should set the argument --planner2d as None since we only run 3D U-Net in our experiments. Performance with 2D U-Net is not tested. Although this experiment planner is only intended to handle task 6,8,9,10, we recommend you run it on all the datasets to verify the dataset and integrity and inspect the dataset property.

One more thing to take care is that you need to mannually add '_nointeract' before '.pkl' in the name of generated plans file to meet the requirements of training codes. (i.e. rename nnUNetPlansv2.1_plans_3D.pkl in each task folder in your preprocessed data path to nnUNetPlansv2.1_plans_3D_nointeract.pkl). We will add this into the code in the future, but right now you only need to rename four files so it should be easy.

For task 3,7,135, since we choose new foreground labels for them, the following scripts should be ran to modify the label space and generate new preprocessed data.

cd experiment_planning
python -t 3 --nointeract --fgcls 2
python -t 7 --nointeract --fgcls all
python -t 135 --nointeract --fgcls 2

Argument --fgcls is designed to select the class indices that compose the new foreground class. You can see to find more argument options. This file is initially designed for interactive learning where foreground and background clicks are sampled and distance map is generated and concatenated accordingly, based on this work. Since we don't apply interactive learning in the end, some related arguments are not useless and not tested. Instead, you should set the flag --nointeract to be true to avoid other settings.

Highlight: The network architecture planned for each dataset may be different from each other. In our work, we manually rewrite the plan file for task 3 and task 135 to make the convolution and pooling plan uniform with other tasks. You have to do it if you want to reproduce our results or encounter the same problem.

After running these scripts, you should be able to find all the preprocessed images in your preset precessing data path.

4. Continual Learning

Different from original nnUNet, we do not use 5-fold cross validation and only select the last 1/5 of training data as our validation set. The argument --fold should always be 0 in our experiments. Also, since we only run our experiments on low resolution images, the argument network is 3d_lowres in our case. Other choices are not tested.

The codes also contain some arguments for interactive learning but they are not used. Same as in Section 3, --nointeract should be passed.


cd run
python 3d_lowres nnUNetTrainerV2_Continual_MultiDatasets\
	--nointeract --start_task XXX\
	--exp_name your_exp_name\
	--sample_dataset \
	--num_epochs 500 \
	--method EWC --lambda_ewc 1e7 \

XXX is the integer identifier associated with your Task name of the starting task. Set it as 3 to train sequentially from task 3. When training stops at some intermediate task, you can resume training by setting --start_task as where you stop and pass -c or '--continue_training'. `--exp_name' is designed to distinguish different experiments and it is useful if you want to try different configurations.

Note that in original nnUNet, the training steps for each epoch are fixed to be 250. Instead, we follow the usual training protocol that at each epoch, all the training data will be iterated once. The total number of epochs for each stage of continual learning by the argument --num_epochs. Also, for simplicity, we choose to randomly sample 50 training images and 12 images for validation, you can pass --sample_dataset to follow this setup.

We implement three continual learning methods in our trainer. Passing --method to set it. The choices include None, EWC and BLIP, None being chosen by default and indicating simply finetuning the model at each stage. You can refer to their paper (EWC; BLIP) and the training script here to decide how you would like to tune the hyperparameters.


We separate the training and validation step in our code. Now you need to manually run the evaluation script after training is done, as follows.

cd run
python 3d_lowres nnUNetTrainerV2_Continual_MultiDatasets\
	--nointeract --start_task XXX\
	--exp_name your_exp_name\
	--sample_dataset \
	--num_epochs 500 \
	--method EWC --lambda_ewc 1e7 \
	-val \
	--pretrained_weights your_pretrained_checkpoint_path \

--pretrained_weights should be set as the path of checkpoint at the final stage if you want to evaluate how much the previous tasks are remembered after the final stage. Otherwise, the model will be evaluated on each dataset using the checkpoint stored at the corresponding stage, namely to evaluate how much the model learns for each new task.

5. Training the Baselines and Finetuning the Backbone.


Run the following script to train the model for the chosen dataset.

cd run
python 3d_lowres nnUNetTrainerV2_Interactive XXX 0\
	-p Plans_for_task_XXX \
	--nointeract --disable_next_stage_pred --sample_dataset \
	--exp_name your_exp_name\
	--pretrained_weights your_pretrained_checkpoint_path 

Note that you need to specify the experiment planner for each task XXX by setting the argument -p. For task 3,7,135, it should be nnUNetPlans_interactive and for task 6,8,9,10, it should be nnUNetPlansv2.1.

If pretrained_weights is not specified, then the backbone is not initialized with any pretrained backbone. You are then training the baselines for each dataset. To start with the pretrained backbone obtained by continual learning in Section 4, you should set it as the checkpoint path at the final stage of training.

The model will be evaluated at the end of training automatically using the latest checkpoint, but if you want to evaluate using the best checkpoint stored during training, please refer to the following script.


cd run
python 3d_lowres nnUNetTrainerV2_Interactive XXX 0\
	-p Plans_for_task_XXX \
	--nointeract --disable_next_stage_pred --sample_dataset \
	--exp_name your_exp_name \
	--valbest \  


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