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Getting started

Tom Naessens edited this page Sep 9, 2015 · 14 revisions
  1. Clone the project.
  2. Install mysql or mariadb locally and make sure the MySQL daemon is running. For Mac, look here when experiencing issues.
  3. Run bin/ to create necessary databases
  4. Run bundle install to install the gems.
  5. Generate a GitHub token.
  6. Replace #dev# in github_token: #dev# with your token in config/secrets.yml under development.
  7. Replace <%= ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"] %> in github_token: <%= ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"] %> with your token in config/secrets.yml under test.
  8. Run git update-index --assume-unchanged config/secrets.yml so you don't push your token by accident
  9. Update config.repositories = ... in config/application.rb to track some repositories.
  10. Run bundle exec rspec and make sure all tests succeed
  11. Run bundle exec rake db:reset to load the database scheme and fill it. This might take a while.
  12. Run bundle exec rails server to start the server.
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