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ZieIony edited this page Jul 13, 2017 · 4 revisions

Material Design implementation for Android 4.0 and newer. This is not the exact copy of the Lollipop's API and features. It's a custom implementation of the most useful things as shown in the design specification. Carbon tries to:

  • make things easier (specify cornerRadius='dp' instead of creating an xml and/or a ViewOutlineProvider)
  • make it all work and look the same on all APIs (like CheckBox's left padding)
  • really backport features (don't use gradients for shadows!)
  • fix Android's everlasting bugs (TextAllCaps breaks spans)


Android 4.x
  • generated, animated shadows with elevation system
  • the touch ripple
  • rounded corners with content clipping
  • circular reveal
  • theme xml attribute
  • widget and drawable tinting
All APIs
  • simple to use xml attributes for corners and ripples
  • colored shadows
  • brightness/saturadion fade
  • SVG support (with transformations, text, gradients, etc.)
Useful extensions and bugfixes
  • html text
  • percent layouts, anchors, colored insets
  • view stroke
  • visibility animations
  • ttf/otf fonts
  • text auto size
  • TextMarker
Material constants, widgets and components
  • colors, dimensions, typography
  • ready-to-use rows and adapters for RecyclerView
  • DropDown, FloatingActionMenu, RangeSeekBar, ExpandableRecyclerView, FlowLayout, TableView
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