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FreshIO: Smart Fridge Prototype

Configure the Enviornment

Update packages on your raspberry Pi OS

sudo apt-get update

Check the python version, you should have version 3.7 or later for running the code.

python --version

Install virtual environment

pip install virtualenv

Create a Python virtual environment for TFlite

python -m venv ~/tflite

Run the following command whenever you open a new terminal window to activate the virtual environment.

source ~/tflite/bin/activate

Clone this repository

git clone smart-fridge

Change the directory to the project directory.

cd smart-fridge

Install Scipy: first run uname -m to get the architecture of you raspberry Pi, you should see something like armv7l. Then go to this link to download the correponding wheel for your python version and arch. For example you need to download SciPy-1.8.1-cp39-cp39-linux_armv7l.whl for scipy 1.8.1 if your python version is 3.9.X and your arch is armv7l. Then go to the download folder and run the following command to install it (you need to change the .whl name accrodingly).

pip install SciPy-1.8.1-cp39-cp39-linux_armv7l.whl

Install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download Trained Models

For this project, we have trained 5 different food detection models of various sizes. We start from EfficientDet-LiteX object detection models pretrained on COCO dataset, and fine-tune them on a custom food dataset. For detailed information of the custom data set and the fine-tuning process, please refer to this repository. The following table lists the detailed information of the fine-tuned models as well as the corresponding download links.

Models AP AP50 AP75 Size
EfficientDet-Lite0 54.00 75.03 66.02 4.24MB
EfficientDet-Lite1 55.83 75.11 62.77 5.66MB
EfficientDet-Lite2 66.46 82.66 77.15 7.05MB
EfficientDet-Lite3 81.36 96.23 89.70 11.1MB
EfficientDet-Lite4 79.41 94.30 84.23 19.6MB

Download the your preferred trained detection model from its link, and save it into the models folder as models/model.tflite.

Find Suitable Parameter Values

For the landmard-based(LB)-localization algorithm, you need to set up suitable parameter values for your own fridge. To do this, you can run the follow command. Specifically, the localization is based on the greyscale of the landmarks, so you need to find a suitable greyscale threshold GREY_THRESH for you own fridge, and usually the value lies in the range between 30 and 50. You need to find a value so that you can see the bounding boxes like the images below. For LEVEL, it is the number of levels of your fridge. For my fridge below, the value of LEVEL should be set to 3.

python utils/ --grey-thresh GREY_THRESH --level LEVEL

After tuning suitable GREY_THRESH value, the program will print something like: Suggested level values are [52, 140, 248].

Run the Code

To run the code, you need to specify at least the following three

python --ip-address IP_ADDRESS --grey-thresh GREY_THRESH --levels LEVLES

IP_ADDRESS refers to the IP of your raspberryPi, and you can run ifconfig of ipconfig to get the IP of the raspberryPi. GREY_THRESH is the greyscale threshold you find in the previous section. For LEVELS, you can use the out suggested values. One example of running the code is:

python --ip-address --grey-thresh 30 --levels 52 140 248

What the Code Does

Currently, the code is only composed of the video analysis module and the server for the Android App, it does not integrate with sensor data. When you run the code, you are asked to input either 0 or 1 to simulate the light sensor behavior. When user inputs 1, the camera starts recording, otherwise, the recording stops. The video analysis and server parts are running in separate threads. The codes for our developed Android app can be found in Shilan's repo.

Discussions and Future Work

Currently, though we have all sensor part codes available, we have not combined them with other parts and test them in the real settings. As for the video analysis module, the main limitation is the lack of training data, and the model is not sufficiently accurate. I believe that more training samples with make this smart fridge prototype more practical in the future.


Final project for UIUC CS598






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