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Coding Guidelines

Gong Deli edited this page Mar 2, 2018 · 3 revisions

General Development Practices

Here are a few operational guidelines to keep everyone synchronized:

  1. We will use C++14 and avoid the need for other third-party libraries. A rundown of new features in C++14 can be found here. The most important usable features are smart pointers and the OS-agnostic threading library.
  2. Fix all compiler warnings. -Wall will be turned on during compilation. Developers must address all warnings before pushing new code.
  3. Avoid duplicate code. We will maintain a set of reusable utility libraries at 'src/libUtils' such as for logging, tokenizing, and time-locked functions.
  4. Respect the interface. We should maintain a highly-cohesive/loosely-coupled design. If we need to expose some inner workings, a redesign should be done.
  5. Handle errors systematically:
    • If it's a violation based on a contract between developers, use assert. For example, C++ functions like strcpy() do not bother checking for NULL inputs anymore. We will activate -DDEBUG and use assertions during dev phase to quickly detect bugs.
    • If it's an operational error without a recovery means, throw an exception. Examples include resource allocation and I/O errors.
    • If it's an operational error that should be handled during normal execution, use a return value.

Secure Coding

A comprehensive list of C++ secure coding practices can be found here. We need to emphasize the following:

  1. Use smart pointers and avoid raw resource management.

    • Refer to #1 in the Common Mistakes section for some common memory leak examples.
    • Refer to #1 and #2 in the Sample Code section for examples on how to use smart pointers.
  2. Check for bounds. This is another cause of memory leaks. Note that most C++ constructs do not check for bounds. Refer to #2 in the Common Mistakes section for an example using vector.

  3. Avoid deadlocks by ordering all locks in the program. A function/process/thread who wants to acquire lock B has to first acquire all locks above B in the hierarchy.

  4. Do not acquire/release locks manually. Use the C++14 constructs mutex and lock_guard as demonstrated here.

Functional Coding Tips

  1. Declare const all unmodified non-native types.
  2. Prefer the compiler over the preprocessor.
#define MIN_VALUE 1000               // cannot infer from this what our range is
const unsigned int min_value = 1000; // here we know its range is unsigned int

Performance Coding Tips

  1. Use pass-by-ref for all non-native types:
void foo(A a);         // this will incur a copy construction penalty
void foo(const A & a); // no penalty (use const if a should not be modified)
  1. Use class initialization section for non-native types whenever possible:
class myClass
    A a1;
    A a2;
    myClass(const A & src) : a1(src) // no penalty (copy constructor will be used)
        a2 = src; // this will incur default construction penalty
  1. A quick way to clear a buffer:
char buf1[10];
memset(buf1, 0, 10); // clears buf1

char buf2[10] = {0}; // same effect
  1. C++11 has introduced move and rvalue semantics which significantly improves performance by avoiding temporary object creation (for example, during swapping). See Sample Code section for examples.

Formatting and Coding Style

We need to maintain a consistent coding style to make reviews easier, and to give the impression that the product is professionally developed by a cohesive unit.

  1. Use 4 spaces for indents, not tab (editor-specific rendering) or fewer spaces (harder to read).
  2. Put opening/closing braces in their own lines.
  3. Always have opening/closing braces even for single-line branch blocks.
  4. Don't indent preprocessor directives.
#define minval 0       // #4

class myClass
{                      // #2
    myClass(int x);    // #1
    int x;

myClass::myClass(int src) : x(src)
    if (src < minval)
        src = minval;  // #3
  1. Use these templates when creating a new C++ file:

something.cpp template

#include <standard header 1>
#include <standard header 2>
#include "own header 1"
#include "own header 2"

using namespace xxx;

something.h template

#ifndef __SOMETHING_H__
#define __SOMETHING_H__

#include <standard header 1>
#include <standard header 2>
#include "own header 1"
#include "own header 2"

#endif // __SOMETHING_H__
  1. Naming convention: use m_varName for member variables and funcName for member functions.

Common Mistakes

  1. Memory leaks due to manual resource management:
void bar(char ** x)
    *x = new char[10];

// Case 1: Missing deallocation
void foo(char * dst)
    char * a = NULL;
    strcpy(dst, a, 10);
} // a is leaked here

// Case 2: Wrong deallocation
void foo()
    char * a = NULL;
    delete a; // should be delete [] a

// Case 3: Double free
void foo()
    char * a = NULL;
    delete [] a;
    // 100 lines of code follow
    delete [] a;
  1. No bounds checking. Here is an example using vector:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main()
    vector<char> x(5, 'A');

    // No bounds check
        cout << "Fifth element = " << x[5] << "." << endl;
        cout << "Failed 1" << endl;

    // Has bounds check
        cout << "Fifth element = " << << "." << endl;
        cout << "Failed 2" << endl;

    return 0;

Fifth element = .
Failed 2
  1. Sending zero-sized message thru socket --> ```write()`` will stall the program.
  2. Wrong use of break and continue --> break will terminate a loop, continue will proceed to the next loop iteration
  3. Wrong use of sizeof and strlen --> using sizeof() on any pointer (char*, int*, etc.) will return either 4 or 8 bytes depending on 32/64-bit OS
  4. Not using opening/closing braces --> can lead to wrong code logic when code is updated:
Code first version:
if (something)

Code subsequently updated:
if (something)
    do_another_thing(); // will be run regardless of "if" condition

Sample Code

  1. unique_ptr - smart pointer where there is only 1 owner for the resource. Once out of scope, resource is deallocated.
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

unique_ptr<int[]> make_me_an_array(const unsigned int size)
    return make_unique<int[]>(size);

void write_to_the_array(unique_ptr<int[]> & dst, const unsigned int size)
    for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
        dst[i] = i;

void print_the_array(const unique_ptr<int[]> & dst, const unsigned int size)
    if (dst != nullptr)
        for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
            cout << dst[i] << " ";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "It's null!" << endl;

void transfer_ownership(unique_ptr<int[]> dst)
    // It's mine now!
    // Will be freed when I go out of scope

int main()
    unique_ptr<int[]> x = make_me_an_array(5);

    write_to_the_array(x, 5);
    print_the_array(x, 5);
    print_the_array(x, 5);

    return 0;

0 1 2 3 4 
It's null!
  1. shared_ptr - Multiple owners for 1 resource. Once the last owner goes out of scope, the resource is deallocated.

  2. Thread creation

  3. condition_variable - A way to sync update of shared data between threads. See here for an example.

  4. Timers

  5. Lambdas - anonymous functions

  6. move - avoids temp object creation by internally referencing the pointer to the old data to point to the new data

  7. Initialization - these are now possible in C++11:

vector<int> x = { 1, 2, 3 };

class A
    int m_var = 5;