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Merge 221bf97 into 79c5282
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jubnzv committed Oct 6, 2022
2 parents 79c5282 + 221bf97 commit 0161780
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Showing 8 changed files with 593 additions and 6 deletions.
128 changes: 122 additions & 6 deletions src/base/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
* Let bindings
* Library imports
* User-defined ADTs and their constructors
* Fields in contract address types
An ADT is considered as used if it one of:
* Occurs in type annotations of the source code elements after typechecking
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ module DeadCodeDetector (SR : Rep) (ER : Rep) = struct

let emp_idset = SCIdentifierSet.empty
let emp_erset = ERSet.empty
let emp_idsmap = Map.empty (module SCIdentifierComp)

(** Warning level for dead code detection *)
let warning_level_dead_code = 3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,9 +196,7 @@ module DeadCodeDetector (SR : Rep) (ER : Rep) = struct

(** Collects a mapping from ADTs to their constructor definitions. *)
let collect_adts_to_ctrs lentries =
List.fold_left lentries
~init:(Map.empty (module SCIdentifierComp))
~f:(fun m lentry ->
List.fold_left lentries ~init:emp_idsmap ~f:(fun m lentry ->
match lentry with
| LibTyp (id, ctr_defs) ->
Map.set m ~key:(SCIdentifier.get_id id) ~data:ctr_defs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,6 +531,120 @@ module DeadCodeDetector (SR : Rep) (ER : Rep) = struct
| CompTrans -> SCIdentifierSet.union param_adts res_param_adts
| CompProc -> res_param_adts ))

let merge_id_maps m1 m2 =
Map.merge m1 m2 ~f:(fun ~key:_ -> function
| `Both (s1, s2) -> Some (Set.union s1 s2) | `Left s | `Right s -> Some s)

(** Returns a list of fields with the contract address type from
[address_params] that are used in [s]. *)
let rec get_used_address_fields address_params (s, _annot) =
match s with
| RemoteLoad (_, addr, field) | RemoteMapGet (_, addr, field, _, _) ->
Map.set emp_idsmap ~key:(get_id addr)
~data:(SCIdentifierSet.singleton (get_id field))
| MatchStmt (_id, arms) ->
List.fold_left arms ~init:emp_idsmap ~f:(fun m (_pattern, stmts) ->
List.fold_left stmts ~init:emp_idsmap ~f:(fun m sa ->
get_used_address_fields address_params sa |> merge_id_maps m)
|> merge_id_maps m)
| Bind _ | Load _ | Store _ | MapUpdate _ | MapGet _ | ReadFromBC _
| TypeCast _ | AcceptPayment | Iterate _ | SendMsgs _ | CreateEvnt _
| CallProc _ | Throw _ | GasStmt _ ->

(** Updates a map of identifiers [m] iff [ty] has contract address type.
[m] has the following structure: [id |-> F] where [F] is a set of field
names used in the contract address type. *)
let update_contract_params_map m id ty =
match ty with
| SType.Address (ContrAddr addr) ->
let data =
List.fold_left (SType.IdLoc_Comp.Map.keys addr) ~init:emp_idset
~f:(fun s id -> SCIdentifierSet.add s (get_id id))
Map.set m ~key:(SCIdentifier.get_id id) ~data
| _ -> m

(** Checks for unused fields in contract address types of [comp]'s
Returns a set of ids of contract parameters used in this [comp]. *)
let check_contract_address_types_in_params contract_params
used_contract_params comp =
let address_params =
List.fold_left comp.comp_params ~init:contract_params
~f:(fun m (id, ty) -> update_contract_params_map m id ty)
let used_addresses =
(* addr |-> set of used fields *)
List.fold_left comp.comp_body ~init:emp_idsmap ~f:(fun m s ->
get_used_address_fields address_params s |> merge_id_maps m)
(* Generate warnings for unused fields in component arguments. *)
List.iter comp.comp_params ~f:(fun (id, ty) ->
let name = get_id id in
match (Map.find address_params name, Map.find used_addresses name) with
| Some fields, Some used_fields
when not @@ phys_equal (Set.length fields) (Set.length used_fields)
-> (
match ty with
| SType.Address (ContrAddr m) ->
List.iter (SType.IdLoc_Comp.Map.keys m) ~f:(fun id ->
let name = get_id id in
if Set.mem fields name && (not @@ Set.mem used_fields name)
("Unused field in the contract address type: "
^ as_error_string id)
(SType.TIdentifier.get_rep id))
| _ -> ())
| _ -> ());
(* Collect fields of the [cmod] contract with contract address types used
in this component. *)
Map.keys used_addresses
|> List.fold_left ~init:used_contract_params ~f:(fun used_ids_map used_id ->
match Map.find used_ids_map used_id with
| Some used_fields ->
let data =
Map.find_exn used_addresses used_id |> Set.union used_fields
Map.set used_ids_map ~key:used_id ~data
| None ->
let data = Map.find_exn used_addresses used_id in
Map.set used_ids_map ~key:used_id ~data)

(** Checks for unused fields in contract address types. *)
let check_contract_address_types cmod =
let contract_params =
List.fold_left cmod.contr.cparams ~init:emp_idsmap ~f:(fun m (id, ty) ->
update_contract_params_map m id ty)
let used_contract_params =
List.fold_left cmod.contr.ccomps ~init:emp_idsmap ~f:(fun used c ->
check_contract_address_types_in_params contract_params used c)
(* Report unused contract parameters with contract address types. *)
Map.keys contract_params
|> List.iter ~f:(fun param ->
match Map.find used_contract_params param with
| Some used_fields ->
let all_fields = Map.find_exn contract_params param in
let unused_fields = Set.diff all_fields used_fields in
if not @@ Set.is_empty unused_fields then
List.iter cmod.contr.cparams ~f:(fun (id, _ty) ->
if SCIdentifier.Name.equal param (SCIdentifier.get_id id)
Set.iter unused_fields ~f:(fun f ->
("Unused field in the contract address type: "
^ SCIdentifier.Name.as_string f)
(ER.get_loc (SCIdentifier.get_rep id))))
| None ->
(* All the fields of [param] are unused, so we don't report it.
It is an unused contract parameter.*)

(** Checks for dead code in the fields and constraints of a contract
@return Live variables, ADTs and constructors, including ones found in
fields and constraints. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -676,16 +790,18 @@ module DeadCodeDetector (SR : Rep) (ER : Rep) = struct
let dc_cmod (cmod : cmodule) (elibs : libtree list) =
let fields_state = cmod in
let adts_to_ctrs =
Option.value_map cmod.libs
~default:(Map.empty (module SCIdentifierComp))
~f:(fun l -> collect_adts_to_ctrs l.lentries)
Option.value_map cmod.libs ~default:emp_idsmap ~f:(fun l ->
collect_adts_to_ctrs l.lentries)

(* Check components *)
let lv_comps, comps_adts, comps_ctrs, comp_param_adts =
check_comps cmod fields_state

(* Check for unused fields in contract address types *)
check_contract_address_types cmod;

(* Check fields and constraints *)
let lv_fields, adts_fields, ctrs_fields =
check_fields_and_constraints cmod lv_comps comps_adts comps_ctrs
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tests/checker/good/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ module Tests = Scilla_test.Util.DiffBasedTests (struct
Expand Down
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions tests/checker/good/gold/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
"cashflow_tags": {
"State variables": [ { "field": "param_contr", "tag": "NoInfo" } ],
"ADT constructors": []
"contract_info": {
"scilla_major_version": "0",
"vname": "Dead15",
"params": [
"vname": "param_contr",
"type": "ByStr20 with contract field param_unused : ByStr20, field param_used : ByStr20 end"
"fields": [],
"transitions": [
"vname": "tr1",
"params": [
"vname": "contract_address",
"type": "ByStr20 with contract field field1 : ByStr20, field field2 : Uint128, field unused_field : Map (Uint256) (ByStr20) end"
"vname": "tr2",
"params": [
"vname": "contract_address_unused",
"type": "ByStr20 with contract field field1 : ByStr20, field field2 : Uint128 end"
"vname": "contract_address",
"type": "ByStr20 with contract field field3 : Uint64, field field4 : Uint64 end"
{ "vname": "tr3", "params": [] }
"procedures": [
"vname": "do_accept",
"params": [ { "vname": "a", "type": "ByStr20" } ]
"events": [],
"ADTs": [
"tname": "Option",
"tparams": [ "'A" ],
"tmap": [
{ "cname": "Some", "argtypes": [ "'A" ] },
{ "cname": "None", "argtypes": [] }
"tname": "Bool",
"tparams": [],
"tmap": [
{ "cname": "True", "argtypes": [] },
{ "cname": "False", "argtypes": [] }
"tname": "Nat",
"tparams": [],
"tmap": [
{ "cname": "Zero", "argtypes": [] },
{ "cname": "Succ", "argtypes": [ "Nat" ] }
"tname": "List",
"tparams": [ "'A" ],
"tmap": [
{ "cname": "Cons", "argtypes": [ "'A", "List ('A)" ] },
{ "cname": "Nil", "argtypes": [] }
"tname": "Pair",
"tparams": [ "'A", "'B" ],
"tmap": [ { "cname": "Pair", "argtypes": [ "'A", "'B" ] } ]
"warnings": [
"warning_message": "Unused field in the contract address type: param_unused",
"start_location": {
"file": "contracts/dead_code_test15.scilla",
"line": 10,
"column": 5
"end_location": { "file": "", "line": 0, "column": 0 },
"warning_id": 3
"warning_message": "Unused field in the contract address type: field4",
"start_location": {
"file": "contracts/dead_code_test15.scilla",
"line": 35,
"column": 13
"end_location": { "file": "", "line": 0, "column": 0 },
"warning_id": 3
"warning_message": "Unused field in the contract address type: unused_field",
"start_location": {
"file": "contracts/dead_code_test15.scilla",
"line": 22,
"column": 11
"end_location": { "file": "", "line": 0, "column": 0 },
"warning_id": 3
"warning_message": "Unused transition parameter: contract_address",
"start_location": {
"file": "contracts/dead_code_test15.scilla",
"line": 33,
"column": 5
"end_location": { "file": "", "line": 0, "column": 0 },
"warning_id": 3
"warning_message": "Unused transition parameter: contract_address_unused",
"start_location": {
"file": "contracts/dead_code_test15.scilla",
"line": 29,
"column": 5
"end_location": { "file": "", "line": 0, "column": 0 },
"warning_id": 3
"warning_message": "Unused remote load statement to: a",
"start_location": {
"file": "contracts/dead_code_test15.scilla",
"line": 37,
"column": 3
"end_location": { "file": "", "line": 0, "column": 0 },
"warning_id": 3
"warning_message": "Unused transition parameter: contract_address",
"start_location": {
"file": "contracts/dead_code_test15.scilla",
"line": 19,
"column": 16
"end_location": { "file": "", "line": 0, "column": 0 },
"warning_id": 3
"warning_message": "Unused remote load statement to: a",
"start_location": {
"file": "contracts/dead_code_test15.scilla",
"line": 23,
"column": 3
"end_location": { "file": "", "line": 0, "column": 0 },
"warning_id": 3
"warning_message": "Unused remote load statement to: b",
"start_location": {
"file": "contracts/dead_code_test15.scilla",
"line": 24,
"column": 3
"end_location": { "file": "", "line": 0, "column": 0 },
"warning_id": 3
"warning_message": "Unused procedure parameter: a",
"start_location": {
"file": "contracts/dead_code_test15.scilla",
"line": 15,
"column": 21
"end_location": { "file": "", "line": 0, "column": 0 },
"warning_id": 3
"gas_remaining": "7999"

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