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Julian Hangstörfer edited this page Jul 13, 2019 · 2 revisions

Supported media types:

  • 'video': Videos.
  • 'audio': Audios.
  • 'document': Documents, pdfs.
  • 'channel': A user/channel.
  • 'collection'
  • 'group'

Supported url formats:

  • 'long'(default): Regular urls.
  • 'embed': Embedded urls.

Creating urls with different media types:

mediaType/formats long embed
document X
channel X
collection X
group X

Special parameters:

  • 'list': Playlist id.

Parsing Examples:

> urlParser.parse('')
> urlParser.parse('')
> urlParser.parse('')
    provider: 'teachertube',
    id: '488055',
    mediaType: 'video',

> urlParser.parse('')
> urlParser.parse('')
    provider: 'teachertube',
    id: '11814',
    mediaType: 'audio',

> urlParser.parse('')
    provider: 'teachertube',
    id: '36486',
    mediaType: 'document'

> urlParser.parse('')
    provider: 'teachertube',
    id: 'mathforkids',
    mediaType: 'group'

> urlParser.parse('')
    provider: 'teachertube',
    id: '4728',
    mediaType: 'collection'

> urlParser.parse('')
    provider: 'teachertube',
    id: 'michaelfrancismari',
    mediaType: 'channel'

> urlParser.parse('')
    provider: 'teachertube',
    id: 'michaelfrancismari',
    mediaType: 'channel'
    list: '10125'

Creation Examples:

> urlParser.create({
    videoInfo: {
        provider: 'teachertube',
        id: '488055',
        mediaType: 'video',
    format: <format>
'long': ''
'embed': ''

> urlParser.create({
    videoInfo: {
        provider: 'teachertube',
        id: '11814',
        mediaType: 'audio',
    format: <format>
'long': ''
'embed': ''

> urlParser.create({
    videoInfo: {
      provider: 'teachertube',
      id: '36486',
      mediaType: 'document'
    format: <format>
'long': ''

> urlParser.create({
    videoInfo: {
      provider: 'teachertube',
      id: 'mathforkids',
      mediaType: 'group'
    format: <format>
'long': ''

> urlParser.create({
    videoInfo: {
      provider: 'teachertube',
      id: '4728',
      mediaType: 'collection'
    format: <format>
'long': ''

> urlParser.create({
    videoInfo: {
      provider: 'teachertube',
      id: 'michaelfrancismari',
      mediaType: 'channel'
    format: <format>
'long': ''

> urlParser.create({
    videoInfo: {
      provider: 'teachertube',
      id: 'michaelfrancismari',
      mediaType: 'channel'
      list: '10125'
    format: <format>
'long': ''