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Building SASSA for Linux (OpenJDK) v0.5.0 OUTDATED

Zodsmar edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 1 revision

It runs okay with the build (Except minor UI issues with text overlapping other area and "Start" button being super small. I've attached the screenshot for references.

Start Screen

Data Screen

For those who want to build it for themselves:

  1. Install java sudo apt install open-jdk open-jre (minecraft auto installs them so if you have minecraft you are good to go)
  2. Install javafx sudo apt install openjfx
  3. Get the latest gradle. DO NOT USE THE REPOSITORY VERSION. It fails on step 5.

Here is a quick tutorial on how to do that: (Instead of version 5.0 on the tutorial, use 6.3 [replace every 5.0 on that tutorial with 6.3]

  1. Clone the repo, go to that folder, switch to dev branch git checkout development and run chmod +x ./gradlew

Edit: You dont need to switch to that branch, its already merged to master.

  1. You apparently need to run a wrapper: gradle wrapper
  2. After its done, build using: ./gradlew build
  3. You can run the built file: ./gradlew run

Posted by A4D4R

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