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Frontend files for a full-stack site to review movies in haiku format alone.

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Haiku Reviews

Visit the site!

Where brevity is the soul of movies

Description: Did you just see a movie you love and want to write a review for it? Check out Haiku Reviews, where you must submit your review in a 5-7-5 format. Use all your cleverness and share with other users!

User: Movie lovers who want to share their opinions in clever ways

User Story:

  • A user should be able to access the homepage and see the top Haikus of the moment.
  • They should also be able to search movies and find associated Haikus.
  • They can also look at an individual Haiku and the rating/comments associated with it.
  • Logged in users can see their profile page
  • Logged in users can add Haikus to movies
  • Logged in users may edit/remove their own Haikus
  • Logged in users can comment on/rate other Haikus




Homepage Homepage

Movie Search


Profile Page


Haiku with Comments HaikuShow

User View of Haiku


Add Haiku View



Sprint 1: Backend

  • Auth model created for User
  • Models created for Profile, Haiku, and Comment
  • Full CRUD routes on Haiku, and Comment
  • Profile has an Update route
  • Bonus: Delete function on User/Profile

Sprint 2: Tying Front to back (minimal front)

  • All routes implemented in React Router
  • Show pages for Haiku and Profile showing info
  • Add/update pages for Haiku
  • Movie show page
  • Front page with login/signup/logout

Sprint 3: Frontend Beautification

  • Navbar implemented with changing text if user is logged in or not
  • CSS for all pages
  • Front page with carousel implemented
  • Rating/Comment system added into Frontend
  • Arrange Haikus by rating -- then date
  • Profile Image uploader / Profile Update
  • Edit/Delete functionality for user’s Haikus and comments

Sprint 4: Tying in APIs

  • Tie in OMDB data to appear on the Movie show page
  • OMDB data should also be scraped into a Model if non exist
  • Check Add/Edit Haiku line length against Words API

Sprint 5: Extras

  • Simple Rating system (no comment required)
  • Haiku Pagination (on Profile & Movie show pages)
  • Links to external sites (IMDB, Amazon, etc)
  • Thesaurus/word help (from Words API)
  • About page
  • Message system


  • Friday - Sprint 1
  • Saturday - Sprint 1
  • Sunday - Sprint 2
  • Monday - Sprint 3
  • Tuesday - Sprint 4
  • Wednesday - Sprint 5
  • Thursday - Final Cleanup

Tech used

Languages, Libraries, Frameworks

  • Python
  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • React
  • JS
  • HTML
  • CSS


  • OMDB API (to find/return movie data)
  • Words API (to test syllables)


  • react-router-dom
  • axios
  • jwt-decode
  • dotenv

What I learned from this project

It's become obvious that clear initial vision equates to speedy and thoughtful progress. There were a number of innovations in this project from the outset. Knowing this allowed me to factor my code in reusable ways--just what you need for a React project!

Working with both react-router-dom AND Django Rest Framework at the same time was a challenge! I love React, and am growing fond of Django, but getting both to interact exactly as I wanted felt a little fiddly. I'm pleased with the results, but want to continue learning as I'm sure there are faster, smarter ways of structuring my code (in Django Rest Framework), or utilizing paths in smarter, more effective ways.

React's component system continues to be my favorite. I kept trimming down my components, realizing I didn't need this shell, or that view. I want to continue tightening up this code--particularly on the models or extraneous function end--React makes that interesting. And adding react-router-dom's Switch/Routes, I was able to utilize some fun tricks on my Movie Container.

I'm proud of this capstone project--and hope to continue iterating it to be the pristine, seamless app that any haiku writer would be proud of.

Code I'm proud of

2 APIs => 1 smart list

Since my database is meant to grow as needed from OMDB's list, I needed a way of sorting and comparing--with mine getting precedence. OMDB's "Title" to the rescue! What initially was a mistake turned into a way of comparing. SortCompare

Star Display

How to represent decimal places in a star display? Why, add a percentage-based style on render (This code targeted for DRYing -- obvious duplication) StarDispaly


Knowing early on that I wanted an everpresent footer--but also wanted a drawer to appear and disappear without covering information, I devised this smart drawer. It shortens the height of app--which means that as you scroll through the data you can see all of it--even if you've left the drawer open. DrawerHideControls DrawerHideSpacer

Movie Search's children

Initially, Movie Search was written to have a single child. But when I realized I wanted a similar search (with a dropdown instead of images) on the New Haiku page, implemented this router to show how the list data should render. MovieSearchChild


Frontend files for a full-stack site to review movies in haiku format alone.







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