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Test assignment for

Object of this task is to create a simple REST API. You have to use Django and Django rest framework. Social Network

Basic models:

  • User
  • Post (always made by a user) Basic features:
  • user signup
  • user login
  • post creation
  • post like
  • post unlike

For User and Post objects, candidate is free to define attributes as they see fit.


  • Token authentication (JWT is prefered)
  • use Django with any other Django batteries, databases etc. Optional (will be a plus):
  • use for getting additional data for the user on signup
  • use for verifying email existence on signup

Automated bot Object of this bot demonstrate functionalities of the system according to defined rules. This bot should read rules from a config file (in any format chosen by the candidate), but should have following fields (all integers, candidate can rename as they see fit):

  • number_of_users
  • max_posts_per_user
  • max_likes_per_user Bot should read the configuration and create this activity:
  • signup users (number provided in config)
  • each user creates random number of posts with any content (up to max_posts_per_user)
  • After creating the signup and posting activity, posts should be liked randomly, posts can be liked multiple times


  • emailhunter and clearbit have either free pricing plans or free trial, the candidate can use their own account if he would like implement the functionality
  • visual aspect of the project is not important, the candidate can create a frontend for viewing the result, but it is not necessary (will be a plus). Clean and usable REST API is important
  • the project is not defined in detail, the candidate should use their best judgment for every non-specified requirements (including chosen tech, third party apps, etc), however
  • every decision must be explained and backed by arguments in the interview
  • Result should be sent by providing a Git url. This is a mandatory requirement.

Configuration Backend

Environment variables

$ cd docker/django
$ nano .env # See to table environment variables backend

Configuration Bot

Environment variables

$ cd docker/bot
$ nano .env # See to table environment variables bot


if you wanna change configs for bot follow this commands:

$ cd starnavi-bot
$ nano config.ini # See to table config.ini

Environment variables backend

Key Description Default value
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY mysecretkey secret-key
DJANGO_DEBUG Debug mode True or False True
DEFAULT_DATABASE_URL postgres://user:password@host:port/database_name postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/starnavi
POSTGRES_USER Postgres username postgres
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Postgres password postgres
POSTGRES_DB Postgres database name postgres
PGDATA Postgres volume /var/lib/postgresql/data
REDIS_HOST Redis host redis
REDIS_PORT Redis port 6379
REDIS_DB Redis database 0
CLEARBIT_KEY Clearbit key from
HUNTER_KEY Hunter key from

Environment variables bot

Key Description Default value
JWT_SECRET_KEY JWT secret key secret-key


Key Description Default value
api_url Api url for backend http://starnavi-backend:8000/api/v1
path_to_emails Path to user emails (format file .txt) email_list.txt
number_of_users Number of users 1
max_posts_per_user Max posts per user 10
max_likes_per_user Max likes per user 3

Run project

$ cd docker
$ docker-compose up


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