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A list of simple programming challenges that are not only good for beginners, but fun for intermediate/experienced coders. Anyone is welcome to code their own solutions and submit them here!

Anyone can:

  • Take any approach and use any language you wish to solve the challenges.
  • Solve challenges that have already been solved by somebody else
  • Submit ideas for new challenges or changes to the list

As mentioned above, each challenge can be solved multiple times by multiple people, as the goal of this list is not to solve every single challenge listed, but rather to have the people solving them learn something new and get better at coding. So if there's a challenge which you want to take a shot at, but someone else has already coded a solution for it, then you don't need to worry about it.

This repository is also a great way to make your first pull requests. To see how to contribute a solution to a programming challenge, see our steps here.


  • If a problem is too easy, choose a language you are unfamiliar with to spice things up!
  • If you get stuck or overwhelmed, don't become discouraged. Simplify your problem! Use pen and paper, help yourself understand and/or visualise your problem.
  • Remember that Stackoverflow and Google are your best troubleshooting companions. If you are facing a programming-related issue now, chances are, someone in the past also has!
  • Don't be afraid to write terrible code. If anything, this is the repository to do it!


Due to the fact that the difficulty of each task is VERY subjective, the challenges are not categorized by difficulty.

Challenge Folder name Description
Towers of Hanoi towers_of_hanoi Simple towers of Hanoi puzzle using 3 rods and N disks.
Random sentence generator sentence_generator Simple random sentence generator. Can be pseudorandom, use a Markov Chain, and so on.
Simple Calculator calculator Simple calculator that uses basic arithmetic functions such as +, -, /, etc.
Calculate first N digits of Pi pi_calculator Calculate and print the first N digits of pi, or just print the Nth digit.
Image to ASCII art image_to_ascii Algorithm for converting an image to ASCII art.
Temperature converter temperature_converter Convert temperature values to and from various units.
Fizzbuzz fizzbuzz Simple programming task often asked at job interviews.
Base converter base_converter Convert to and from binary/octal/decimal/hexadecimal etc.
Port scanner port_scanner Simple program that probes a host for open ports.
RPN Calculator rpn_calculator Like a regular calculator, but using RPN (Reverse polish Notation).
ASCII Digital Clock ascii_clock Digital clock that displays the time in ASCII.
Snake snake Simple snake game.
Rock Paper Scissors rock_paper_scissors Basic Rock Paper Scissors game.
Eulerian Path eulerian_path See the following
Draw a spinning 3D cube spinning_cube Drawing spinning 3-Dimensional shapes
Highest prime factor calculator hpf_calculator Find the highest prime factor of a given number N
Password Generator password_generator Simple password generator. Bonus for allowing user customization options such as special or upper/lower-case characters.
Caesar Cipher encryption/decryption ceasar_cipher Tool for encrypting & decrypting strings of text or other data using a Ceasar cipher.
Benford's Law benfords_law Given a list of numbers, find how closely the list follows Benford's law. The list of numbers can be any real-life set of numerical data.
Youtube to MP3/MP4 youtube_downloader Tool for downloading MP3 and/or MP4 formats of Youtube videos
Media downloader media_downloader Tool for downloading media (Images/Video/Audio) from the web, whether it be from Youtube, Instagram, Soundcloud etc.
Text to Hex/Binary text_converter Convert text strings into numerical values represented in binary and/or hexadecimal.
Sierpiński Triangle sierpinski_triangle An algorithm which prints a Sierpiński Triangle
Basic Neural Network basic_neural_network A simple neural network with inputs and outputs.
Count characters/word in a string word_char_counter Algorithm that counts the occurences of a word or single character in a given string.
Calculate Age in seconds age_calculator Convert a given age (in years) to seconds.
Non-Ceasar Cipher encryption/decryption noncaesar_encryption An encryption/decryption algorithm not using a caesar cipher shift technique.
Magic 8-Ball magic_eight_ball A simple magic 8-Ball that gives random responses when asked a question.
Sudoku Generator/Solver sudoku A simple program for generating sudoku boards and/or solving them.
Geekcode generator geekcode_generator Generate a block of geekcode based on various parameters.
Hangman hangman Simple hangman game.
Collatz_Conjecture collatz_conjecture Given a number N, follow the steps of the Collatz Conjecture and count the number of steps until 1 is reached.
Scientific Calculator scientific_calculator Similiar to the previous, more basic calculator, although this time with many more functions and possible computations.
Currency converter currency_converter Convert to and from various currencies. Ideally you should grab the live exchange rates from the web.
Text to ASCII text_to_ascii Simple program which converts string input into larger ASCII text
Simple paint clone paint_clone A simple paint clone that allows you to draw lines on a canvas with your mouse and/or keyboard
Longest common substring longest_common_substring Take multiple strings and find the longest common sub-string among them.
Draw a circle with arbitrary radius circle_drawer Allow the user to specify a radius and use it to draw a corresponding circle.
Matrix rotator matrix_rotator Given an n x n matrix as input, allow for rotating/flipping/reversing the matrix (as if it were an image). Bonus for implementing m x n (non-square) rotation!
Integer to Roman numeral integer_to_roman Convert a given integer value to roman numerals.

How to contribute

1. Fork this repository from your web browser

2. Clone your forked repository into a directory or your choice:

git clone{Your Username}/Awesome-Programming-Challenges

3. Make a new branch and create a new remote upstream (i.e link with the original repository for syncing):

git checkout -b your_new_branch
git remote add upstream

The name of your_new_branch does not matter much, so you can name it whatever you'd like.

4. On your new branch, make a folder (if it does not exist already) named after the task you are attempting, for example:

mkdir temperature_converter

You can use git status to check which branch you are currently on.

The folder names for each challenge can be found in the list above.

5. In that folder, create another folder named after your Github username. That folder will contain your file(s) for the solution you have created. In brief, your submission should look something like this in the file directory: Example:


for a single file, or:

└── your_username/

for a multi-file solution.

6. Add, commit and push your solution to your fork using these commands:

git add .
git commit -m "description of changed files"
git push -u origin your_new_branch

7. After successfully pushing, you can finally submit your solution by opening up a pull request through your fork on your web browser. If you do not know how to do this, see the following.

Submitting new challenges or changes to the current list

You are also free to suggest new challenges to the list or changes to the current ones. You can do so with a regular pull-request or by opening an issue.