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Releases: ZtechNetwork/MCBVanillaBehaviorPack

Vanilla Behavior Pack for v1.20.0

09 Jun 06:18
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  • Updated for v1.20.0.
  • Added the camera directory which includes the experimental free camera for POVs.
  • View the game changelog here.
  • View changes here.

Vanilla Behavior Pack for v1.19.70

16 Mar 21:02
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  • Updated for v1.19.70.
  • View the game changelog here.
  • View changes here.

Vanilla Behavior Pack for v1.19.63

02 Mar 17:18
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  • Updated for v1.19.63.
  • View the game changelog here.
  • View changes here.

Vanilla Behavior Pack for v1.19.2

22 Jun 23:37
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  • Updated for v1.19.2.
  • Readded the behavior_trees directory.
  • View the game changelog here.
  • View changes here.

Vanilla Behavior Pack for v1.19.0

12 Jun 02:32
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  • Updated for v1.19.0.
  • View the game changelog here.
  • View changes here.

Vanilla Behavior Pack for v1.18.0

04 Dec 17:30
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  • Updated for v1.18.0.
  • View the game changelog here.
  • View changes here.

Vanilla Behavior Pack for v1.17.10

25 Aug 02:42
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  • Updated documentation for DisplayNameItemComponent.
  • Updated documentation for BlockUnwalkableComponent.
  • Incoming client-sync properties for newly seen types will properly register with client-side Actor Property Manager groups.
  • Added recipes for candles.


  • query.wing_flap_position now works with the Ender Dragon.
  • Added query.show_bottom - a query for determining whether or not the entity's bottom is rendered.
  • Added query.death_time - a query for determining the elapsed ticks since a mob started dying.
  • Added math.min_angle - a math expression for minimizing the angle magnitude (in degrees) into the range [-180, 180].
  • Fixed experimental to work on client-side queries.
  • View the official changelog here.

Vanilla Behavior Pack for v1.16.220

12 Apr 02:07
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Changes and Fixes

  • Renamed all references of Actor to Entity.
  • Renamed BlockPos to BlockLocation.
  • Updated Behavior Packs to require explicit module dependencies when using other native modules.
  • Identifiers within render_controllers will now be considered content errors if there is no render controller matching that name.
  • Entity json before version 1.16.100 will no longer give a content error for the deprecated field minecraft:foot_size.
  • Modified condition in trident.animation_controllers.json to allow mobs to enter  wield_third_person_raise.
  • Fixed an issue where loading into a world would cause continuous MoLang errors around "unhandled request for unknown variable".
  • Items can now have the transparentattachable tag applied to make attachable items not render for the player wearing them in the first person perspective.
  • Fixed an issue where V2 Villagers were not properly updating their MoLang variables on initialization.

Vanilla Behavior Pack for v1.16.210

10 Mar 03:31
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  • Added Fog documentation.
  • Updated documentation for v1.16.210.


  • Horses, Donkeys, Mules, Skeleton Horses, and Zombie Horses can now properly be given custom names, and identified using their respective runtime_identifier.
  • Improved performance for actors using TemptGoal.
  • Zombie villagers spawned from zombie spawners on Marketplace worlds that were created after version 1.11 now correctly spawn as V2 zombie villagers. When cured, they will now correctly turn into V2 villagers.
  • Fixed upgrade path for format_version 1.13.0 boats to be properly upgraded to 1.16.100, which resolves a bug where boats templated worlds with a version lower than 1.16.100 had no gravity.
  • Structure blocks no longer auto-save data when structure name text box is deselected.
  • Entities that use material state "Blending" now render correctly behind transparent parts.
  • The scoreboard data of an entity is no longer removed if the entity is being teleported to an unloaded area of the world.
  • Custom blocks now can only drop default state when broken, even with Silk Touch.


  • Structures can now be deleted from the saved structure list using the new /structure delete <name> command.
  • Added new slash command options for /setblock, /fill, and /clone commands for passing in a list of block states to set on the block being spawned.
  • A boolean parameter called ignore_game_mode has been added for the block event response decrement_stack, set to false by default. Thus decrement_stack no longer decreases the item stack when playing in Creative by default.
  • Changing RideableComponent property rotate_rider_by to function for custom mobs.
  • SetBlock and SetBlockAtPos events now support custom block states.
  • Attachable items created in 1.16.2 and before will not render for their player in first person. Attachable items created after 1.16.2 will render for their player in first person unless they are armor.

Custom Biomes and Blocks

  • Disabled loading of entities in custom biome features.
  • Fixed UVs of data-driven blocks to not be slightly shrunk, which caused texel warping.
  • Fixed data-driven blocks being pushed by pistons not working correctly.

Render Offsets Component

  • Simple items, like swords or pickaxes, can have an optional offset applied to them to modify the way they are rendered. Note this component should not be added to an attachable item.
  • Component Variables:
    • main_hand - An optional object storing optional transform data for first_person and third_person for the player's right hand.
    • off_hand - An optional object storing optional transform data for first_person and third_person for the player's left hand.
    • first_person - An optional object storing 3 vectors position, rotation, scale used to build the first person matrix.
    • third_person- An optional object storing 3 vectors position, rotation, scale used to build the third person matrix.

Vanilla Behavior Pack for v1.16.200

05 Feb 16:42
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  • Turning bandwidth optimizations off to see if it fixes stationary mob problem and entity "lag" issues.
  • Custom projectiles once again animate properly.
  • Fixed an issue where loot tables with a set_data function produced incorrect loot items.
  • Fixed face occlusion with data-driven blocks to properly account for unit cube transparent vs unit cube opaque.
  • Data-driven blocks no longer have their top faces rotated 180 degrees when carried or in inventory.
  • Fixed an issue with a runaway block ticking queue that occurred on a looping data-driven block that changed itself to a different permutation. The bug could cause memory issues, increased load and save times, as well as stalling the game periodically. (No ID)
  • Fixed data-driven blocks to shrink UVs the same way as actors to prevent UV bleeding. (No ID)
  • Fixed some culling issues with data-driven blocks larger than 1x1x1 when placed on a chunk boundary. Also added content warnings for larger blocks
  • Changed set_block and set_block_at_pos to use BlockDescriptor when specifying block_type.
  • Old command versions now use the previous position instead of current one
    Fixed issue where query.cardinal_block_face_placed_on no longer worked with on_player_placing.
  • Changed texture atlas padding size from 0 to 1 when disabling mipmap
  • Fixed issue of blocks listed in the "minecraft:block_placer" component not working correctly.
  • Fixed player smaller hitbox while swimming and gliding from being reset after an event is sent on the player.
  • Fixed custom spawn egg generation in template worlds.
  • MoLang geometry, material, and texture variable names can once again contain dots.
  • Items with the item lock component no longer cause the recipe book to show invalid recipe results.


  • Added query.cardinal_facing_2d to get a ground plane direction that doesn't return up or down.
  • Added the ability to put block models into the models/blocks folder.
  • Added the ability for item triggers to send events to the block they are interacting with. (when there is one such as on_use_on)
  • Added the ability to query the interacted face for both interactions with blocks and using minecraft:on_use_on in an item. Face can be queried with query.block_face.


  • Fixed using query.get_equipped_item_name with an item that was renamed not returning the right result. We now tie this to vanilla versioning so that the old name is returned if the world is tied to a specific vanilla version.
  • add_mob_effect and remove_mob_effect no longer throw content errors when valid effect names are passed in.
  • Added documentation for remove_mob_effect to make creators aware they can use the value all in effect to remove all mob effects from a target.
  • Fixed items not being placeable in additional horse equipment slots. Does not fix all equippable behaviors.
  • Inventory size on the minecraft:inventory component has to be increased to match the equippable slots in order for the server to accept the item placement.
  • The tooltip for item with item lock component will no longer show when game rule showtags is disabled.

(Missing entity files should now all be present in this release)