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Regularized Adversarial Training

This repository contains code to train and evaluate models against adversarially chosen rotations and translations. It can be used to reproduce the main experiments of:

Invariance-inducing regularization using worst-case transformations suffices to boost accuracy and spatial robustness
Fanny Yang, Zuowen Wang and Christina Heinze-Deml

The code is based on

The main scipts to run are and, which will train and evaluate a model respectively.

Note: only supports groups of size 2 for now.

Different training options are included in the folder configs A template is annotated below.

  "model": {
      "output_dir": "output/cifar10",
      "pad_mode": "constant",
      "model_family": "resnet",
      "resnet_depth_n": 5,
      "filters": [16, 16, 32, 64],
      "pad_size": 32,
      "n_classes": 10,
      "use_reg": true   #true if we use regularization

  "training": {
      "tf_random_seed": 1,
      "np_random_seed": 1,
      "max_num_training_steps": 80000,
      "num_output_steps": 5000,
      "num_summary_steps": 5000,
      "num_easyeval_steps": 5000,
      "num_eval_steps": 80000,
      "num_checkpoint_steps": 5000,
      "num_ids": 64,       #annotated as b
      "batch_size": 128,   #can be b, 2b or 3b
      "lr" : 0.1,
      "step_size_schedule": [[0, 0.1], [40000, 0.01], [60000, 0.001]],
      "momentum": 0.9,
      "weight_decay": 0.0002,
      "eval_during_training": true,
      "adversarial_training": true,
      "adversarial_ce": false,  # set to true if only adversarial examples are used for cross-entropy
      "nat_ce": false,          # set to true if only original examples are used for cross-entropy
      "data_augmentation": true,false,
      "group_size": 2,
      "lambda_": 1          #the coefficient of the regularizer 

  "eval": {
      "num_eval_examples": 10000,
      "batch_size": 128,
      "adversarial_eval": true

#defense mechanism
  "defense": {
      "reg_type": "kl",
      "cce_adv_exp_wrt": "cce", # adversarial examples used for cross-entropy are generated w.r.t 
      "reg_adv_exp_wrt": "kl", # adversarial examples used for regularizer are generated w.r.t 

      "use_linf": false,
      "use_spatial": true,
      "only_rotation": false,
      "only_translation": false,

      "loss_function": "xent",
      "epsilon": 8.0,
      "num_steps": 5,
      "step_size": 2.0,
      "random_start": false,

      "spatial_method": "random",
      "spatial_limits": [3, 3, 30],
      "random_tries": 10,
      "grid_granularity": [5, 5, 31]

#attack policy (for evaluation)
  "attack": {
      "use_linf": false,
      "use_spatial": true,
      "only_rotation": false,
      "only_translation": false,

      "loss_function": "xent",
      "epsilon": 8.0,
      "num_steps": 5,
      "step_size": 2.0,
      "random_start": false,

      "spatial_limits": [3, 3, 30],
      "random_tries": 10,
      "grid_granularity": [5, 5, 31]

  "data": {
    "dataset_name": "cifar-10",
    "data_path": "./datasets/cifar10"

Run with a particular config file

python --config PATH/TO/FILE

Standard CIFAR data augmentation

By default data augmentation only includes random left-right flips. Standard CIFAR10 augmentation (+-4 pixel crops) can be achieved by setting adversarial_training: true, spatial_method: random, random_tries: 1, spatial_limits: [4, 4, 0].


python --config ./configs/std.json

for standard training (std) with only translation as data augmentation


python --config ./configs/std_star.json

for training (std*) with translation and rotation as data augmentation

Run with various settings for adversarial training

Run with unregularized adversarial training

Set use_reg = false in the configuration file. See configs/at_rob_wo_10.json for an example.

Run with different batch types

We can use solely original images for the cross-entropy part of the loss function. To achieve that, set nat_ce = true, adversarial_ce = false in the configuration file.

Accordingly, nat_ce = false, adversarial_ce = true and nat_ce = false, adversarial_ce = false correspond to "rob" and "mix" in the paper respectively. For "nat" we only use the original examples for the cross-entropy and for "mix" we use both original and adversarial examples.

Generate adversarial examples w.r.t different functions

Regardless loss function, we can generate adversarial examples, which can be used independently for either cross-entropy or regularizer, with respect to different functions.

To achieve this, we need to configure cce_adv_exp_wrt and reg_adv_exp_wrt

For instance, to conduct training in the same way as adversarial logit pairing (ALP) [1], we set both cce_adv_exp_wrt and reg_adv_exp_wrt to cce. Then the adversarial examples which entering the regularizer will be generated w.r.t. cross-entropy.

Note: if cce_adv_exp_wrt != reg_adv_exp_wrt and using a mixed batch for cross-entropy, we need to set batch_size == 3 * num_ids, since we need two sets of different adversarial examples for cross-entropy and regularizer respectively.

Please refer to configs/l2_mix_wo_10.json


[1] Harini Kannan, Alexey Kurakin, and Ian Goodfellow. Adversarial Logit Pairing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.06373, 2018.


in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019).






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