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Yeoman generator for rapidly prototyping data visualizations at hackathons and such

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#RapidDatavis Yeoman Generator Scaffold a structure for any data visualization on the web in under 30 seconds. Ideal for rapid prototyping scenarios like hackathons.


  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install Yeoman and the Rapid Datavis Generator
$ npm install -g yo generator-rapid-datavis

Getting Started

Getting started is easy. 30 seconds is the goal after all! First, create a directory to store your visualizations in.

$ mkdir myproject && cd myproject

RapidDatavis options

Second, run $ yo rapid-datavis. The RapidDatatvis generator presents you with the following options:

Initialize project

The default option on first run. It creates this file structure:

\---visualization_templates            // templates for your visualizations
  \---default (I'll add more of these in time)
    |---content.html                   // populates the main vis section
    |---contentcontroller.js           // angular controller for main vis section
    |---sharedservice.js               // angular service for shared visualization attributes between controllers
    |---sidebar.html                   // html for sidebar controls section
    |---sidebarcontroller.js           // angular controller for sidebar controls
    |---main.css                       // css for vis and sidebar
  \---app                              // The root dir your app is served from.
    |---app.css                        // app-wide styles
    |---app.js                         // minimal angular app structure
    |---index.html                     // the page you see after running grunt
      |---visualizations-compiled.js   // after running grunt, all vis' js concatenated for faster loading
      |---visualizations-compiled.css  // after running grunt, all vis' css concatenated for faster loading
      \---default                      // generated from visualization_templates/default
  \---data                             // your data goes here
  \---libs                             // all libs in this dir are available for use in visualizations
    |---libs-compiled.js               // after running grunt, all libs' js concatenated for faster loading
    |---libs-compiled.css              // after running grunt, all libs' css concatenated for faster loading
    \---leaflet                        // maps utilities (repo didn't work with bower)
    \---mapc                           // some tile sets for maps (repo didn't work with bower)
    \---numericjs                      // various math utility functions (repo didn't work with bower)
      \---angular                      // runs the app
      \---angular-animate              // all the others provided as utilities.

New visualization from default template

The default option on each subsequent run. It creates a new visualization from a template you select in your visualization_templates directory. I plan to add more templates as I port visualizations I've made into this structure.

Right now there's just a blank template with utility files like leaflet and d3 loaded. More templates to come.

Seeing your visualization

Run $ grunt to start the server and visit http://localhost:8000. That's it!

Inserting your code

Your main visualization code should go in static/app/visualizations/contentcontroller.js Any external controls can go in static/app/visualizations/sidebarcontroller.js

New template from default template

Right now this just copies the default template If enough folks find this project useful, I'll work on an automated way to convert visualizations to templates and share them

New visualization from Bower

TBD if enough folks find this project useful

New Visualiztion from Github repo

TBD if enough folks find this project useful


Pull requests welcome at:


Yeoman generator for rapidly prototyping data visualizations at hackathons and such






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