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The Best Reviews

The Best Reviews

Hey, remember the Foo Fighters' song from 2005, "Best Of You"?

Yeah, pretty good song, right?

Could you imagine making a joke based on the chorus, then creating an entire site just so you could make that same joke over and over?


Well now you don't need to imagine. I've done it.

The Best Reviews is a site that gives you thousands of reviews from across America, all "written" by Dave Grohl*.

Want to know what Dave thinks about the places near you? He's been there** and he's written a short, glowing review about it***.


This project was bootstrapped with create-react-app. You can install it easily so long as you have npm or yarn installed on your system. Once you do:

git clone
cd best-reviews

for npm

npm install
npm start

for yarn

yarn install
yarn start

Live Site

Check out The Best Reviews here:


All of the reviews are generated from the reviewList.js file. If you think of any I should add, I'd love to hear them. Tweet at me: @MisterTrost. I'll credit you or something.

Tech Used

  • React
  • Redux
  • React Router
  • Jest
  • Material UI
  • Google Maps API
  • Foursquare API
  • Google-Map-React
  • React-Scroll
  • Sweetalert 2
  • React-Animated-Transitions


This is licensed under the MIT License. Take it and run with it.

Photo Credit

Dave Grohl Picture courtesy of S.

Extra Thanks To

Map and search locations thanks to the Google Maps API. Tips from "less cool people" courtesy of Foursquare's API.

*Definitely, definitely NOT written by Dave Grohl. Not even a little. God I hope he never finds this. I'm sorry, Dave.


***He most definitely hasn't.


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