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Actix Svelte + Surreal DB Template

Here's an actix-web template that uses SvelteKit built and served as static files. With simple CRUD setup using Surreal DB as a permanent storage for application data (Todos).

  • Derived from original repo: actix_svelte_template:
    • bugfixes,
    • updated deps,
    • updated CRUD app that uses SurrealDB instead of SQLite.


  • Actix web server
  • SurrealDB is the ultimate multi-model database for tomorrow's applications for storing todos data.
  • SvelteKit for frontend, served as static files


We use Vite's proxy in the dev environment and serve svelte as static files in production.

Dev Requirements


Install dependencies:

cd client && npm install
cd ..
npm install

Start docker img of SurrealDB:

docker run --rm --pull always --name surrealdb -p 8000:8000 -v ~/mydata:/mydata surrealdb/surrealdb:latest start file:/mydata/mydatabase.db --user root --pass root

Start actix backend and svelte frontend with one command (from root directory):

npm run dev

All traffic to localhost:3000/api/* will be forwarded to the actix web project, and anything else to the SvelteKit frontend.


You can build the project with cargo. The will automatically compile the frontend to static files in the ./client/build directory.

cargo build --release

For convenience a Dockerfile was created which handles compiling the frontend to static files and building the Actix Web server into a 20mb Alpine image.

docker build -t actix-svelte-surreal .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 actix-svelte-surreal