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APS Test Cases and Test Runner

Test cases for APS

Using the Test Runner

Use python3 <source_file> <test_path> to run the test runner, and get more help by using python3 --help.

On Windows computers with python3 installed via traditional installer (not the Microsoft store), use python instead of python3.

The test runner compiles your code and runs it; before compiling, it first copies your code into a file called .build/Main.ext where ext is the extension of your program, and the .build folder is located in the same directory as the test runner. Because of this, you can name your file whatever you want; if you're using Java, you can name your file and have a main class called Main in that file, and it'll work both with the runner and with Gradescope.


Standard Input

If your source file is at /home/aliu/code/aps/hw8/, this repository is at /home/aliu/code/aps/aps-test-cases, and the current directory is /home/aliu/code/aps:

python3 hw8/

will compile the program and run it using standard input. You'll have the option to save your run as a test case. If you say yes, you'll get this prompt:

Where should this test case by stored?

You can use tab completion here (not on Windows); one tab completes, two tabs will suggest possible values.

Folder of Test Cases

You can compile and run the program using a folder of test cases by doing:

python3 hw8/ aps-test-cases/hw8/kou

This will run all the test cases in the folder kou and check them against given answers in the folder.

Single Test Case

You can compile and run the program on a test case by using:

python3 hw8/ aps-test-cases/hw8/kou/example-1

This will run the test case example-1 and check it against the contents of the file example-1-ans in the same directory.