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This is a Open Contact Database that allows to fetch and display user profiles from API endpoint. Teach Stack React and Vite

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Open Contact Database

This is a Open Contact Database that allows to fetch and display user profiles from API endpoint. Users are presented with a list view containing user cards displaying basic information, and they can click on each card to access a detailed view with more information about the selected user. The project follows best practices for React development and is designed to be maintainable and well-structured.

Project Structure

Here's an overview of the project structure:

- .eslintrc.cjs                  # ESLint configuration file
- .gitignore                     # Git ignore rules
- .husky                         # Git hooks configuration
- .prettierrc                    # Prettier configuration file
- index.html                     # Main HTML file
- node_modules                   # Node.js modules (dependencies)
- package.json                   # Project's package configuration
- postcss.config.js              # PostCSS configuration file
- src                            # Source code directory
  |- components                  # React components
  |- hooks                       # Custom React hooks
  |- interfaces                  # TypeScript interface definitions
  |- layouts                     # Page layouts
  |- lib                         # Utility and helper functions
  |- main.tsx                    # Main application file.
  |- index.css                   # CSS file for styling
  |- pages                       # Application pages
  |- providers                   # React context providers
  |- redux                       # Redux store setup and actions
  |- routes                      # Application routes and routing logic
  |- vite-env.d.ts               # Vite environment TypeScript declaration
- tailwind.config.js             # Tailwind CSS configuration file
- tsconfig.json                  # TypeScript configuration file
- tsconfig.node.json             # TypeScript configuration for Node.js
- vite.config.ts                 # Vite configuration file
- yarn.lock                      # Yarn lock file

Project Dependencies

Frontend Framework

  • React: JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces.


  • Tailwind CSS: utility-first CSS framework used for responsive design and styling.
  • Clsx: A utility for conditionally joining classNames together.
  • Class Variance Authority: type-safe class controller
  • Tailwind Merge: For merging conflicted tailwind classnames.


  • React Router DOM: A library for adding routing functionality to your React applications.

Development Dependencies

Development Environment

  • Vite: A build tool that serves as the development server and bundler.

Linting and Formatting

  • ESLint: A tool for identifying and fixing problems in your JavaScript/TypeScript code.
  • Prettier: An opinionated code formatter.
  • eslint-config-prettier: ESLint configuration to disable conflicting Prettier rules.
  • eslint-plugin-prettier: ESLint plugin that runs Prettier as an ESLint rule.


  • TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript that adds static types to your code.
  • @types/react: TypeScript type definitions for React.
  • @types/react-dom: TypeScript type definitions for React DOM.
  • @types/node: TypeScript type definitions for Node.js.

Git Hooks

  • Husky: Tool that enables Git hooks to enforce code quality checks.

Tailwind CSS & Post-processing CSS

  • tailwindcss: The core library for Tailwind CSS.
  • prettier-plugin-tailwindcss: A Prettier plugin for formatting Tailwind CSS files.
  • PostCSS: A CSS post-processor that transforms styles with JavaScript plugins.
  • autoprefixer: A PostCSS plugin to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes.

Project Details

  • Fetch user profiles from a mock API endpoint (you can use a static JSON file or a placeholder API).
  • Display each user's name, email, and a profile picture.
  • Implement a responsive design using Tailwind CSS for the user profile cards.
  • Create a separate detail view for each user profile. When a user clicks on a profile card, it should navigate to a detail view displaying additional information about the user. You can choose what additional information to display.
  • Implement routing in your React application to navigate between the list view and detail view.
  • Make sure your application is well-structured, maintainable, and follows best practices for React development.

Getting Started

To get started with this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
  1. Install project dependencies using Yarn or npm.
cd open-ums && yarn install
# for npm : cd open-ums && npm install
  1. Start the development server.
yarn dev
# for npm : npm run dev
  1. Open your web browser and access the application at http://localhost:3000.


Once the project is set up and running, you can interact with it as follows:

  • Browse the list of user profiles on the main page.
  • Click on a user card to view detailed information about that user.


This is a Open Contact Database that allows to fetch and display user profiles from API endpoint. Teach Stack React and Vite



