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Show Commerce Server

Show Commerce is an innovative e-commerce platform that empowers users to create and order customized printed products. Whether you're looking for personalized apparel, unique accessories, or customized promotional items, our platform provides you with a seamless experience to bring your creative ideas to life.


Here are the available scripts for managing and running your server-side project:

  • start/prod: Start the production server.
  • build: Build the project, removing the ./dist directory and compiling TypeScript code.
  • dev: Start the development server with automatic code reloading using Nodemon.
  • lint:check: Check for code style and linting issues using ESLint.
  • lint:fix: Automatically fix code style and linting issues using ESLint.
  • prettier:check: Check code formatting with Prettier.
  • prettier:fix: Automatically format code using Prettier.
  • prepare: Install Husky for Git hooks.
  • up: Execute an upgrade script (if available).


The following packages are used in your server-side project:

  • cors: Middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
  • dotenv: Load environment variables from a .env file.
  • express: Web framework for building server-side applications.
  • express-rate-limit: Rate limiting middleware for Express.
  • helmet: Middleware for enhancing security by setting various HTTP headers.
  • hpp: Middleware for protecting against HTTP Parameter Pollution attacks.

Development Packages

These packages are used for development and code quality:

  • eslint: A tool for identifying and fixing problems in JavaScript and TypeScript code.
  • eslint-config-prettier: ESLint configuration that disables conflicting Prettier rules.
  • eslint-config-standard-with-typescript: ESLint configuration for TypeScript with StandardJS rules.
  • eslint-plugin-import: ESLint plugin for linting import statements.
  • eslint-plugin-n: ESLint plugin for detecting the correct usage of then with Promises.
  • eslint-plugin-prettier: ESLint plugin for Prettier integration.
  • eslint-plugin-promise: ESLint plugin for enforcing best practices with JavaScript Promises.
  • husky: Git hooks made easy to ensure code quality.
  • morgan: HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js.
  • nodemon: Development tool for restarting the server on code changes.
  • prettier: Code formatter to enforce consistent code style.
  • typescript: TypeScript compiler for statically typed JavaScript.

Folder Structure

├── .eslintignore         # Files and directories to ignore by ESLint.
├── .gitignore            # Files and directories to ignore by Git.
├── package.json          # Project configuration and dependencies.
├──             # Project's README file for documentation.
├──            # Script for project upgrades.
├── .eslintrc.json        # ESLint configuration for code linting rules.
├── .husky                # Husky configuration directory.
├── .prettierignore       # Files and directories to ignore by Prettier.
├── src                   # Source code directory.
│   ├── app.ts            # Main application entry point.
│   ├── controllers       # Controllers for handling routes and logic.
│   ├── errors            # Custom error handling logic.
│   ├── routes            # API routes and route handlers.
│   ├── types             # TypeScript type definitions.
│   └── utils             # Utility functions or helper modules.
├── dist                  # Compiled TypeScript code directory (generated).
├── node_modules          # Node.js dependencies (installed via package.json).
├── .prettierrc.json      # Prettier code formatter configuration.
├── tsconfig.json         # TypeScript configuration file.
└── yarn.lock             # Yarn lockfile, used for package version control.