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Practicing my coding skills by solving LeetCode problems everyday.

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Practicing my coding skills by solving LeetCode problems everyday. Website



  1. Palindrome Number - easy
  2. Add Two Numbers - medium
  3. Maximum Sub-array - easy => Dynamic Programming
  4. Majority Element - easy => Divide and Qonquer


  1. Balanced Binary Tree - easy => Divide and Qonquer


  1. Sqrt(x) - easy
  2. Container With Most Water - medium
  3. Integer to Roman - medium
  4. Climbing Stairs - easy => Dynamic Programming


  1. Pow(x, n) - medium
  2. Same Tree - easy => Graph
  3. Symmetric Tree - easy => Graph
  4. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree - easy => Graph
  5. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree - easy => Graph


  1. Valid Perfect Square - easy => Divide and Qonquer
  2. Path Sum - easy => Graph
  3. Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree - easy => Graph
  4. Leaf-Similar Trees - easy => Graph


  1. Two Sum - easy
  2. Reverse Integer - easy


  1. Walking Robot Simulation - easy => Greedy


  1. Split a String in Balanced Strings - easy => Greedy
  2. Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square - easy => Greedy
  3. Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position - easy => Greedy
  4. Word Pattern - easy => Greedy


  1. Running Sum of 1d Array - easy

DAY 10

  1. Defanging an IP Address - easy
  2. Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies - easy
  3. Shuffle the Array - easy

DAY 11

  1. Min Cost Climbing Stairs - easy => Dynamic Programming
  2. Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix - easy

DAY 12

  1. Richest Customer Wealth - easy

DAY 13

  1. How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number - easy

DAY 14

  1. Number of Good Pairs - easy

DAY 15

  1. Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer - easy => Data Structures - Linked List

DAY 16

  1. Subrectangle Queries - medium

DAY 17

  1. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box - medium

DAY 18

  1. Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers - medium

DAY 19

  1. Jewels and Stones - easy

DAY 20

  1. Design Parking System - easy

DAY 21

  1. Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero - easy

DAY 22

  1. Merge Two Binary Trees - easy => Data Structures - Binary Tree
  2. Counting Bits - medium

DAY 23

  1. Partition Labels - medium => Greedy

DAY 24

  1. Invert Binary Tree - easy

DAY 25

  1. Permutations - medium

DAY 26

  1. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal - medium => Data Structures - Binary Tree

DAY 27

  1. Reverse Linked List - easy => Data Structures - Linked List

DAY 28

  1. Single Number - easy

DAY 29

  1. Rotate Image - medium

DAY 30

  1. Kth Largest Element in an Array - medium

DAY 31

  1. Palindromic Substrings - medium

DAY 32

  1. XOR Operation in an Array - easy

DAY 33

  1. Divisor Game - easy

DAY 34

  1. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock - easy

DAY 35

  1. Is Subsequence - easy

DAY 36

  1. Reverse String - easy
  2. Delete Node in a Linked List - easy

DAY 37

  1. Fizz Buzz - easy

DAY 38

  1. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree - easy

DAY 39

  1. Goal Parser Interpretation - easy

DAY 40

  1. Decode XORed Array - easy

DAY 41

  1. Count Items Matching a Rule - easy

DAY 42

  1. Create Target Array in the Given Order - easy

DAY 43

  1. Replace All Digits with Characters - easy

DAY 44

  1. Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent - easy

DAY 45

  1. Count the Number of Consistent Strings - easy

DAY 46

  1. Decompress Run-Length Encoded List - easy

DAY 47

  1. Remove Outermost Parentheses - easy => Data Structures - Stack

DAY 48

  1. Valid Parentheses - easy => Data Structures - Stack

DAY 49

  1. Squares of a Sorted Array - easy => Two Pointers

DAY 50

  1. Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side - easy
  2. Deepest Leaves Sum - medium => Graph
  3. Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree - medium => Graph
  4. Maximum Binary Tree - medium => Graph

DAY 51

  1. Search Insert Position - easy

DAY 52

  1. Unique Morse Code Words - easy => Data Structures - HashMap

DAY 53

  1. Encode and Decode TinyURL - medium => Data Structures - HashMap

DAY 54

  1. Fibonacci Number - easy => Dynamic Programming

DAY 55

  1. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array - easy => Data Structures - Arrays

DAY 56

  1. Plus One - easy

DAY 57

  1. Search a 2D Matrix - medium

DAY 58

  1. Concatenation of Array - easy => Data Structures - Arrays

DAY 59

  1. Crawler Log Folder - easy => Data Structures - Stack

DAY 60

  1. Backspace String Compare - easy => Data Structures - Stack

DAY 61

  1. Build Array from Permutation - easy

DAY 62

  1. Odd Even Linked List - medium => Data Structures - Linked List

DAY 63

  1. Find Target Indices After Sorting Array - easy => Data Structures - Arrays

DAY 64

  1. Merge Two Sorted Lists - easy => Data Structures - Linked List

DAY 65

  1. Swapping Nodes in a Linked List - medium => Data Structures - Linked List

DAY 66

  1. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List - easy => Data Structures - Linked List

DAY 67

  1. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal - easy => Data Structures - Binary Tree

DAY 68

  1. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal - easy => Data Structures - Binary Tree

DAY 69

  1. Find All Duplicates in an Array - medium => Data Structures - HashMap

DAY 70

  1. Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal - medium => Data Structures - Binary Tree

DAY 71

  1. Fibonacci Number - easy => Dynamic Programming

DAY 72

  1. N-th Tribonacci Number - easy => Dynamic Programming

DAY 73

  1. Climbing Stairs - easy => Dynamic Programming

DAY 74

  1. Min Cost Climbing Stairs - easy => Dynamic Programming

DAY 75

  1. House Robber - medium => Dynamic Programming

DAY 76

  1. House Robber II - medium => Dynamic Programming

DAY 77

  1. Delete and Earn - medium => Dynamic Programming

DAY 78

  1. Jump Game - medium

DAY 79

  1. Jump Game II - medium => Two Pointers

DAY 80

  1. Maximum Subarray - medium => Dynamic Programming

DAY 81

  1. Maximum Sum Circular Subarray - medium => Dynamic Programming

DAY 82

  1. Maximum Product Subarray - medium => Dynamic Programming

DAY 83

  1. Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product - medium

DAY 84

  1. Best Sightseeing Pair - medium

DAY 85

  1. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock - easy

DAY 86

  1. Network Delay Time - medium => Graph Theory

DAY 87

  1. Running Sum of 1d Array - easy - June Leet Code Challenge -

DAY 88

  1. Transpose Matrix - easy - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 89

  1. Longest Common Prefix - easy

DAY 90

  1. Range Sum Query 2D Immutable - medium - June Leet Code Challenge => Dynamic Programming

DAY 91

  1. Valid Number - hard

DAY 92

  1. N-Queens - hard - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 93

  1. N-Queens II - hard - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 94

  1. Intersection of Two Linked Lists - easy - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 95

  1. Merge Sorted Array - easy - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 96

  1. Remove Palindromic Subsequences - easy - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 97

  1. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted - medium - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 98

  1. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters - medium - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 99

  1. Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero - medium - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 100

  1. Maximum Erasure Value - medium - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 101

  1. Triangle - medium - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 102

  1. Delete Operation for Two Strings - medium - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 103

  1. Longest String Chain - medium - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 104

  1. Binary Tree Cameras - hard - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 105

  1. Prefix and Suffix Search - hard - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 106

  1. Search Suggestions System - medium - June Leet Code Challenge

DAY 107

  1. Kth Largest Element in an Array - medium - June Leet Code Challenge



  1. Combine Two Tables - easy


  1. Second Highest Salary - easy


  1. Employees Earning More Than Their Managers - easy
  2. Duplicate Emails - easy
  3. Customers Who Never Order - easy
  4. Delete Duplicate Emails - easy


  1. Rising Temperature - easy
  2. Big Countries - easy
  3. Classes More Than 5 Students - easy
  4. Not Boring Movies - easy


  1. Swap Salary - easy

DAY 12

  1. Rank Scores - medium

DAY 13

  1. Consecutive Numbers - medium

DAY 32

  1. Nth Highest Salary - medium

DAY 38

  1. Trips and Users - hard

DAY 49

  1. Department Highest Salary - medium

DAY 50

  1. Department Top Three Salaries - hard



  1. Word Frequency - medium

DAY 50

  1. Tenth Line - easy


Practicing my coding skills by solving LeetCode problems everyday.






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