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College notes for my assembly exam, gathered and explained most of the instructions we have in the course.

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Assembly Cheat Sheet

Third Year Computer Science College Notes

Assembly - Intel

Author : Ahmed Ayman

Arithmetic Operations

; dest and src must be same size
; no memory to memory arithmetic
inc dest 		; increase dest by 1
dec dest 		; decrease dest by 1 
add dest, src		; add src on dest and store in dest
adc dest, src 		; dest = dest + src + CF
sub dest, src		; subtract src from dest and store in dest
neg dest 		; negate dest by finding 2's complement of dest
; for mul, imul, div, and idiv no immediate values are permitted 
mul src 		; unsigned multiplication 
				; multiplies 8, 16, or 32-bit operand by AL, AX, or EAX and store it in AX, DX:AX, EDX:EAX 
				; The Carry and Overflow flags are set if upper half of the product is non-zero
imul src 		; signed multiplication
				; Preserves the sign of the product by sign-extending it
				; multiplies 8, 16, or 32-bit operand by AL, AX, or EAX and store it in AX, DX:AX, EDX:EAX 
				; The Carry and Overflow flags are set if the upper half of the product is not a sign extension of the lower half
div src  		; unsigned division 
				; divides AX, DX:AX, or EDX:EAX over 8, 16, or 32-bit operand and store in AL, AX, or EAX the result and in AH, DX, or EDX the reminder
idiv src 		; signed division
				; Signed integers must be sign-extended before division takes place.
				; Fill high byte/word/doubleword with a copy of the low byte/word/doubleword's sign bit
				; divides AX, DX:AX, or EDX:EAX over 8, 16, or 32-bit operand and store in AL, AX, or EAX the result and in AH, DX, or EDX the reminder
cbw 			; (convert byte to word) extends AL into AH
cwd 			; (convert word to doubleword) extends AX into DX
cdq 			; (convert doubleword to quadword) extends EAX into EDX
sbb dest, src 		; subtract both the src opernad and CF from dest => dest = dest - src - CF

Data transfer

; No memory to memory
; Destination cannot be EIP, or IP
; No immediate value to segment registers
mov dest, src		; copies src value into dest  ; src and dest must be same size
movzx dest, src 	; copies src value into dest with zero extension ; dest size must be greater than src size ; fills the rest of the bits with 0's 
movsx dest, src 	; copies src value into dest with zero extension ; dest size must be greater than src size ; fills the rest of the bits with sign bit 
xchg dest, src 		; exchange the values of dest and src ; at least one operand must be reg ; dest and src must be the same size ; no immediate operands

Code Jumping

jmp label 		; goes to a label and start executing from

; loops
loop label		; keeps going to label and dec ecx until ecx reaches 0 ; does not affect any flags
loope label 	; loop if ecx > 0 and ZF = 1 ; loop if equal ; same as loopz
loopz label 	; loop if ecx > 0 and ZF = 1 ; loop if zero ; same as loope
loopne label 	; loop if ecx > 0 and ZF = 0 ; loop if not equal ; same as loopnz
loopnz label 	; loop if ecx > 0 and ZF = 0 ; loop if not zero ; same as loopne 

; repeat
rep instruction 	; repeates the instruction and decrements ECX by 1 until ECX = 0
repe instruction	; repeat while ecx > 0 and ZF = 1
repz instruction	; same as repe => repeat until ecx = 0 OR ZF = 0
repne instruction	; repeat while ecx > 0 and ZF = 0
repnz instruction	; same as repne => repeat until ecx = 0 OR ZF = 1

call proc		; goes to proc and start executing from there by 
				; a. Pushes offset of the next instruction on the stack
				; b. Copies the address of the procedure into EIP.
ret				; exit the current proc and return to the prev. EIP address by pop the top of the stack into EIP

Stack Operations

push src 		; pushes the value of src at the top of the stack and decrements ESP by Type src; src can be r/m16, r/m32, or imm32
pop dest 		; pops the value at stack[ESP] into dest and increments ESP by Type dest ; dest can be r/m16, or r/m32
pushfd			; pushes the EFLAGS register to the stack, and decrements ESP by 4
popfd			; pops 4 bytes from the stack into EFLAGS register and increments ESP by 4
pusha 			; does the same as pushfd but for the first 16-bits of EFLAGS
popa 			; does the same as popfd but for the first 16-bits of EFLAGS

pushad			; decrements ESP by 32 and pushes the 32-bit general purpose registers in this order:
popad 			; pops 32 bytes from the stack into the 32-bit general purpose registers in this order:
pusha 			; does the same as pushad but for the 16-bit general purpose registers
popa 			; does the same as popad but for the 16-bit general purpose registers
enter bytes, nesting level 	; creates stack frame for a called procedure
							; Pushes EBP on the stack
							; Sets EBP to the base of the stack frame
							; Reserves space for local variables
leave 			; terminates the stack frame for a procedure
				; mov esp,ebp and pop ebp

Flags Control

stc 			; set carry flag
clc				; clear carry flag
std 			; set direction flag
cld				; clear direction flag

Boolean Instructions

and dest, src 		; performs boolean and between each pair of bits in dest and src 
or dest, src 		; performs boolean or between each pair of bits in dest and src 
xor dest, src 		; performs boolean xor between each pair of bits in dest and src 
not dest 	 		; performs boolean not on dest ; gets dest 1's complement ; does not affect any flag

Comparison Instructions

test dest, src 		; performs AND operation between dest and src without updating dest value ; only affects the zero flag
					; ZF = 1 iff dest AND src = true, else ZF = 0
cmp dest, src 		; performs dest  - src and updates the flags 
					; if dest == src => for unsigned ZF = 1			; for singed ZF = 1
					; if dest < src => for unsigned CF = 1 			; for signed SF != OF
					; if dest > src => for unsigned ZF = 0, CF = 0	; for signed SF = OF

Conditional Jumps

; Jcond label
; jump to label if cond is true

; jumps based on flags
jz label 			; jump if zero
jnz label 			; jump if not zero
jc label 			; jump if carry
jnc label 			; jump if not carry 
jo label 			; jump if overflow
jno label 			; jump if not overflow
js label 			; jump if sign
jns label 			; jump if not sign
jp label 			; jump if parity
jnp label 			; jump if not parity
je label 			; jump if equal ; if ZF = 1
jne label 			; jump if not equal ; if ZF = 0
jcxz label 			; jump if CX = 0 
jecxz label 		; jump if ECX = 0

; jumps based on unsigned comparisons
ja label 			; jump if above 
jae label 			; jump if above or equal
jna label 			; jump if not above
jnae label 			; jump if not above of equal same as jb

jb label 			; jump if below 
jbe label 			; jump if below or equal
jnb label 			; jump if not below same as jae
jnbe label 			; jump if not below or equal same as ja 

; jumps based on signed comparisons
jg label 			; jump if greater
jng label 			; jump if not greater
jge label 			; jump if greater or equal same as jle
jnge label 			; jump if not greater or equal same as jl

jl label 			; jump if less 
jnl label 			; jump if not less same as jge
jle label			; jump if less or equal 
jnle label 			; jump if not less or equal same as jg


; shl dest, count
; dest can be register or memory
; count can only by imm8 or register CL

shl dest, count 		; shift logical left
							; preforms logical shift on dest to the left by count ; fills the lowest bits with 0's ; the last bit shifted out becomes CF
							; shifting left by 1 multiplies the operand by 2
							; shifting left by n multiplies the operand by pow(2, n)
shr dest, count 		; sheft logical right 
							; preforms logical shift on dest to the right by count ; fills the highst bits with 0's ; the last bit shifted out becomes CF
							; shifting right by 1 divides the operand by 2 
							; shifting right by n divides the operand by pow(2, n)
sal dest, count 		; shift arithmetic left ; performs arithmetic shift left ; does the same as shl
							; shifts dest to the left by count ; fills the lowest bits with 0's ; the last bit shifted out becomes CF
							; shifting left by 1 multiplies the operand by 2
							; shifting left by n multiplies the operand by pow(2, n)
sar dest, count 		; shift arithmetic right ; same as shr but with sign extend instade of zero extending 
							; preforms arithmetic shift on dest to the right by count ; fills the highst bits with the sign bit ; the last bit shifted out becomes CF
							; shifting right by 1 divides the operand by 2 
							; shifting right by n divides the operand by pow(2, n)
							; divides with preserving the operand sign
shld dest, src, count 	; Shift Left Double ; shifts dest by count to the left
							; fills the rightmost bits of dest with the leftmost bits of src
shrd dest, src, count 	; Shift Right Double ; shifts dest by count to the right
							; fills the leftmost bits of dest with the rightmost bits of src


; rol dest, count
; dest can be register or memory
; count can only by imm8 or register CL

rol dest, count		; Rotate left ; rotates each to the left by count
						; Highest bit is copied into the Carry Flag and into the Lowest Bit
ror dest, count		; Rotate right ; rotates each bit to the right by count
						; Lowest bit is copied into the Carry Flag and into the Highest Bit
rcl dest, count		; Rotate Carry Left rotates each bit to the left by count
						; Copies the Carry flag to the least significant bit
						; Copies the most significant bit to the Carry flag as if the carry flag is part of the destination operand
rcr dest, count 		; Rotate Carry Right rotates each bit to the right by count
						; Copies the Carry flag to the most significant bit
						; Copies the least significant bit to the Carry flag as if the carry flag is part of the destination operand 

String Primitive Instructions

; ESI and EDI are automatically incremented or decremented
; The Direction flag controls the incrementing or decrementing of ESI and EDI
; DF = 0 : increments ESI and EDI => forward
; DF = 1 : decrements ESI and EDI => backward 
; DF can by explicitly changed using cld and std
  • Data Transfer

    movsb				; copies a byte 		; increments/decrements by 1
    movsw				; copies a word 		; increments/decrements by 2
    movsd				; copies a double-word 	; increments/decrements by 4
    ; copy data from the memory location pointed by ESI to the memory location pointed by EDI 
  • Comparisons

    ; compare esi, edi 
    cmpsb				; compares bytes			; increments/decrements by 1
    cmpsw				; copmares words 			; increments/decrements by 2
    cmpsd				; compares double-words 	; increments/decrements by 4
    ; ________________________________________________
    ; Compare a value in AL/AX/EAX to a byte, word, or doubleword, respectively, addressed by EDI
    scasb				; compares bytes 			; increments/decrements EDI by 1
    scasw				; copmares words 			; increments/decrements EDI by 2
    scasd				; compares double-words  	; increments/decrements EDI by 4
  • Storing

    ; copy from registers to memory location
    ; increments/decrements EDI by 1/2/4
    stosb				; stores AL in EDI offset 	; increments/decrements EDI by 1
    stosw				; stores AX in EDI offset 	; increments/decrements EDI by 2
    stosd				; stores EAX in EDI offset	; increments/decrements EDI by 4
  • Loading

    ; copy from memory location at ESI into registers
    lodsb				; load a byte from ESI into AL 			; increments/decrements ESI by 1
    lodsw				; load a word from ESI into AX			; increments/decrements ESI by 2
    lodsd				; load a double-word from ESI to EAX 	; increments/decrements ESI by 4

Irvine I/O Procedures.

  • Read

    call ReadChar		; reads a single character from the keyboard and store it in AL reigester
    call ReadString 	; reads a string from the keyboard, stops when the user presses Enter key.
    					; It takes the offset of a buffer in EDX and the maximum number of characters the user can enter +1 in ECX
    call ReadDec		; reads 32-bit unsigned decimal integer and stores it in EAX
    call ReadInt		; reads 32-bit signed dicemal integer and stores it in EAX
    call ReadHex		; reads 32-bit hex integer and stores it in EAX 
  • Write

    call WriteChar 		; writes a single character stored in AL to the console
    call WriteString	; writes to the console a null-terminated string whose offset stored in EDX
    call WriteDec		; writes 32-bit unsigned decimal integer stored in EAX
    call WriteInt		; writes 32-bit signed decimal integer stored in EAX
    call WriteHex		; writes 32-bit hex integer stored in EAX
    call Crlf			; prints new line to the console window
    call DumpMem		; display a range of memory in Hex starting from address in ESI, number of items in ECX and item size in EBX 


College notes for my assembly exam, gathered and explained most of the instructions we have in the course.






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