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Showdown editor using Angular 4 Build Status License: MIT codecov HitCount

This project is inspired by the works of the developers of Showdown editor. The existing showdown editor has been developed using AngularJS (Version 1 of Angular). The editor has been rewritten in Angular 4 in a simpler and easier way. You can access the revamped showdown editor here.

Angular 4 components

Since Angular 2 and higher make use of components for better readability and resuability, the same has been applied here and the editor has been divided into the following components.

  • Left navigation bar, which contains the various showdown options.
  • Top navigation bar
  • Editor section, which comprises the editor and the preview.

Angular 4 services

In order to access the information related to the available releases and sample markdown content, a data service class has been created.

External fonts

Font-awesome and google fonts has been used here. These have been installed using npm, as follows:

  • npm install font-awesome@4.4.0 --save
  • npm install google-fonts@latest --save

Node package for showdown

  • npm install showdown --save
  • const showdownJs = require('showdown');
  • const converter = new showdownJs.Converter();
  • converter.makeHtml("text");

Publish the app as Github page

Unit tests

  • Each component has been tested in isolation.
  • Used the angular testing framework
  • Wrote unit tests using Jasmine
  • Used Karma as a test runner
  • Total 26 tests
  • ng test

End to end tests

  • e2e tests using Protractor.
  • Functional and UI usecases covered.
  • Total 10 tests
  • ng e2e

Code coverage

To know the percentage of code covered by your unit tests, execute the command ng test --code-coverage. You will find a folder called coverage created in your project root folder. Open the index.html file in the folder to view the results.

To publish the report to Codecov, do the following:

  • Create an account at codecov and add your repository.
  • npm install codecov
  • codecov

Codecov will search for the coverage folder and upload the report to your repo in Codecov.

How to run ?

  • Check out the project
  • npm install
  • ng serve
