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aaronfg edited this page Nov 20, 2020 · 14 revisions

fluffernitter wiki

Hopefully the app is simple enough that you don't need much guiding on how to use it, but if so, this is where you'll find all the info.

Table of Contents

What is fluffernitter?

A Twitter -> link redirector app written in Flutter.


This Android app registers itself able to handle,, and links and redirects them to the approproate page equivalent.

Android and iOS Support

Currently the app only supports Android, but the goal is to perhaps at least support having the app be able to accept urls shared to it in ios and then do the redirecting. That's not as seamless as the Android experience, but it's better than nothing.

Example Usage


There is not much in the app itself if you open it manually. The intended usage is to have the app be set to always open twitter urls so you will never see the app itself ever.


When the app is installed, tapping on twitter links should prompt you with options of what app you want to open the url with.

When presented with the choices, choose fluffernitter and the app will auto-redirect you to the version of that url in your browser (if you have multiple browsers, you will have to pick which at that point as well).

Open link in fluffertnitter example

Tip: To make things more seamless/fast, choose "Always" when prompted to open in fluffernitter or a browser.

If you go back to the app after it has redirected you, the app will show a preview of the last url it redirected to:

Android Homescreen

Tapping on the last link preview will open the url in your browser:

Tap on last link preview

NOTE: This last link preview is not stored or saved between sessions. If the app is closed/quit, there will be no preview until a new url has been redirected.

Changing the Nitter Instance

By default, fluffernitter uses the instance but you can change that to any instance you choose.

To change the instance you are using:

  1. Tap the settings icon in the bottom right corner of the main fluffernitter screen:

Tap on the settings icon

  1. The settings screen has a single text field where you can enter in the url of the nitter instance you want to use:

Settings screen text field

Note: This text field has no url validating. Whatever you type in this text field will be used as the base for the redirect urls. Type your url carefully.

For a list of nitter instances, check the list of public list of instances on nitter's Github page.


Q: What is

A: is a Twitter front-end focused on privacy. Read a more detailed explanation at the website

Q: Why doesn't clicking on some links work?

A: doesn't support all types of Twitter features/urls. If you are getting pages that don't have info or show "Unsupported feature", that's out of my hands. All I can do is redirect you to and hope it supports the twitter url you clicked on.

Two types of Twitter urls that I know are not supported (as of 8/29/2020) of are:

  1. Topic links.
  2. Article links

However, if you have a twitter url that works in your desktop web browser with nitter but fails in my app, please open an issue and I'll try and get a fix out.

Q: Is this available in the Play Store or F-Droid?

A: Not yet. I'll be getting the Play Store version up hopefully in the next few months. I'm not sure if I'll be publishing to F-Droid at all but we'll see.

For now, if you don't want to checkout the project and build it yourself, there are release version apks added as assets on the Releases page for each release that you can sideload directly on your phone.