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160 lines (118 loc) · 5.74 KB
	QUESTIONS -English	QUESTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia	PROMPT / OPTIONS -Englsih	PROMPT / OPTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia	NOTES


377 Which groups of people do you consider as belonging to your "community"? Jumlah penduduk dalam komuntas?

  •   		family		
  •   		immediate family		
  •   		soa		
  •   		manga		
  •   		village		
  •   		other villages (specify)		
  •   		other groups (specify)		

378 Would you consider your village to be comprised of a single community or several different communities?

  •   		village is one single community		
  •   		village is comprised of many different communities		
  •   		don't understand the question		

379 In your opinion, how is the relationship between the people in your village community? Does everyone here get along well with each other? Menurut Anda, bagaimana hubungan antara orang-orang di komunitas Anda?

  •   		mutual concern and attention, and helpful to each other	perhatian bersama dan perhatian, dan membantu satu sama lain	
  •   		only mutual concern and attention within one ethnicity or one’s family members	hanya perhatian bersama dan perhatian dalam satu etnis atau anggota keluarga seseorang	
  •   		group interests (ethnicity/extended family) are always prioritized	kepentingan kelompok (etnis / keluarga besar) selalu diprioritaskan	
  •   		individual interests are always prioritized	kepentingan individu selalu diprioritaskan	
  •   		other (specify)	lainnya (sebutkan)	

380 Are their certain groups that have an animus for other groups?

381 If ‘yes’, what is this history / cause of this animus?

382 Are there individuals who you feel are particularly problematic (trouble causers) within your community or from nearby communities?


383 How secure do you feel in the area surrounding your house / in the village? Seberapa aman Anda merasa di daerah sekitarnya rumah / di desa?

  •   		very secure	baik	
  •   		moderatly secure	moderat	
  •   		not at all secure	buruk / miskin	

384 Do you know of people engaging in criminal acts?

385 What are common types of crime that you hear occur in your village / region?

  •   		theft		
  •   		assault		
  •   		sexual assault		
  •   		domestic violence		
  •   		public intoxication		
  •   		property damage		
  •   		murder		

386 What are other common 'social ills' that may occur in your village or region?

  •   		alcoholism		
  •   		drug abuse		
  •   		prostitution		
  •   		gambling		
  •   		domestic violence		

387 Do you feel that there are many criminals in your village or in the region?

  •   		yes - in the village		
  •   		yes - in the region		
  •   		no - neither in the village or the region		
  •   		do not know		

399 What is the assault rate in this village?

389 What is the homicide rate in this village?

390 Does your community condone the use of force to enforce social morals?

  •   		spanking		
  •   		beating		
  •   		lashing		
  •   		social humiliation		
  •   		other		
  •   		none		

391 Do you know of people providing sexual services?

  •   		yes		
  •   		no		
  •   		uncomfortable with the question		

392 How prevalent do you believe that sex workers are in your community?

  •   		very prevalent		
  •   		not prevalent		
  •   		uncomfortable with the question		

393 Have you heard or people being raped?

  •   		yes		
  •   		no		
  •   		uncomfortable with the question		

394 Have you heard of many other public security incidents occurring here in the past several months?


395 What sorts of hazard risks are you exposed to in this area?

  •   		flooding		
  •   		landslides		
  •   		volcanic eruption		
  •   		earthquake		
  •   		typhoon / monsoon		
  •   		other (specify)		

396 Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?

  •   		yes (specify)		
  •   		no		

397 Do you know what causes hazards or natural disasters?

  •   		yes (specify)		
  •   		no		

398 Has the frequency with which hazardous events occur changed in recent years?

  •   		yes (specify / explain)		
  •   		no		

399 Are road / traffic accident common?

400 How many road traffic accidents have there been in the last 12 months?

401 Are sea / maritime accidents common?

402 How many maritime transport accidents have there been in the last 12 months?

403 Are air transportation accidents common?

404 How many air traffic accidents have there been in the last 12 months?


405 How many emergency services personnel are there in the area?

406 If you are in need of help, who do you usually ask for help?

  •   type of need:		(person/institution solicited for help)		
  •   economic needs		extended family members living in the same village		
  •   advice		extended family members living in a different village		
  •   		soa members living in the same village		
  •   		soa members living in a different village		
  •   		nearby neighbours		
  •   		neighbours from a different village		
  •   		person lends money		
  •   		bank / similar institution (specify)		
  •   		sub-district/district head (specify)		
  •   		village officer		
  •   		teacher		
  •   		traditional leader		
  •   		never ask for others’ help, solve own problems		

407 Reason for naming / choosing this person / institution?

  •   		person/institution is often helpful		
  •   		person/institution is trustworthy, knowledgeable		
  •   		person/institution is very influential in traditional matters		
  •   		person/institution is rich		
  •   		more comfortable asking for help from own family		
  •   		more comfortable/dependable asking for help from external person / institution		
  •   		others (specify)