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DirectX 11 Bloom Post-processing

I recently needed to work on some existing legacy DirectX 11 rendering code involving compute shaders. Since I had only used OpenGL and Vulkan before, I played around with DirectX 11 to become familiar with the API and therefore implemented this little mesh rendering with a post-processing effect involving compute shaders.

The code uses the tinyobjloader library to load an example mesh, which is rendered to an offscreen-texture with the standard Blinn-Phong lighting model implemented in the pixel shader. The result is afterwards thresholded and downsampled using a compute shader. Then two consecutive Gaussian filtering passes (horizontal and vertical) are applied using another compute shader. The final output image is then obtained by rendering a screen-aligned quad and combining the original image with the thresholded, downsampled and blurred image. Here is an example of the result:

Example Screenshot


A solution for Visual Studio 2019 is included. In order to compile and run the code, you need to install Microsoft's DirectX SDK. Note that the paths in the solution are set to the standard include and library paths. If you have the SDK installed in a different location, you need to adapt the project settings.

The tinyobjloader header is already included.

Tested on Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2019 with an NVidia GTX 1070.


DirectX 11 Bloom Post-processing







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