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Raspberry PI HQ Camera

Aaron W Morris edited this page Sep 5, 2022 · 7 revisions


Note: The below information is only for the indi interface, not libcamera.

The Raspberry PI HQ Camera is supported via the indi_rpicam server, however there are some issues with exposures.

In order to take long exposures, an initial throw away exposure must be taken. The throw away exposure must be the first exposure taken after starting the indiserver process.

  • 1 second initial exposure allows up to 1 second exposures
  • 2 second initial exposure allows up to 6-7 second exposures
  • 7 second initial exposure allows up to the max exposure of 200 seconds

indi-allsky will automatically take a 7s initial exposure to allow maximum exposure times.

Raspberry PI Camera Port

The camera port might need to be enabled for the HQ camera. The script automatically performs the necessary configuration to enable the port. Below is the manual command to enable the port. A reboot will be necessary if the port needs to be enabled.

sudo raspi-config nonint do_camera 0

If you are running indi-allsky as a user other than pi, you also need to be member of the video group. You must re-login to activate this change.

sudo usermod -a -G video "$USER"

DPC "Star Eater" Algorithm

Defective Pixel Correction [DPC] is enabled by default on the Raspberry PI HQ camera (IMX477). The script automatically disables DPC and creates a system cronjob to disable at boot /etc/cron.d/disable_star_eater.

DPC can be disabled with the following command

sudo vcdbg set imx477_dpc 0

Raspberry PI firmware update

It may be necessary to update the raspberry pi firmwares to disable the "star eater" algorithm. A reboot is necessary to complete this.

sudo rpi-update
sudo reboot
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