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  • BinomialSimulation - Bayesian approach using conjugate prior to model binary data (election outcome) via simulation
  • GibbSampler - Applying Gibb sampler to model the data on page 108 of Kleinbaum, Kupper, Muller & Nizam to determine the relationship between the growth of cells under different temperatures
  • HierarchyModelBayesian - Applying hierarchy model on effect of drug dosage on the weights of rat assuming the distribution of weights Normal dependent on time and dosage level
  • HierarchyModelBayesianDiagnostics - Diagnostics on the posterior results of applying the hierarchy model to the crop yields data from J.Agricultural Eng. Research, 1975, pp 353-363 by looking at the deviance and DIC measures as well as the residuals
  • LinearRegressionBayesian - Bayesian approach (via OpenBUGS) to model the data set "FEV" from the R package "tmle" using linear regression
  • PoissonRegressionBayesian - Bayesian approach (via OpenBUGS) to model the down syndrome births data from Mantel and Stark (1968, Biometrics) Poisson regression
  • PoissonRegressionBayesianDiagnostics - Diagnostics on the posterior results of applying Poisson regression to the down syndrome births data using techniques such as Geweke and Brooks-Gelman-Rubin precedures
  • PriorParameters - Calculating the prior parameters for the model in SurvialAnalysisWithRandomEffectsBayesian
  • RandomEffectsBayesian - Bayesian approach to GLMM with random effects on the data set "MathAchieve" from the R package "MEMSS" using INLA
  • SurvialAnalysisWithRandomEffectsBayesian - Bayesian approach to survival analysis with random effects model on the 2014 American National Youth Tobacco Survey data set using INLA


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