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Guile GSL Bindings

This binds a minimal set of GSL functions (the ones needed for the guile-gemma project, at least—contribute more if you feel like it) for use in Guile.


Ensure that you have the modules/ directory in your GUILE_LOAD_PATH/%load-path and load it. You might need to adjust the directory paths in modules/gsl/core.scm to make GSL .so-s discoverable.

Environment management is easier with Guix, that's why there's guix.scm. You can also install this repo as a Guix channel:

;; .config/guix/channels.scm
  (name 'guile-gsl)
  (url "")
  (branch "master"))

Both guix.scm and the channel provide guile-gsl-git package with the fresh code.

Getting Started

Install this library to where Guile can find it (see Installation) and start the REPL. use-modules the ones you need and make your computations. Here's a BLAS example from the GSL docs, adjusted to Scheme:

(use-modules ((gsl matrices) #:prefix mtx:))
(use-modules ((gsl blas) #:prefix blas:))
(let ((a (mtx:alloc 2 3 #(#(0.11 0.12 0.13)
                          #(0.21 0.22 0.23))))
      (b (mtx:alloc 3 2 #(#(1011 1012)
                          #(1021 1022)
                          #(1031 1032))))
      (result (mtx:alloc 2 2 0)))
  (blas:dgemm! a b result #:beta 0)
  (mtx:->2d-vector result))
;;; $1 = #(#(367.76 368.12) #(674.0600000000001 674.72))

Names & How to Use The Library

Most bindings follow the GSL names, except that

  • gsl_ prefix and area prefix are dropped.
    • Area prefixes are modules now:
      • (gsl vectors) for vector ops.
      • (gsl matrices) for matrices.
      • (gsl blas) for BLAS compatibility.
      • (gsl stat) for statistics.
  • Destructive operations have an exclamation mark (!) after the name.
  • Copying counterparts to the destructive operations (or otherwise "safe" operations) don't have an exclamation mark.
  • Transformation/conversion operations start with ->.
  • Some operations are renamed to better fit Scheme conventions.

To exemplify:

  • gsl_vector_alloc is mere alloc in (gsl vectors).
  • gsl_matrix_set is set! in (gsl matrices).
  • gsl_matrix_set_all is fill! in (gsl matrices).
  • Conversion from gsl_vector to Scheme vector is (gsl vectors) ->vector

Notice that this extremely succinct naming means that many symbols in the programs one writes (or even in standard Scheme, like set!) are doomed to collide with the names provided by this library. Thus, use the provided modules with suitable prefixes instead of importing them raw:

(use-modules ((gsl matrices) #:prefix mtx:))
(use-modules ((gsl vectors) #:prefix vec:))
(use-modules ((gsl blas) #:prefix blas:))

In terms of documentation and API listing, you're best served by interactive help facilities Guile provides:

> ,describe mtx:alloc
Create a new ROWSxCOLUMNS gsl_matrix.
FILL might be one of:
- #f for uninitialized matrix (garbage values, use `calloc' for
  zero-initialized or numeric FILL for constant-initialized matrices).
- Real number to fill the matrix with the same double value.
- Or a list/vector of lists/vectors with numbers to fill in.
> ,apropos dgemm
(gsl blas): dgemm!	#<procedure dgemm! (amtx bmtx cmtx #:key alpha beta transpose-a transpose-b)>
> (use-modules ((gsl matrices) #:prefix mtx:))
> ,apropos mtx:
(gsl matrices): mtx:alloc	#<procedure alloc (n-rows n-columns #:optional fill)>
(gsl matrices): mtx:add-constant	#<procedure 7f31d7b068c0 at gsl/matrices.scm:241:2 (mtx arg)>
(gsl matrices): mtx:with
(gsl matrices): mtx:add!	#<procedure 7f31d7b008e0 (_ _)>
(gsl matrices): mtx:divide-elements	#<procedure 7f31d7b06b40 at gsl/matrices.scm:241:2 (mtx arg)>
(gsl matrices): mtx:ensure-gsl	#<procedure ensure-gsl (thing)>
(gsl matrices): mtx:vec->row!	#<procedure vec->row! (vec mtx row)>
(gsl matrices): mtx:max	#<procedure 7f31d7b00920 (_)>
(gsl matrices): mtx:rows	#<procedure rows (mtx)>


Bindings for GNU Scientific Library in Guile.







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