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List supported devices

SilasLaspada edited this page Aug 15, 2021 · 4 revisions

Table of Contents

Command description

This operation will show all known attached devices on your system and if they are supported for device dependent operations.

Command usage

Aaru device list [options] [<aaru-remote-host>]


<aaru-remote-host> aaruremote host


-v, --verbose=[true/false] shows verbose output (default false)
-d, --debug=[true/false] shows debug output (default false)
--pause=[true/false] pauses before exiting. (default false)
-?, -h, --help=[true/false] show help and usage information (default false)

Operating system support

FreeBSD Yes
macOS Not yet [1]
Linux Yes
Windows Yes
  1. ^ Support for MultiMedia devices in macOS will be added if users require it
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