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Terraform scripts for setting up kube-router in a virtual environment


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Automation scripts (mostly centering around Terraform and Ansible) for setting up kube-router in a virtual environment. For this we use the Terraform libvirt, or Terraform aws providers to spin up some VMs/instances and then use Ansible to deploy Kubernetes and kube-router to those VMs/instances using kubeadm so that we can perform kube-router tests end-to-end.

Requirements for libvirt

  • A Linux host that has the following resources available for VMs (this can be tweaked by setting different Terraform variables, but performance may suffer):
    • 6 cores
    • 9 GB of RAM
    • 60 GB of available Disk Space
  • libvirt installed and working
  • Your user is in the libvirt group so that you can perform libvirt actions in Terraform

Note: If you are using some OS's (like Ubuntu) that use AppArmor and you are placing your VM disks in an unconventional location, you will need to follow the following instructions in order to make it work without an error:

Specifically, adding something like the following (that contains your VM image path) to: /etc/apparmor.d/local/abstractions/libvirt-qemu

"/data/kvm/**/*qcow2" rwk,

Requirements for AWS

For this you mostly just need an AWS account and to be willing to pay a small amount for the AWS services that kube-router-automation uses.

Note, that you'll want to ensure that you run terraform destroy when you are finished with the resources so that you don't continue to get charged.


  • Install Terraform
  • Install Ansible
  • For libvirt: Ensure that wget and qemu-img commands are installed and available on the host running terraform
  • For libvirt: Add the following to your /etc/hosts file so that the hosts are easier to reference: bgp-route-vm1 kube-router-vm1 kube-router-vm2
  • For libvirt: Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config file so that these hosts changing doesn't cause issues with SSH:
Host kube-router-vm*
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
Host bgp-route-vm*
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

Create the Terraform VMs / Instances

  • Change directory into either terraform_libvirt or terraform_aws
  • Customize any variables that you want to run differently from the default and place them in the vars file provided for you and helpfully excluded from git. See variables section below.
  • From this project repo run: terraform init
  • From this project repo run (make sure to substitute your variables for the path below): terraform apply -auto-approve -var-file="../vars/<my_vars.tfvars>"

Setup the Kubernetes Cluster on the VMs / Instances

Note that for either of these you can choose to run containerd with the playbook kube-router-containerd.yaml or cri-o with the playbook kube-router-crio.yaml the big difference between the following is which inventory file you use.

The libvirt one is static and is distributed with the repo and connects using your /etc/hosts & ~/.ssh/config that you made above.

The AWS one is dynamic and is generated by Ansible as part of the Terraform run above.

  • For libvirt: From this project repo run:
ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/hosts.yaml ansible/playbooks/kube-router-containerd.yaml`
  • For AWS: From this project repo run:
ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/aws.yaml ansible/playbooks/kube-router-crio.yaml

Tearing Down Your Cluster

Once you are all done with your work on kube-router, you can tear down the VMs by running:

  • From this project repo run: terraform destroy -auto-approve


Terraform libvirt Variables

  • image_cache_dir - /tmp/kube-router-img-cache - In order to ensure Terraform runs are optimized, the execution will download images once on the first run and then continue to use them for all subsequent runs. This defines the directory that it will cache them in.
  • ubuntu_image_url - - This is the image that you wish to use as your base Ubuntu image for running kube-router on.
  • disk_size - 20G - This is the size that your OS image will be expanded to for your root disk. Accepts any valid qemu-img size.
  • vm_pool_dir - /var/lib/libvirt/kube-router-images - Where to store base images for kube-router VMs created by Terraform
  • root_password - kube-router-linux - The password to set for the root user of the created VMs. This should absolutely be changed, especially if exposing to another network.
  • username - kube-router - The username for the account that will be enabled for SSH
  • user_ssh_key - NO_DEFAULT_SET - The SSH key that you want to use if you intend to SSH to this VM. By default, password authentication is not enabled on the hosts, so setting this is effectively the only way to SSH to this host.
  • user_groups - adm - Additional groups to add the user (identified by username above) to
  • cpu_count - 2 - Numerical number for how many VCPUs to expose to each Kubernetes host VM
  • memory_size - 3072 - Number in Megabytes for how much memory to expose to each Kubernetes host VM
  • bgp_cpu_count - 1 - Numerical number for how many VCPUs to expose to each BGP route server VM
  • bgp_memory_size - 1024 - Number in Megabytes for how much memory to expose to each BGP route server VM

Terraform AWS Variables

  • aws_key_name - NO_DEFAULT_SET - The SSH key name in AWS that you want to use for logging into the instances
  • region - us-west-2 - The AWS region that you are deploying into
  • name - kube-router - The default name to use for AWS tags and instances
  • tags - owner = "kube-router" - Any additional tags that you want to set on your AWS resources
  • cidr_block - - The default CIDR block to use for all of the VPCs that we create
  • public_cidr_breakdowns - (see variables) - The CIDR blocks that you want to use for your instances that are available publicly
  • private_cidr_breakdowns - (see variables) - The CIDR blocks that you want to use for your instances that are available privately
  • kube_worker_instance_size - t3.medium - The instance size that you want to use for your kube-workers
  • bgp_receiver_instance_size - t3.micro - The instance size that you want to use for your bgp-workers
  • kube_worker_disk_size - 50 - The disk size that you want to use for your kube-workers
  • bgp_receiver_disk_size - 10 - The disk size that you want to use for your bgp-workers
  • ami_filter - ubuntu-minimal/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-*-amd64-minimal-* - Allows you to set a filter for the AMI that you want to base your instances off of

Ansible Variables

See comments in Playbooks


Terraform scripts for setting up kube-router in a virtual environment







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