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Required time to perform the practical task:
This practical task is for 2 hours. You may stretch up to 2:30 hours if required for the quality
task submission.
Please stop when you reach 2 hours if you have not completed task 1.
If you have time after task 1, you may begin task 2.
If you think you need more time than 2:30 hours, You can request in reply to the mail and we
always encourage you to take more time to complete the task at your convenient time as
effectively and efficiently as possible
- Before starting the task you need to create a Repo with First Commit.
- After completion of the task, you need to Push your latest source on Git, make it Public and
share the Public repo link. (Time will be counted between the First and Last commit)
Using Golang Gin and a MySQL database:
● It is preferred that you do not use an ORM. We like to see your use of MySQL (SQL)
language to accomplish the task.
● It is much preferred that you complete this task in a single package (folder). You may
use separate files for what would be separate packages if you desire.
● Please do not add any crud features or other endpoints to the code.
● Assume that a database has been created for you with the following table
specifications and data:
create database cetec;
use cetec;
create table person(id int not null key auto_increment, name varchar(255), age int);
insert into person(id, name, age) values (1, "mike", 31), (2, "John", 20), (3, "Joseph", 20);
You can assume the following data in person:
Name, age, id
mike , 31, 1
John, 45, 2
Joseph, 20, 3
create table phone(id int not null key auto_increment, number varchar(255), person_id int);
insert into phone(id, person_id, number) values (1,1, "444-444-4444"), (8,2, "123-444-7777"),
(3,3, "445-222-1234");
You can assume the following data in phone:
person_id, id, number
1,1, 444-444-4444
2,8, 123-444-7777
3,3, 445-222-1234
create table address(id int not null key auto_increment, city varchar(255), state varchar(255),
street1 varchar(255), street2 varchar(255), zip_code varchar(255));
insert into address(id , city , state , street1 , street2 , zip_code ) values (1,"Eugene", "OR", "111
Main St", "", "98765"), (2, "Sacramento", "CA", "432 First St", "Apt 1", "22221"), (3, "Austin",
"TX", "213 South 1st St", "", "78704");
You can assume the following data in address:
id, city, state, street1, street2, zip_code
1,Eugene, OR, "111 Main St", "", 98765
2, Sacramento, CA, "432 First St", "Apt 1", 22221
3, Austin, TX, "213 South 1st St", "", 78704
create table address_join(id int not null key auto_increment, person_id int, address_id int);
insert into address_join(id, person_id, address_id) values (1,1,3),(2,2,1),(3,3,2);
You can assume the following data in address_join:
id, person_id, address_id
Task 1:
make a REST endpoint (GET)
GET /person/1/info returns:
"name": "mike",
"phone_number": "444-444-4444",
"city" : "Austin",
"state" : "TX",
"street1": "213 South 1st St",
"street2": "",
"zip_code": "78704",
Task 2:
make a REST endpoint (POST) / Create
POST /person/create accepts body:
"name": "YOURNAME",
"phone_number": "123-456-7890",
"city" : "Sacramento",
"state" : "CA",
"street1": "112 Main St",
"street2": "Apt 12",
"zip_code": "12345",
returns 200


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