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Currency Converter Build Status Build Status


Simple currency conversion application. Featuring a backend API, a RabbitMQ data-worker, a RabbitMQ seeder, a React Built frontend, and docker container to support all features.

Environment variables

Variable Description Example Value
API_KEY Exchange Rates Data Api Key 32 character lengh String
DATABASE_URL Database connection URL postgresql://cc_owner:fh0xm1@
DATABASE_MAX_CONNECTIONS Maximum number of database connections to spawn 10 (default)
DATABASE_MIN_CONNECTIONS Maximum number of database connections to spawn 2 (default)
SOCKET_ADDR Path to UNIX socket file to be created. This enables the backend to communicate via a UNIX Socket. /var/run/rust/currency_converter.sock
BIND_ADDRESS IP address to bind backend listener

NOTE: Database connections are not shared among features. This meaning that, using default values, each feature that uses the database, will spawn 2 minimum connections, allowing a max of 10.

Desafio BoraCodar#9 RocketSeat

This application was made in order to take part in the 9th BoraCodar RocketSeat challenge;



This feature uses database connections.

The backend microservice can be used in two distinct modes. It can be bound to an IP address and port (this is the default mode), OR it can be bound to a UNIX socket. When using this feature in address mode (default), the application binds itself to the IP address and port associated with the BIND_ADDRESSenvironment variable, and may be initialized with the following command:


In order to use this feature in socket mode, this application must be run like shown below:

sudo -u <username> backend -m socket

Where <username> is an existing user with write and read access to the path associated with the SOCKET_ADDR environment variable. | Obs: Currently there is no way of setting this variable using the command line.


This feature uses database connections.

The data worker is responsible for updating the data stored in the database. It will bind itself using the attached AMPQ_ADDR and RMQ_QUEUE_NAME environment variables, and will consume any suitable messages in the queue, "acking" the valid ones and "nacking" those invalid.

The seeder feature ensures that the database is always up to date.

Environment variables

Variable Description Example Value
WORKER_PREFETCH_COUNT Sets the amount of messages to be retrieved by each listener's instance 8 (defaults to the amount of CPU cores)
AMPQ_ADDR Address to the RabbitMQ server amqp://
RMQ_QUEUE_NAME Name of the queue to be used currency_fetcher

README is still a WIP