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come together!

Yet another modern compiler. It has a collection library with reffrence count gc. It has compatibility for C language.


version 7.0.0

version 10.0.0で完全に完成したとします。

#include <comelang2.h>

int fun(int x=123, int y = 234, int z = 345) 
    printf("x %d y %d z %d\n", x, y, z);

int, string fun2() 
    return (1, string("ABC"))

exception int div(int left, int right)
    if(right == 0) {
        return none(0);
    return left/right;

struct sData
    int a;
    int b;

sData*% sData*::initialize(sData*% self, int a, int b)
    self.a = a;
    self.b = b;
    return self;

int putc(int c, FILE* f) version 2
    inherit(c, f);
    return 1;

int main() 
    puts("HO!" * 3);             // HO!HO!HO!\n
    puts(xsprintf("%d", 1+1));   // 2\n
    3.times { puts(("HO" + "!") * 3); }    // HO!HO!HO!\nHO!HO!HO!\nHO!HO!HO!\n
    int xxx = 123;
    3.times {
        printf("xxx %d\n", xxx); // xxx 125\nxxx 127\nxxx 129\n
    printf("xxx %d\n", xxx); // xxx 129\n

    var li = ["AAA", "BBB", "CCC"]

    foreach(it, li) {
        puts(it);           // AAA\nBBB\nCCC\n
    [1,2,3].each {
        printf("%d\n", it);   //1\n2\n3\n

    var m = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3]
    foreach(key, m) {
        var item = m[key];

        printf("%s %d\n", key, item); // AAA 1\nBBB 2\nCCC 3\n

    puts("ABC".substring(0,1));   // A\n

    int fd = open("ABC", O_RDONLY).except {
        fprintf(stderr, "can't open ABC");

    3.times {
        puts("HELLO METHOD BLOCK");

    var li2 = [1,2,3]

    li.filter { return it > 1; }.each {
        printf("%d\n", it);       // 2\n3\n
    var li2 = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]

    [3,1,2,7].filter { return it > 2; }.each { printf("%d\n", it); }   // 3\n7\n
    var ma1 = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3];
    if(ma1["AAA"] == 1 && ma1["BBB"] == 2 && ma1["CCC"] == 3) {
    fopen("AAA", "w").fprintf("ABC\n").fclose();
    fopen_block("AAA", "r") {;   // ABC\n
    puts("AAA".read());   // ABC\n\n
    stdin.readlines().map { return it.strip(); }.join(",").printf("[%s]\n"); // if stdin is aaa\nbbb\nccc --> [aaa,bbb,ccc]\n
    int, int, char* t1 = (1,2,"ABC");
    xassert("tuple value test1", t1.v1 == 1 && t1.v2 == 2 && t1.v3 === "ABC");
    xassert("string equals test1", "ABC" === "ABC");
    xassert("operator overload test", "ABC" * 2 === "ABCABC");
    xassert("operator overload test", "ABC" + "DEF" === "ABCDEF");
    xassert("operator overload test2", [1,2] + [3] === [1,2,3]);
    xassert("operator overload test3", [1,2] * 2 === [1,2,1,2]);
    var z = [1,2,3];
    xassert("list test", z === [1,2,3,4,5]);
    z[1] = 22;
    xassert("operator overload test", z[0] == 1 && z[1] == 22 && z[2] == 3);
    var zz = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3];
    xassert("operator overload test", zz["AAA"] == 1 && z["BBB"] == 22 && z["CCC"] == 3);
    zz["DDD"] = 4
    xassert("operator overload test", zz["AAA"] == 1 && z["BBB"] == 22 && z["CCC"] == 3 && z["DDD"] == 4);
    fun(y:2,x:1);  // print x 1 y 2 z 345
    putc('X');     // print X\n
    var l, m = fun2();
    xassert("multiple return", l == 1 && m === "ABC");
    "12345\n".write("AAA", append:true);
    printf("AAA".read());  // print out 12345\n12345\n
    var data = new sData(3,5);
    xassert("class test", data.a == 3 && data.b == 5);
    var z = [new sData(1,2), new sData(3,4)];
    int x = 2;
    ([1,2] + [3]).each {
        printf("%d\n", it*x);  // 1\n6\n9\n
        x = 3;
    printf("x %d\n", x);   // x 3\n
    ["1","7","3","2","9"].map { return atoi(it); }.each { // 1\n7\n3\n2\n9\n
        printf("%d\n", it);
    int zzz = 123;
    puts(s"zzz == \{zzz}");    // zzz == 123
    puts(s"zzz == $zzz");      // zzz == 123
    puts(s"1+1 == \{1+1}");    // 1+1 == 2
    var str2 = string("ABCDEF");
    puts(str2[0..2]);          // AB
    var list1 = [1,2,3,4,5];
    puts(list1[0..2]);   // [1,2]
    puts(1);             // 1
    int value = div(left:9, right:0)!;    // print out stackframe. and abort
    int value2 = div(left:1, right:0).catch { // puts("ZERO DIVISION"); exit(1);
        puts("ZERO DIVISION");
    int value3 = div(left:9, right:3);    // value3 == 3
    int fd2 = open("SEX", 0) or die("NO SEX"); // system call error handling
    FILE* f2 = fopen("SEX", 0) and die("NO SEX"); // returned null function errror handling

    return 0;
  1. It is compatible with C language. The C preprocessor also works.


  1. The default heap system is my original refference count heap system like rust or v or nim


  1. It has Generics, inline function


  1. It has a mixin-layers system. You can implement your application in layers.


  1. Protocol(Interface).


  1. method block like Ruby


  1. Default parametor values, and label parametor are supported.


  1. operator overload.


  1. Embeded expression in string


  1. Exception


  1. null(nil) checking for occuring segmentation fault.

nilを使うとnull segmentation faultが防げます。

With using nil, you can prevent from null segmentation fault.

  1. smart pointer

Memory safe pointer


Required libraries are clang, make, autoconf, valgrind, gdb, lldb, musl-dev(alpine linux), pcre-dev

clangとmake, autoconf, valgrind, gdb, lldb, musl-dev, pcre-devが必要です。

Run bash for installing required package automatically.

bash fast_build.shとすると自動的に必要なパッケージがインストールされます。

For Linux, MacOS(Darwin), iSH(iPhone), termux(Android), userland(Android), raspberry pi

LinuxとMacOS(Darwin), iSH(iPhone), termux(Android) userland(Android), raspberry piをサポートしています。

Fast Build. No self host.


git clone
cd comelang2

With self-host


git clone
cd comelang2
(bash   # for getting fast comelang2. It's optimized


0.9.0 Project started 0.9.1 Success on the infinity self hosted 0.9.2 Deleted memory leak. Comelang2 has no memory leaks 0.9.3 Complete project. I will write manyual 0.9.4 Supported Apple Mac 0.9.5 Memory turning. The running speed is faster 3 times 0.9.6 Memory turning. The running speed is faster 12 times then first code 0.9.7 Manual 0.9.8 Null checking. Memory leak checks 0.9.9 string libraries 1.0.1 MacOS supported. Text editor vin is worked 1.0.2 some libraries bug is fixed. 1.0.3 some libraries bug is fixed. 1.0.5 Really compelate. self-host memory leaks is zero! 1.0.6 When inserting const string value to collection, it had occured bug, now fixed. 1.0.7 Some bug fixed. 1.0.8 Err message. 1.0.9 improved self-host system 1.1.0 Append my original paging heap system. 1.1.1 Compile with -g option, can trace memory leak with valgrind. 1.1.2 Bug fixed. 1.1.3 Bug fixed. 1.1.4 Bug fixed. 1.1.5 Bug fixed. 1.1.6 Type checking at assign value. 1.1.8 Rechecked working in MacOS 1.2.0 iSH(iPhone) supported 1.2.1 termux(Anrdoid), userland(Android) supported. Many bug fixed. 1.2.2 bug fixed. 1.2.3 appended shsh, mf 1.2.5 Complete project. I'll maintain this, but I will not change many. 1.2.6 Old termux(android) supported. 1.2.7 raspberry pi supported. 1.2.8 list::any, list::all are appended. 1.2.9 Heap string is appended 1.3.0 Exception is appended 1.3.2 map, list [] is aborted when no finding value. 1.3.5 map, list [] are no exception. It occurs big errors. 1.3.6 (expression).if, (expression).elif, or statment added. 1.3.7 Some list methods return self 1.4.0 here document bug was fiexed. 1.5.0 and statment was added. Some bug fixed. 1.6.0 exception has been complete. Print out stackfarame. 1.6.1 appended return!, break!, continue! in method block 1.7.0 package manager 1.7.1 package manager bug fixed 1.7.2 Null check bug fixed 1.8.0 ver m = ["AAA":0, "BBB":1, "CCC":2] m["AAA"]! will not throw exception. m["GGG"] will throw exception. 1.8.1 Damn bugs has been fixed. 1.8.2 Null checker bug is fixed. 1.8.3 Added exception to base library 1.8.6 fixed many critical bugs 1.8.7 fixed bugs 1.9.0 fixed comelang2 memory leak 1.9.1 fixed memory leak bugs 2.0.0 complete 2.0.5 some bug fix 2.0.6 some gug fix 2.1.0 null(nil) checker 2.1.1 bug fixed 3.0.0 smart pointer 3.1.0 detecting memory leak 3.1.1 exception is faster the the past. 3.2.2 stackframe() function has been added 3.5.0 stackframe() function bug has been fixed. 3.5.1 Source file line number bug was fixed. 5.0.0 stackframe() function and exception require -g option 5.0.1 project manager improved. Test at termux, userland, alpine linux, raspberry pi. 5.0.2 Improved automatically free system. 5.0.3 stackframe() function and exception require -cg option 5.0.4 Original malloc removed.

Language specifications

It is almost the same as C language. Since it is not POSIX compliant, it is not compatible with C language in every detail, but I think that anyone who can use C language can use it immediately. If you don't use the heap system and do #include <comelang2.h>, you can just use it as a C compiler.

文法はC言語とほとんど一緒です。POSIXに準拠しているとは言えないかもしれません。#include <comelang2.h>をしないと普通のCコンパイラとして使えます。


> vim a.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    puts("HELLO WORLD");
    return 0;
> comelang2 a.c
> ./a


Compatible with C language. If you can write C, you should be able to write it right away as long as you understand the rules for reference count GC.


Reference Count GC

Basically, if the return value of a function that generates a heap or the return value of new is assigned to a variable, the reference count will be increased by 1. A heap with a reference count of 0 will be freed if it is not assigned to a variable after executing one statement.


int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int*% a = new int;
    *a = 123;

    return 0;

You must add % to variables to which heap values are assigned. Variables appended with % will decrement the reference count of the object it owns by 1 when exiting the block. The above code has no memory leak.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int* a = new int;
    *a = 123;

    return 0;

In this case, a compilation error will occur because you are trying to assign the new heap to a variable without a %. In order to pass the compilation


int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int* a = borrow gc_inc(new int);
    *a = 123;

    return 0;

will do. However, in this case, even after a exits the block, the heap reference count of new int is not set to -1, so a memory leak occurs. You can use valgrind to check for memory leaks. If you call this file a.c, you can check it as follows.


> comelang2 -g a.c
> valgrind ./a
> comelang2 -gdwarf-4 a.c
> valgrind ./a

It should report that there is a memory leak. If you want to know where the memory leak occurred


> comelang2 -g a.c
> valgrind --leak-check=full ./a
> comelang2 -gdwarf-4 a.c
> valgrind --leak-check=full ./a

If you add % to the fields of C primitive arrays and structures, the reference count will be incremented by 1.


struct sData
    string a;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    sData data;
    data.a = string("ABC");
    return 0;

string is a typedef for char*%. string("ABC"); creates the string ABC in the heap and returns the heap. When assigned to data.a, the reference count of the object returned by string("ABC") is increased by 1. When the data of sData leaves the block, the finalizer of sData is automatically defined and data.a is also released.

stringはtypedef char*% string;と定義されています。string("ABC")はABC\0をヒープで確保してポインタを返します。 data.aに代入される時、そのヒープはリファレンスカウントが+1されます。 dataが消える時、sDataのファイナライザーが自動的に定義されてdata.aも解放されます。

When passing an object to a function, if the argument type has a %, the heap reference count will be incremented by 1.


void fun(string a)

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    string str = string("ABC");
    return 0;

When exiting from fun, the heap reference count of argument a is set to -1, so at the end of main, string ("ABC") has a reference count of 0 and is freed as expected.

If there is a heap in the return value of the function, unless it is assigned to a variable with a %, the reference count will remain 0 and it will be freed.


int*% fun(int a)
    int*% result = new int;
    *result = a;
    return result;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int*% n = fun(123);

    return 0;

If you want to force the reference count to +1, use gc_inc, and if you want to force the reference count to -1, use gc_dec.


int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int* a = borrow gc_inc(new int);
    *a = 123;
    return 0;


If you want to set the reference count to -1, you can also use delete. Both call the finalizer and free memory when the reference count reaches 0.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
   int* a = borrow gc_inc(new int);
   *a = 123;
   delete a;
   return 0;

No memory leaks.

When adding % to a variable that does not have %, add dummy_heap.


int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int* a = borrow gc_inc(new int);
    int*% b = dummy_heap a;
    return 0;

In this case, b's reference count becomes 0 and it is freed when main ends. Since a does not have a %, it has nothing to do with the reference count.

この場合bが消える時にnew intのヒープは解放されます。

Use clone to copy objects. This is a deep copy and will create exactly the same thing. Structures etc. are also automatically created and cloned.


struct sData
   string str;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    sData*% data = new sData;
    data.str = string("ABC");
    sData*% data2 = clone data;
    puts(data2.str);      // ==> ABC
    return 0;


If you want to check whether a type is heap at compile time, use isheap(type name).

 int main(int argc, char** argv)
     if(isheap(string)) {
         puts("string is heap type");
      return 0;


This is used to determine whether the type argument of the generics is heap when creating a generics library. There won't be much use for anything else.

Heap values can also be assigned to pointers without %.

int fun(char* str)

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    string str = string("ABC");
    return 0;

In this case, fun(str) will cause a segmentation fault when str runs out of life. However, if you want to own it, there will be no problem as long as you add a %. When assigning to a variable with % added, the reference count will be increased by 1. This is because the object still exists even if the variable that owns it disappears. If you are nervous, add % to the variable and assign the cloned one to ensure ownership.

この場合はstrはfunの実行時は存在しているためセグメンテーションフォルトしません。もし、神経質になる場合はfun(char*% str)としてfun(clone str)として呼び出せばいいでしょう。


There are list, map, tuple, buffer, and string. There is no vector.

ライブラリにはlist, map, tuple, buffer, stringがあります。vectorはありません。


#incldue <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    list<char*>*% li = ["AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD", "EEE"];
    foreach(it, li.sublist(0,3)) {   // "AAA"\n"BBB"\n"CCC"
    foreach(it, li) {   // "AAA"\n"BBB"\n"CCC"\n"DDD"\n"EEE"\n"FFF"
    return 0;


map is a dictionary.


#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    map<char*, int>*% ma = new map<char*, int>();
    ma.insert("AAA", 1);
    ma.insert("BBB", 2);
    ma.insert("CCC", 3);
    foreach(it, ma) {
        int item = ma[it];
        printf("element %s %d\n", it, item);
    return 0;

insert adds an element. foreach's iterator only returns the key. If you want to access item, please use it.


The map representation is

#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    map<char*, int>*% ma = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3]:
    foreach(it, ma) {
        int item = ma[it];

        printf("%s %d\n", it, ma[it]);
    return 0;

It becomes.


A tuple is a container for elements of different types.

#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    tuple3<int, int, char*>*% tu = new tuple3<int, int, char*>(1, 2, "ABC");
    printf("%d %d %s\n", tu.v1, tu.v2, tu.v3);
    return 0;
#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    tuple3<int, int, char*>*% tu = (1,2,"ABC");
    printf("%d %d %s\n", tu.v1, tu.v2, tu.v3);
    return 0;


buffer is memory that can be appended.

#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    buffer*% buf = new buffer();
    buffer*% buf2 = new buffer();
    int* p = (int*)buf2.buf;
    printf("%d\n", *p);  // 1
    printf("%d\n", *p);  // 2
    printf("%d\n", *p);  // 3
    return 0;


#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    puts(xsprintf("%d", 1 + 1));     // ==> 2
    puts(string("ABC").substring(0, 1));  // ==> "A"
    return 0;

Default parametor values, parametor labels


int fun(int x = 123, int y = 345, int z = 456) 
    printf("x %d y %d z %d\n", x, y, z);

struct sData 
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;

int sData*::fun(sData* self, int x = 123, int y = 345, int z = 456)
    self.x = x;
    self.y = y;
    self.z = z;

void sData*::show(sData* self)
    printf("x %d y %d z %d\n", self.x, self.y, self.z);

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    fun();           // x 123 y 345 z 456 are outputed
    fun(y:2);        // x 123 y 2 z 456
    fun(y:1, x:3);   // x 3 y 1 z 456
    fun(1);          // x 1 y 345 z 456
    fun(1,2);        // x 1 y 2 z 456
    sData data;
    (&data).show();   // x 123 y 345 z 456
    (&data).fun(y:2); // x 123 y 2 z 456
    (&data).show();   // x 123 y 2 z 456
    (&data).show();   // x 1 y 345 z 456
    return 0;

operator overloads

string char*::operator_mult(char* str, int n);
string string::operator_mult(char* str, int n);
bool char*::operator_equals(char* left, char* right);
bool string::operator_equals(char* left, char* right);

    "ABC" * 3  // => "ABCABCABC"
    [1,2] * 3  // => [1,2,1,2,1,2]
    "ABC" === "ABC" // => true
    "ABC !== "DEF" // => true
    [1,2] + [3] // => [1,2,3]
    auto ma1 = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2]
    xassert("map test", ma1["AAA"] == 1)
    ma1["CCC"] = 3
+ operator_add
- operator_sub
* operator_mult
/ operator_div
% operator_mod
=== operator_equals
!== operator_not_equals
> operator_gt
>= operator_gteq
< operator_le
<= operator_leeq
[x] = y operator_store_element
[x]  operator_load_element
! operator_logical_denial
<< operator_left_shift
>> operator_right_shift
& operator_and
^ operator_xor
| operator_or
~ operator_commplement

mixin-layers system

Mixin-layers is a programming technique that creates an application so that layers are layered. The mechanism is to allow overwriting of a function and call the overwritten function from the overwritten function.

#include <stdio.h>

int fun(char* str) version 1
    return 1;

int fun(char* str) version 2
    int n = inherit(str);

    return n + 1;

int fun(char* str) version 3
    int n = inherit(str);

    return n + 1;

int main()
    if(fun("HELLO MIXIN-LAYERS") == 3) {

    return 0;


int fun(bool flag) 
    if(flag) {
    else {

int main()

    return 0;

@[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]* is a comment of expression.

multiple assign

#include <comelang2.h>

int, string fun(int n, string m) 
    return (n, m);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    var n, m = fun(1, string("AAA"));
    printf("n %d m %s\n", n, m);
    return 0;

Protocol, interface

#include <comelang.h>

interface sBase
    void show();

struct sChildA
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;
    string str;

sChildA*% sChildA*::initialiize(sChildA*% self)
    self.x = 1;
    self.y = 2;
    self.z = 3;
    self.str = string("ABC");
    return self;

void sChildA*::show(sChildA* self)
    printf("x %d y %d z %d str %s\n", self.x, self.y, self.z, self.str);

struct sChildB
    int X;
    int Y;
    int Z;

sChildB*% sChildB*::initialize(sChildB*% self)
    self.X = 111;
    self.Y = 222;
    self.Z = 333;
    return self;

void sChildB*::show(sChildB* self)
    printf("X %d Y %d Z %d\n", self.X, self.Y, self.Z);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    list<sBase*%>*% li = new list<sBase*%>();
    li.add(new sChildA() implements sBase);
    li.add(new sChildB() implements sBase);
    foreach(it, v) {;
    return 0;

Null checking

If you add !, the source file name and line number will be output if the value is null. Checked at runtime.

> vin a.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int* b = null;
    printf("null check %p\n", b!);
    return 0;
> comleang2 a.c
> ./a
b.c 7: null check
> vin a.c
#include <stdio.h>

void fun(int* b)

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int*? b = nil;
    return 0;
> comleang2 a.c
> ./a
a.c 11: null check
> vin a.c
#include <stdio.h>

void fun(int*? b)

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int*? b = nil;
    return 0;
> comleang2 a.c
> ./a
(no called checking null)
> vin a.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    return 0;
> comleang2 a.c
> ./a
a.c 5: null check

nil can be assigned to of null value variable type.(?)

null can be assigend to all variable type.

You can use nil instead of null for strictly checking null value.

Using C

    int main(int argc, char** argv)
        using c { int a = (1,2); }     // no error. It's comman operator and brace
        int a = (1,2);  // error. It's tuple
        return 0;
> vin a.h
static inline int fun()
    return (1,2);
> vin a.c
using C
#include "a.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    return fun();   // no error. It's comma operator and brace

Heap String

int main(int argc, char* argv)
    string a = s"abc";
    puts(a);          // abc
    string b = S"def";
    puts(b);          // def
    int c = 123;
    puts(s"c == \{c}");   // c == 123;
    puts(s"c == $c");     // c == 123;
    puts(s"1 + 1 == \{1+1}");   // 1+1 == 2;
    return 0;


#include <comelang2.h>

exception int div(int left, int right)
    if(right == 0) {
        return none(0);
    return left/right;    /// instead of this, you can write that "return some(left/right);"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int value = div(9, 3);              // value == 3
    int value2 = div(9, 0);             // value2 == 0
    int value3 = div(9, 0).catch {      // value3 == 0
        puts("ZERO DIVISION");          // print out ZERO DIVISION
    int value3 = div(9, 0).catch {      // value3 == 0
        puts("ZERO DIVISION");          // print out ZERO DIVISION
    int value3 = div(9, 0).expect {      // value3 == 0
        puts("ZERO DIVISION");           // print out ZERO DIVISION print caller stackfarame and abort
    int value5 = div(9, 0)!;           // print caller stackfarame and abort
    return 0;

require -cg option

System call errro handling like perl

#include <comelang2.h>
using c
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int fd2 = open("SEX", 0) or die("NO SEX"); // system call error handling
    int fd2 = open("LIVE", 0) or {
        perror("NO LIVE");
        return 1;
    puts("You got a your child");
    return 0;

#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    FILE* f2 = fopen("SEX", 0) and die("NO SEX"); // returned null function errror handling
    return 0;

Here document

#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int a = 123;
    return 0;

method block

#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    3.times {
        printf("%d\n", it);
    return 0;
#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ["1", "2", "3"].map { return atoi(it); }.filter { return it > 1}.each { printf("%d\n",it); }
    return 0;
#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    3.times {
        printf("%d\n", it);
        return! 1;     /// parent function is returned
    return 0;
#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    while(true) {
        3.times {
            printf("%d\n", it);
            break! 1;     /// parent loop is breaked
    return 0;

Package manager

> comelang2 new xyz
> cd xyz
> cat <EOS > a.c
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    return fun(0, 0);
>cat <EOS > b.c
int fun(int a, int b)
    return a + b;
> comelang2 run
(make header file named common.h)
(compile with -O2 option)
> comelang2 debug
(make header file named common.h)
(compile with -g and -cg option)
> comelang2 clean
(clean up tmp files)
> comelang2 install (target-directory:default is /usr/local)
(install command file to target-directory)

auto included common.h

String libraries


#include <comelang2.h>
#include <comelang2-str.h>

int main()
    xassert("char_match test", "ABC".match(/A/));
    xassert("char_index test", "ABC".index("B", -1) == 1);
    xassert("char_rindex test", "ABCABC".rindex("B", -1) == 4);
    xassert("char_index_regex", "ABC".index_regex(/B/, -1) == 1);
    xassert("char_rindex_regex", "ABCABC".rindex_regex(/B/, -1) == 4);

    string str = string("ABC");

    str.replace(1, 'C');

    xassert("char_replace", str === "ACC"))
    xassert("char_multiply", "ABC".multiply(2) === "ABCABC");

    xassert("char_sub", "ABC".sub(/B/, "C" === "ACC");

    xassert("char_sub_count", "ABCABCABC".sub_count(/B/g, "C", 2) === "ACCACCABC");

    auto li = "ABC".scan(/./);

    xassert("char_scan", li[0] === "A" && li[1] === "B" && li[2] === "C");

    auto li2 = "A,B,C".split(/,/);

    xassert("char_split", li2[0] === "A" && li2[1] === "B" && li2[2] == "C");

    auto li3 = "A,B,C".split_char(',');

    xassert("char_split_char", li3[0] === "A" && li3[1] === "B" && li3[2] === "C");
    auto li4 = "A,,B,,C".split_str(",,");

    xassert("char_split_str", li4[0] === "A" && li4[1] === "B" && li4[2] === "C");
    auto li5 = "A,,B,,C".split_maxsplit(/,,/, 1);

    xassert("char_split_maxsplit", li5[0] === "A" && li5[1] === "B,,C");

    xassert("char_delete", "ABC".delete(0,1) === "BC);

    xassert("wchar_substring", wstring("ABC").substring(0,1) === wstring("A"));
    auto li6 = "A,B,C".split_str(",");
    xassert("join", li6.join(" ") === "A B C");
    auto li7 = "A,B,C".split(/,/g);
    xassert("split test", li7[0] === "A" && li6[1] === "B" && li7[2] === "C");
    xassert("index_count test", "ABCABC".index_count("ABC", 2, -1) == 3);
    xassert("index_regex_count test", "ABCABC".index_regex_count(/ABC/g, 2, -1) == 3);
    xassert("rindex_count test", "ABCABC".rindex_count("ABC", 2, -1) == 0);
    xassert("rindex_regex_count test", "ABCABC".rindex_regex_count(/CBA/g, 2, -1) == 0);
    xassert("rindex_regex test", "ABCABC".rindex_regex(/CBA/, -1) == 5);
    xassert("match_count test", "ABCABCABC".match_count(/ABC/, 3));
    xassert("match_count test", "ABCABCABC".match_count(/ABC/, 4) == false);
    xassert("sub_count test", "ABCABCABC".sub_count(/ABC/g, "X", 2) === "XXABC");
    xassert("sub_block test", "ABCABCABC".sub_block(/ABC/g) { string("X"); } === "XXX");
    xassert("sub_block_count test", "ABCABCABC".sub_block_count(/ABC/g, 2) { string("X"); } === "XXABC");
    xassert("sub_block_count test2", "ABCABCABC".sub_block_count(/ABC/g, 2) { it.substring(0,1); } === "AAABC");
    xassert("scan_block test", "123 456 789".scan_block(/\d\d\d/g) { it.substring(0, 1); }.join("") === "147");
    xassert("scan_block_count test", "123 456 789".scan_block_count(/\d\d\d/g, 2) { it.substring(0, 1); }.join("") === "14");
    auto li8 = "ABC".scan(/./);
    xassert("scan test", li8[0] === "A" && li8[1] === "B" && li8[2] === "C");
    var bufX = "ABC".to_buffer();
    xassert("to_buffer test", bufX.to_string() === "ABCDEF");
    xassert("split block test", "ABC,DEF,GHI".split_block(/,/) { it.substring(0,1); }.join("") === "ADG");
    xassert("split block test", "ABC,DEF,GHI".split_block_count(/,/, 2) { it.substring(0,1); }.join("") === "AD");
    xassert("regex test", "ABC".scan(/./).join("") === "ABC");
    xassert("regex equals test", /aaa/g === /aaa/g);
    list<string>*% group_strings = new list<string>();
    int num_group_strings_in_regx = 0;
    "id: abc mail:".scan_group_strings(/(\w+):/, group_strings, &num_group_strings_in_regx);
    xassert("regex scan group strings test", group_strings[0] === "id" && group_strings[1] === "mail" && num_group_strings_in_regx == 1);
    list<string>*% group_strings2 = new list<string>();
    "id: abc mail:".scan_group_strings(/(\w+): ([\w@.]+)/, group_strings2, &num_group_strings_in_regx);
    xassert("regex scan group strings test2", group_strings2[0] === "id" && group_strings2[1] === "abc" && group_strings2[2] === "mail" && group_strings2[3] === "" && num_group_strings_in_regx == 2);

    return 0;

compile with -str option to link libpcre

smart pointer

> vin a.c
#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    var p = s"ABC".to_buffer().to_pointer();
    printf("%c\n", *p);
    printf("%c\n", *p);
    return 0;
> comelang a.c
> ./a
a.c 9: out of range of smart pointer(2)


> vin a.c
#include <comelang2.h>

int fun()
    return 0;

int fun2()
    return fun();

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    return 0;
> comelang2 a.c
> ./a
a.c 5
a.c 11
a.c 16

for debug require -cg option.

range check

> vin a.c
#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    int a[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
    printf("%d\n", (a + 1)!{a, a + 3});
    return 0;
> comelang2 -cg a.c
> ./a
> vin a.c
#include <comelang2.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    int a[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
    printf("%d\n", (a + 5)!{a, a + 3});
    return 0;
> comelang2 -cg a.c
> ./a
a.c 7: range check error
libcomelang2.c 96
a.c 7

require -cg option for show stackframe()



version 1.2.5でようやく完成です。

LLVM-C++, LLVM-C, Cトランスパイラと、このコンパイラは実は3作目なんですが、ようやく満足のいくヒープシステムが作れました。








Enjoy Programing!

My dear friend DIO, I have finally seen the kingdom of heaven.

It is finally completed with version 1.2.5.

This is actually my third compiler, including LLVM-C++, LLVM-C, and the C transpiler, but I was finally able to create a heap system that I was satisfied with.

Even if you write it properly, there will not be many memory leaks. If you are concerned about dynamic errors with the C compiler, please use valgrind. It also detects memory leaks.

This language also has a Ruby-like string library.

I guess I liked Ruby after all. I love it so much that I've created three Ruby-like products: a Ruby-like shell, a Ruby-like Java, and a Ruby-like compiler.

I would like to spend the rest of my life creating Ruby clones. I would like to create a Ruby clone and meet Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby.

So what we have been doing up until now may be confirmed.

Well, have fun programming. Enjoy your social life too. Don't program so much that you sacrifice your social life.

If you are careful about this, programming will give you the best moments when it works as you want.

Enjoy Programing!


No releases published


No packages published
