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Modern C compiler. It has a collection and string library using Refference count GC heap system.


version 1.0.1

#include <neo-c.h>

int fun(int x=123, int y = 234, int z = 345) 
    printf("x %d y %d z %d\n", x, y, z);

int, string fun2() 
    (1, string("ABC"))

class sData(int a, int b)
    int self.a = a;
    int self.b = b;

int putc(int c, FILE* f) version 2
    inherit(c, f);
    return 1;

int main() 
    puts("HO!" * 3);             // HO!HO!HO!\n
    puts(xsprintf("%d", 1+1));   // 2\n
    3.times { puts(("HO" + "!") * 3); }    // HO!HO!HO!\nHO!HO!HO!\nHO!HO!HO!\n
    int xxx = 123;
    3.times {
        printf("xxx %d\n", xxx); // xxx 125\nxxx 127\nxxx 129\n
    printf("xxx %d\n", xxx); // xxx 129\n

    var li = ["AAA", "BBB", "CCC"]

    foreach(it, li) {
        puts(it);           // AAA\nBBB\nCCC\n
    [1,2,3].each {
        printf("%d\n", it);   //1\n2\n3\n

    var m = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":]
    foreach(key, m) {
        var item = m[key];

        printf("%s %d\n", key, item); // AAA 1\nBBB 2\nCCC 3\n

    puts("ABC".substring(0,1));   // A\n

    int fd = open("ABC", O_RDONLY).except {
        fprintf(stderr, "can't open ABC");

    3.times {
        puts("HELLO METHOD BLOCK");

    var li2 = [1,2,3]

    li.filter { it > 1; }.each {
        printf("%d\n", it);       // 2\n3\n
    list<char*>*% li2 = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"] { atoi(it); }.filter { it > 3; }.each { printf("%d\n", it); }  // 4\n5\n
    if("123 456 789".scan_block(/\d\d\d/) { it.substring(0,1); }.join("") === "147") {
    [3,1,2,7].filter { it > 2; }.each { printf("%d\n", it); }   // 3\n7\n
    var ma1 = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3];
    if(ma1["AAA"] == 1 && ma1["BBB"] == 2 && ma1["CCC"] == 3) {
    fopen("AAA", "w").fprintf("ABC\n").fclose();
    fopen_block("AAA", "r") {;   // ABC\n
    puts("AAA".read());   // ABC\n\n
    stdin.readlines().map { it.strip(); }.join(",").printf("[%s]\n"); // if stdin is aaa\nbbb\nccc --> [aaa,bbb,ccc]\n
    int, int, char* t1 = (1,2,"ABC");
    xassert("tuple value test1", t1.0 == 1 && t1.1 == 2 && t1.2 === "ABC");
    xassert("string equals test1", "ABC" === "ABC");
    xassert("operator overload test", "ABC" * 2 === "ABCABC");
    xassert("operator overload test", "ABC" + "DEF" === "ABCDEF");
    xassert("operator overload test2", [1,2] + [3] === [1,2,3]);
    xassert("operator overload test3", [1,2] * 2 === [1,2,1,2]);
    list<int>*% z = [1,2,3];
    xassert("operator overload test", z[0] == 1 && z[1] == 2 && z[2] == 3);
    z[1] = 22;
    xassert("operator overload test", z[0] == 1 && z[1] == 22 && z[2] == 3);
    map<char*, int>*% zz = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3];
    xassert("operator overload test", zz["AAA"] == 1 && z["BBB"] == 22 && z["CCC"] == 3);
    zz["DDD"] = 4
    xassert("operator overload test", zz["AAA"] == 1 && z["BBB"] == 22 && z["CCC"] == 3 && z["DDD"] == 4);
    fun(y:2,x:1);  // print x 1 y 2 z 345
    putc('X');     // print X\n
    var l, m = fun2();
    xassert("multiple return", l == 1 && m === "ABC");
    "12345\n".write("AAA", append:true);
    printf("AAA".read());  // print out 12345\n12345\n
    int*? a = null;
    guard(a) {
        fprintf(stderr, "a is null\n");
        return 1;
    //printf("%d\n", *a!);  // exception. printout source code file name and source code line number
    int* b = a;         /// no compile error

    var data = new sData(3,5);
    xassert("class test", data.a == 3 && data.b == 5);
    var z = [new sData(1,2), new sData(3,4)];
    //printf("%d\n", *z[5]!.a);  // exception. printout source code file name and source code line number
    var buf = "ABC".to_buffer();
    var p = buf.to_pointer();
    //p++;  // exception. print out the source code file name and line number
    printf("CHARACTER %c\n", *p); // CHARACTER C\n
    int x = 2;
    ([1,2] + [3]).each {
        printf("%d\n", it*x);  // 1\n6\n9\n
        x = 3;
    printf("x %d\n", x);   // x 3\n

    return 0;

From version 0.9.9p, Incremental GC has been enabled

#include <neo-c.h>

struct sInfo
    list<string>*% li;

int main()
    sInfo*% info = new sInfo;
    info->li = new list<string>();
    string x = string("AAA");

    delete info;
    return 0;

In pipes filter or command lines.

> neo-c -e 'puts("HELLO WORLD");'
> neo-c -e 'puts("HO! * 3);'
> ls
> ls | neo-c -e '\n/).join(",").puts();'
  1. It is compatible with C language. The C preprocessor also works.

  2. The default heap system is using Incremetal GC.

  3. It has Generics, Method Generics, inline function, debug info (-g option), and lambda.

  4. It has a mixin-layers system. You can implement your application in layers. Each layer is complete and useful for debugging and porting. A vi clone called vin is implemented as an editor implemented in mixin-layers. Please refer to it because it is in a directory called vin. Also I'm creating a text processing interpreter(zed), 1000 lines shell(shsh) and 1000 lines filer(mf).

  5. Protocol(Interface)

  6. method block like Ruby

  7. It has using regex library(pcre) string libraries.

  8. For command line pipes, neo-c can run C code with -e command option.

  9. defer

  10. Default parametor values, and label parametor are supported.

  11. operator overload.

  12. Guard from the segmentation of null pointer.

  13. Smart pointer

  14. Simple exception statment

  15. Detect dangling pointer

  16. C言語と互換性があります。Cプリプロセッサーも動きます。

  17. インクリメンタルGCを使ったヒープ管理をします。

  18. ジェネリクス、メソッドジェネリクス、インライン関数、デバッグ情報、ラムダをサポートします。

  19. mixin-layersシステムを備えます。アプリケーションをレイヤーを重ねるように実装できます。各レイヤーは完結しており、デバッグや移植作業でも有効です。mixin-layersで実装されたエディッタとしてvinというviクローンを実装しています。vinというディレクトリの中に入っているので参考にしてください。またテキスト処理系をzedというディレクトリに作っています。shshという1000行シェルもあります。

  20. プロトコル(インターフェース)

  21. Rubyのようなメソッドブロックがあります。

  22. 正規表現を使った文字列ライブラリがあります。

  23. コマンドラインのパイプのためにneo-cは-eコマンドオプションによってCコードを実行できます。

  24. 遅延評価(defer)があります。

  25. デフォルト引数、引数のラベルをサポートします。

  26. 演算子オーバーロードがあります。

  27. null pointerのセグメンテーションを防ぐ機能があります。

  28. 範囲チェックするポインターがあります

  29. 簡易な例外処理があります。

  30. できる限りダンジリングポインタを検出する機能があります。


Required libraries are clang, g++, gcc, llvm-dev, pcre-dev, gc-dev, readline-dev, ncurses-dev, make, autoconf, valgrind, gdb, lldb, musl-dev(alpine linux)

For Linux, WSL, MacOS(Darwin), userland(android)

Fast Build. No self host


git clone
cd neo-c

With debug info.


git clone

cd neo-c

with self hosting.


git clone

cd neo-c

For termux.

git clone

cd neo-c

compile the compiler, editor, interpreter, shell and console filer with configure and Makefile



in termux


Language specifications

It is almost the same as C language. Since it is not POSIX compliant, it is not compatible with C language in every detail, but I think that anyone who can use C language can use it immediately. If you don't use the heap system and do #include <neo-c.h>, you can just use it as a C compiler.

C言語とほぼ一緒です。POSIX準拠じゃないため、あまり細部までC言語とは互換性がありませんが、C言語を使える人ならすぐ使えると思います。 ヒープシステムを使わずに#include <neo-c.h>をしなければ、単なるCコンパイラとして使えます。


> vim a.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    puts("HELLO WORLD");
    return 0;
> neo-c a.c
> ./a

The compilation result is output to the source file name.ll with -S option. The output of the C preprocessor is saved in the source file name .i with -E option. It can be used like a normal C compiler. Of course, you can freely use the library in C language. If you add the -g option, debug information will also be output.

コンパイル結果は-Sオプションでソースファイル名.llに出力されます。-Eオプションでソースファイル名.iにCプリプロセッサの出力が保存されます。 通常のCコンパイラと同じように使えます。もちろんライブラリもC言語のものを自由に使えます。-gオプションをつけるとデバッグ情報も出力されます。

If you want to object file only, use -c option.


Boehm GC libraries

With -gc option for neo-c, enable boehm GC. The default heap system is using Original Heap System.



    if(xsprintf("%d", 1 + 1) === "2") {

xsprintf is a function that returns the memory of a format string. === internally is operator_equal ~

xsprintfはフォーマット文字列のメモリーを返す関数です。===は内部的にはoperator_equals関数が呼ばれてます。 ==はポインターでは同じアドレスを指さないとtrueになりませんが===は同じ値ならtrueを返します。

    if("ABC".reverse() === "CBA") {

reverse () returns a string in reverse order.


    if("ABC".substring(0,1) === "A") {

substring () returns a range string. -1 means the end and -2 means the first character from the end. Does not include the character of the second argument.



    list<char*>*% li = new list<char*>();
    if(li === ["AAA", "BBB", "CCC"]) {

new list <char *> (); is an abbreviation for new list <char *> .initialize ()

new list<char*>();はnew list<char*>.initialize()の省略形です。

push_back adds an element to the list. ["AAA", "BBB", "CCC"] is a representation of the values ​​in the list

push_backはリストに要素を追加します。["AAA", "BBB", "CCC"]はリストの値の表現です。

    [,9].sort() === [2,3,5,7,8,9]

Since sort() internally calls compare, you need to implement compare.


    strcut sData {
        int value;
    int sData*::compare(sData* left, sData* right)
        if(left.value < right.value) {
            return -1;
        else if(left.value > right.value) {
            return 1;
        else {
            return 0;

This way sData can also be sort


    [1,2,3,4,5].filter { it > 2 }.map { xsprintf("%d", it) + "A" } === ["3A", "4A", "5A"]

filter returns a list of elements for which the expression is true. map transforms all the elements. it, it2, it3 are the argument of the method block. $ Method blocks can still access variables in the parent block

filterは式が真となる要素を集めたlistを返します。mapは全ての要素を変換します。it, it2, it3がメソッドブロックの引数となります。 メソッドブロックは親のブロックの変数にもそのままアクセスできます。

    int sum = 0;
    [1,2,3,4,5,6].each {
        sum += it;


Returns the sum of 1,2,3,4,5,6.

    [1,2] + [3,4] === [1,2,3,4]
    [1,2] * 2 === [1,2,1,2]
    immutalbe list<char*>* li = ["AAA", "BBB"];
    li.push_back("CCC");  /// compile error

Specifying immutable guarantees that the value does not change. Since push_back is a method specified as mutable, a compile error will occur.


each accesses all elements with an iterator


    int sun = 0;
    [1,2,3,4,5].each {
        sum += it;
    sum.printf("sum %d\n");

list can be converted to a string. [1,2,3,4,5] should be output. Element must implement to_string () to_string () is implemented for int, char *, string, float, double, etc.

listは文字列に変換できます。[1,2,3,4,5]が出力されるはずです。要素はto_string()が実装されている必要があります。 int, char*, string, float,doubleなどはto_string()が実装されています。

    [1,2,3].length() == 3
    auto li = [1,2,3];
    li[0] == 1 && li[1] == 2 && i[2] == 3 && li[-1] == 3 && li[99999] == 0

auto is type inferred. For elements, -1 represents the end. Access out of range will return 0 cleared values


    var li = [1,2,3];

var is type inferred.


    [1,2,3].insert(position:0, item:4) === [4,1,2,3]

You can also use argument labels


    [1,2,3,4,5].delete(head:0,tail:2) === [3,4,5]
    [1,2,3].replace(position:1, 999) === [1,999,3]
    [1,2,3,4].find(2) == 1
    [1,2,3,4].sublist(begin:1, tail:3) === [2,3]
    [1,2,3].reverse() === [3,2,1]
    [7,3,7,2,8,5,5].sort().uniq() === [2,3,5,7,8]
    [1,2,3].map { xsprintf("%d", it }.join("+") === "1+2+3"

There is also a vector. I think that the list is generally used more often. vector has fast random access.


No representation of value.


    var v = new vector<int>();
    if(v[0] == 1 && v[1] == 2 && v[2] == 3)
    var li = v.to_list();

There is also a map.


    var m = new map<char*,int>();
    m.insert("AAA", 1).insert("BBB", 2).insert("CCC", 3);
    if(m === ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3]) {

In order to be an element of map, it is necessary to define get_hash_key for hash value calculation in the type.


    struct sData
        int value;
    unsigned int sData*::get_hash_key(sData* self)
        return self.value;
    ["AAA":1, "BBB":2] + ["CCC":3] === ["AAA":1, "BBB",2, "CCC":3]
    ["AAA":1, "BBB":2].to_string() === "[AAA:1,BBB:2]"
    var ma = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2];
    ma["CCC"] = 3;
    ma === ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3];
    var ma = ["A":1, "B":2, "C":3];
    ma["A"] == 1 && ma["B"] == 2 && ma["C"] == 3 && ma["D"] == 0
    ["A":1, "B":2, "C":3].find("B") // => true
    ["A":1, "B":2, "C":3].keys() === ["A", "B", "C"]

However, this is not always true. Because the map is in no particular order, the return value may be ["B", "A", "C"], etc.

ただしこれはtrueになるとは限りません。mapは順不同に入っているため戻り値が["B", "A", "C"]などとなるかもしれないからです。

    ["A":1, "B":2, "C":3].values() === [1,2,3]
    ["A":1, "B":2, "C":3].length() == 3

There is also a tuple.


    int, char*, float t = (1,"AAA", 1.1);
    t.0 == 1 && t.1 === "AAA" && t.2 == 1.1

There is also a buffer.


    var buf = new buffer();
    buf.to_string() === "AAABBB"

String libraries


#include <neo-c.h>

int main()
    xassert("char_match test", "ABC".match(/A/));
    xassert("char_index test", "ABC".index("B", -1) == 1);
    xassert("char_rindex test", "ABCABC".rindex("B", -1) == 4);
    xassert("char_index_regex", "ABC".index_regex(/B/, -1) == 1);
    xassert("char_rindex_regex", "ABCABC".rindex_regex(/B/, -1) == 4);

    string str = string("ABC");

    str.replace(1, 'C');

    xassert("char_replace", str === "ACC"))
    xassert("char_multiply", "ABC".multiply(2) === "ABCABC");

    xassert("char_sub", "ABC".sub(/B/, "C" === "ACC");

    xassert("char_sub_count", "ABCABCABC".sub_count(/B/g, "C", 2) === "ACCACCABC");

    auto li = "ABC".scan(/./);

    xassert("char_scan", li[0] === "A" && li[1] === "B" && li[2] === "C");

    auto li2 = "A,B,C".split(/,/);

    xassert("char_split", li2[0] === "A" && li2[1] === "B" && li2[2] == "C");

    auto li3 = "A,B,C".split_char(',');

    xassert("char_split_char", li3[0] === "A" && li3[1] === "B" && li3[2] === "C");
    auto li4 = "A,,B,,C".split_str(",,");

    xassert("char_split_str", li4[0] === "A" && li4[1] === "B" && li4[2] === "C");
    auto li5 = "A,,B,,C".split_maxsplit(/,,/, 1);

    xassert("char_split_maxsplit", li5[0] === "A" && li5[1] === "B,,C");

    xassert("char_delete", "ABC".delete(0,1) === "BC);

    xassert("wchar_substring", wstring("ABC").substring(0,1) === wstring("A"));
    auto li6 = "A,B,C".split_str(",");
    xassert("join", li6.join(" ") === "A B C");
    auto li7 = "A,B,C".split(/,/g);
    xassert("split test", li7[0] === "A" && li6[1] === "B" && li7[2] === "C");
    xassert("index_count test", "ABCABC".index_count("ABC", 2, -1) == 3);
    xassert("index_regex_count test", "ABCABC".index_regex_count(/ABC/g, 2, -1) == 3);
    xassert("rindex_count test", "ABCABC".rindex_count("ABC", 2, -1) == 0);
    xassert("rindex_regex_count test", "ABCABC".rindex_regex_count(/CBA/g, 2, -1) == 0);
    xassert("rindex_regex test", "ABCABC".rindex_regex(/CBA/, -1) == 5);
    xassert("match_count test", "ABCABCABC".match_count(/ABC/, 3));
    xassert("match_count test", "ABCABCABC".match_count(/ABC/, 4) == false);
    xassert("sub_count test", "ABCABCABC".sub_count(/ABC/g, "X", 2) === "XXABC");
    xassert("sub_block test", "ABCABCABC".sub_block(/ABC/g) { string("X"); } === "XXX");
    xassert("sub_block_count test", "ABCABCABC".sub_block_count(/ABC/g, 2) { string("X"); } === "XXABC");
    xassert("sub_block_count test2", "ABCABCABC".sub_block_count(/ABC/g, 2) { it.substring(0,1); } === "AAABC");
    xassert("scan_block test", "123 456 789".scan_block(/\d\d\d/g) { it.substring(0, 1); }.join("") === "147");
    xassert("scan_block_count test", "123 456 789".scan_block_count(/\d\d\d/g, 2) { it.substring(0, 1); }.join("") === "14");
    auto li8 = "ABC".scan(/./);
    xassert("scan test", li8[0] === "A" && li8[1] === "B" && li8[2] === "C");
    xassert("to_buffer test", "ABC".to_buffer().append_str("DEF").to_string() === "ABCDEF");
    xassert("split block test", "ABC,DEF,GHI".split_block(/,/) { it.substring(0,1); }.join("") === "ADG");
    xassert("split block test", "ABC,DEF,GHI".split_block_count(/,/, 2) { it.substring(0,1); }.join("") === "AD");
    xassert("regex test", "ABC".scan(/./).join("") === "ABC");
    xassert("regex equals test", /aaa/g === /aaa/g);
    list<string>*% group_strings = new list<string>();
    int num_group_strings_in_regx = 0;
    "id: abc mail:".scan_group_strings(/(\w+):/, group_strings, &num_group_strings_in_regx);
    xassert("regex scan group strings test", group_strings[0] === "id" && group_strings[1] === "mail" && num_group_strings_in_regx == 1);
    list<string>*% group_strings2 = new list<string>();
    "id: abc mail:".scan_group_strings(/(\w+): ([\w@.]+)/, group_strings2, &num_group_strings_in_regx);
    xassert("regex scan group strings test2", group_strings2[0] === "id" && group_strings2[1] === "abc" && group_strings2[2] === "mail" && group_strings2[3] === "" && num_group_strings_in_regx == 2);

    return 0;

Default parametor values, parametor labels


int fun(int x = 123, int y = 345, int z = 456) 
    printf("x %d y %d z %d\n", x, y, z);

struct sData 
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;

int sData*::fun(sData* self, int x = 123, int y = 345, int z = 456)
    self.x = x;
    self.y = y;
    self.z = z;

void sData*::show(sData* self)
    printf("x %d y %d z %d\n", self.x, self.y, self.z);

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    fun();           // x 123 y 345 z 456 are outputed
    fun(y:2);        // x 123 y 2 z 456
    fun(y:1, x:3);   // x 3 y 1 z 456
    fun(1);          // x 1 y 345 z 456
    fun(1,2);        // x 1 y 2 z 456
    sData data;
    (&data).show();   // x 123 y 345 z 456
    (&data).fun(y:2); // x 123 y 2 z 456
    (&data).show();   // x 123 y 2 z 456
    (&data).show();   // x 1 y 345 z 456
    return 0;




inline int fun()
    defer puts("fun finish");

    puts("in fun");

    return 123;

int fun2()
    defer puts("fun2 finish");

    puts("in fun2");

    if(true) {
        return 123;

int main()
    defer puts("main FINISH");

puts("before fun");

puts("before fun2");
puts("after fun2");

    return 0;

result is below:

before fun
in fun
before fun2
in fun2
fun2 finish
after fun2
fun finish

-e command option

> ls
> ls | neo-c -e 'stdin.readlines().map { it.strip(); }.join(",").printf("[%s]\n")'
> ls | neo-c -e 'stdin.readlines().map { it.strip(); }.join(",").puts()'
> ls | neo-c -e 'stdin.readlines().map { it.strip(); }.join(",").print()'

extra, file

list<string>*% FILE*::readlines(FILE* f);
string FILE*::read(FILE* f);
FILE* FILE*::fprintf(FILE* f, const char* msg, ...);
void FILE*::fclose(FILE* f);

string char*::puts(char* self);
string char*::print(char* self);
string char*::printf(char* self, const char* msg);
int int::printf(int self, const char* msg);
char char::putc(char self);
void fopen_block(const char* path, const char* mode, void* parent, void (*block)(void* parent, FILE* f));

string char*::strip(string self);

stdin.readlines().map { it.strip(); }.join(",").printf("[%s]\n");\n/).join(",").puts();

fopen("AAA", "w").fprintf("ABC\n").fclose();
fopen_block("AAA", "r") {;

mutable, immutable

The variable can be immutable. Variables with immutable specified cannot call methods with mutable specified.

For example, list :: push_back is mutable. Therefore, calling push_back on a variable declared as immutable list * will result in a compile error.

It means immutable, but immutable guarantees that the specified variable does not change its state. The result of equals does not change. list, vector, map, buffer are also designed that way. It is a merit of immutable, but if you specify immutable when passing an object as an argument of a function, You can be assured that the state of that argument will not change.

immutable and mutable can be assigned to each other. However, the function specified by mutalbe cannot be called for the variable specified by immutable.

変数はimmutableを指定することができます。immutableを指定された変数はmutable指定されたメソッドを呼び出すことができません。 例えばlist::push_backはmutable指定されています。そのためimmutable list*などと宣言された変数にpush_backを呼び出すとコンパイルエラーとなります。

immutableの意味ですが、immutable指定された変数は状態が変わらないことを保証します。equalsの結果は変化しません。 list, vector, map, bufferもそのように設計されています。immutableのメリットですが関数の引数にオブジェクトを渡す場合immutable指定しておけば その引数の状態を変えないことを保証できます。


struct vector<T> 
    T* items;
    int len;
    int size;

    int it;

impl vector<T> 
    vector<T>*% initialize(vector<T>*% self);
    void push_back(vector<T>* self, T item) mutable;
immutable vector<int>*% li = [1,2,3].to_immutable();

is compile error.


varはmutable, valはimmutableになります。

var v = [1,2,3];      /// v is mutable
val v2 = [1,2,3];     /// v2 is immutable

operator overloads

string char*::operator_mult(char* str, int n);
string string::operator_mult(char* str, int n);
bool char*::operator_equals(char* left, char* right);
bool string::operator_equals(char* left, char* right);

    "ABC" * 3  // => "ABCABCABC"
    [1,2] * 3  // => [1,2,1,2,1,2]
    "ABC" === "ABC" // => true
    "ABC !== "DEF" // => true
    [1,2] + [3] // => [1,2,3]
    auto ma1 = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2]
    xassert("map test", ma1["AAA"] == 1)
    ma1["CCC"] = 3
+ operator_add
- operator_sub
* operator_mult
/ operator_div
% operator_mod
=== operator_equals
!== operator_not_equals
> operator_gt
>= operator_gteq
< operator_le
<= operator_leeq
[x] = y operator_store_element
[x]  operator_load_element
! operator_logical_denial
<< operator_left_shift
>> operator_right_shift
& operator_and
^ operator_xor
| operator_or
~ operator_commplement

Guarding from the segmetation of null poiner

    //int* a = null;   /// compile error
    int*? a = null;
    //printf("%d\n", *a!);   // exception. print out the file name of source code and the line number
    int b = 123;
    // a = &b;  // compile error
    a = nullable &b;
    printf("%d\n", *a!);  // null check and get the value of a
    // b = *a;  /// compile error
    b = *(nonullable a);
#include <neo-c.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int*? a = null;
    guard(a) {
        fprintf(stderr, "a is null\n");
        return 1;
    int* b = a;
    return 0;

mixin-layers system

Mixin-layers is a programming technique that creates an application so that layers are layered. The mechanism is to allow overwriting of a function and call the overwritten function from the overwritten function.


#include <stdio.h>

int fun(char* str) version 1
    return 1;

int fun(char* str) version 2
    int n = inherit(str);

    return n + 1;

int fun(char* str) version 3
    int n = inherit(str);

    return n + 1;

int main()
    if(fun("HELLO MIXIN-LAYERS") == 3) {

    return 0;


int fun(bool flag) 
    if(flag) {
    else {

int main()

    return 0;

`[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]* is a comment of expression.


> vim a.c
struct sB {
    int a;
    char* b;
    struct sB* c;

int main() {
    sB b;
> neo-c type a.c
struct sB
#0 int a
#1 char* b
#2 struct sB*

neo-c type file name outputs the type of last expression and the type inner contents. It's useful for reflection. You will make a program output a program with any script languaged or neo-c its self.

neo-c type ファイル名で最後の式の型とその内容を出力することができます。これはリフレクションで便利です。プログラムを生成するプログラムを任意のスクリプト言語やneo-c自身で作ることができるでしょう。

> vim a.c
int gGlobal1;
int gGlobal2;
> neo-c global a.c
gGlobal1 int
gGlobal2 int
> vim a.c
int fun(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

int fun2()
    return 123;
> neo-c function a.c
fun extern 0 var args 0 gnerics function 0 num params 2
a int
b int
result type int
fun2 extern 0 var args 0 gnerics function 0 num params 0
result type int
> vim a.c
struct sA 
    int a;
    int b;

enum eEnumA { kA, kB };
> neo-c class a.c
struct sA
#0 int a
#1 int b
enum eEnumA
kA 0
kB 1
> vim a.c
typedef int tType;
typedef int tType2;
> neo-c typedef a.c
tType int
tType2 int
  1. MACRO
ruby <<EOS
    puts("int gGlobal2;");

The output of the enclosed code is pasted into the source code. With this and reflection, you'll be able to generate code with reflection at compile time.


Do not expand macros with the -n option.


Compile Time Reflection and code generation is below:

> vim g.c
int gGlobal;

ruby <<EOS
    type = "`neo-c -n global $SOURCE_NAME | grep gGlobal`".split()[1];
    puts(type + " gGlobal2;");
> neo-c global g.c
gGlobal int
gGlobal2 int


Original Heap System(Incremental GC)

puts(xsprintf("1 + 1 == %d\n", 1 + 1));

xsprintfはヒープを使ったメモリが生成されますが、右辺値なので、puts後に自動的にリファレンスカウントがdecrementされます。リファレンスカウントが0になるとfreeされます。右辺値がfreeされるタイミングですが、1文が実行された後です。 メソッドチェインしても1文の実行が終わるまで右辺値のヒープのメモリは存在しているためメソッドチェインを行うことも可能でしょう。


char*% str = new char[123];

strncpy(str, "AAA", 123);

var str = new char[123];

strncpy(str, "ABC", 123);


If you want to manage the memory yourself, add borrow to declare heap memory that is not an rvalue, and then assign it to a pointer without%.


char* str = borrow char str[123];

strncpy(str, "ABC", 123);


delete str;

If you add borrow, it will be excluded from the target of automatic free of rvalue, and automatic free of rvalue will not be done. Assignment between variables with% added to the type name causes a transfer of ownership.

borrowをつけると右辺値の自動freeの対象から外されて、右辺値の自動freeがされないようになります。 string is a function that returns a char *% type string. In this case, the return value (rvalue) of string is freed after calling fun. string is defined as follows.



typedef char*% string;

string string(char* str)
    int len = strlen(str) + 1;
    char* result = (char*)calloc(len, sizeof(char));

    strncpy(result, str, len);

    return dummy_heap result;



dummy_heap gives% to ordinary pointers. Some useful string functions are:

string xsprintf(char* msg, ...);
string char*::reverse(char* str);
string char*::substring(char* str, int head, int tail);


Usage is bellow:

if(xsprintf("%d", 2) ===, "2") {
if("ABC".reverse() === "CBA")) {

if("ABC".substring(0,1) === "A") {

It will be. It is called when "object type name_method name" is called as an OOP-like function. In other words, "ABC" .reverse () is the same as calling char_reverse ("ABC") or char::reverse("ABC"). Another important point is that the memory allocated in the heap is called finalizer according to the type name.

となります。OOP的な機能として"オブジェクトの型名_メソッド名"がメソッドコールした場合は呼ばれます。 つまり、"ABC".reverse()はcharp_reverse("ABC")もしくはchar*::reverse("ABC")を呼び出したことと同じことです。


struct sData
    string value1;
    string value2;

sData*% sData*::initialize(sData*% self)
    self.value1 = string("ABC");
    self.value2 = string("DEF");
    return self;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    sData*% d = new sData.initialize();

    printf("%s %s\n", d.value1, d.value2);

    return 0;


struct sData
    int value1;
    int value2;

sData*% sData*::initialize(sData*% self)
    self.value1 = 123;
    self.value2 = 234;

    return self;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    sData*% d = new sData.initialize();

    printf("%d %d\n", d.value1, d.value2);

    sData*% e = clone d;

    printf("%d %d\n", e.value2, e.value2);

    return 0;



struct sA {
   int*% a;

int main()
    int*% a = new int;
    *a = 5;

    sA*% data = new sA;
    data.a = a; // increment refference count

    return 0;



#include <neo-c.h>

struct sInfo
    list<string>*% li;

int main()
    sInfo*% info = new sInfo;
    info->li = new list<string>();
    string x = string("AAA");

    delete info;
    return 0;

Generics(Original Heap version)

Generics is a code generation method. I have implemented it, but basically I am making it for the collection library of the basic library. We do not recommend using Generics for your own application code. This is because the code be neo-c complicated. If you want to make your own library, you can use it. The vector is defined as follows.

Genericsはコード生成方式です。実装してますが、基本的に基本ライブラリのコレクションライブラリ用に作っています。 自作のアプリケーションコードにGenericsを使うことはお勧めしません。コードが複雑になるためです。 ライブラリを自作したい場合には使ってもいいと思います。


struct vector<T> 
    T&* items;
    int len;
    int size;

    int it;

impl vector<T> 
    vector<T>*% initialize(vector<T>*% self);
    void finalize(vector<T>* self);
    void push_back(vector<T>* self, T item);
    T& item(vector<T>* self, int index, T& default_value);
    bool equals(vector<T>* left, vector<T>* right);
    bool replace(vector<T>* self, int index, T value);
    int find(vector<T>* self, T& item, int default_value);
    int length(vector<T>* self);
    void reset(vector<T>* self);
    T& begin(vector<T>* self);
    T& next(vector<T>* self);
    bool end(vector<T>* self);

    list<T>*% to_list(vector<T>* self);

#define foreach(o1, o2) for(auto _obj = nomove (o2), auto o1 = _obj.begin(); !_obj.end(); o1 =

The & in the type name removes% from the generic type name. Even if T has a%, it is treated as a pointer. managed removes% from variables with%. The usage is as follows.



vector<int>*% v = new vector<int>();


if(v.length() == 3 && v[0] == 1 && && v[1] ==2 && v[2] == 3 && v.item(10000, -1) == -1) {

foreach(it , v) {
    printf("%d\n", it);

-1 of item is the default value. If index is out of range, the default value is returned. foreach is a macro that accesses all elements. list is below.



impl list <T>
    list<T>*% initialize(list<T>*% self);
    void finalize(list<T>* self);
    list<T>*% clone(list<T>* self);
    int length(list<T>* self);
    void push_back(list<T>* self, T item) ;
    T& item(list<T>* self, int position, T& default_value);
    void insert(list<T>* self, int position, T item);
    void reset(list<T>* self) ;
    void delete(list<T>* self, int head, int tail);
    void replace(list<T>* self, int position, T item);

    int find(list<T>* self, T& item, int default_value) ;
    list<T>*% sublist(list<T>* self, int begin, int tail) ;

    list<T>*% reverse(list<T>* self);
    list<T>*% merge_list(list<T>* left, list<T>* right, int (*compare)(T&,T&));
    list<T>*% merge_sort(list<T>* self, int (*compare)(T&,T&));
    list<T>*% sort_with_lambda(list<T>* self, int (*compare)(T&,T&));
    list<T>*% sort(list<T>* self);
    list<T>*% uniq(list<T>* self);
    bool equals(list<T>* left, list<T>* right);
    T& begin(list<T>* self);
    T& next(list<T>* self);
    bool end(list<T>* self);

Usage is almost the same as vector.


list<int>*% l = new list<int>();


if(l.length() == 3 && l[0] == 1 && l[1] == 2 && l[2] == 3 && l.item(1000, -1) == -1) {

foreach(it, l) {
    printf("%d\n", it);
list<int>*% l = [1,2,3];

if(l.length() == 3 && l[0] == 1 && l[1] == 2 && l[2] == 3 && l.item(1000, -1) == -1) {

foreach(it, l) {
    printf("%d\n", it);

The difference from vector is that there is an insert for element insertion. insert is fast. Instead, item is slow. (Random access). foreach will not be too slow. Use sort as follows.



int main(int argc, char** argv)
    list<int>*% l = [7,1,2];

    list<int>*% l2 = l.sort();

    if(l2 === [1,2,7]) {

The map is below.


impl map <T, T2>
    map<T,T2>*% initialize(map<T,T2>*% self);
    T2& at(map<T, T2>* self, T& key, T2& default_value);
    void rehash(map<T,T2>* self) ;
    void insert(map<T,T2>* self, T key, T2 item) ;
    map<T, T2>*% clone(map<T, T2>* self);
    bool find(map<T, T2>* self, T& key);
    bool equals(map<T, T2>* left, map<T, T2>* right);
    int length(map<T, T2>* self);
    T& begin(map<T, T2>* self);
    T& next(map<T, T2>* self);
    bool end(map<T, T2>* self) ;


Usage is bellow:

map<char*, int>*% m = new map<char*, int>();

m.insert("AAA", 1);
m.insert("BBB", 2);
m.insert("CCC", 3);

if(m.length() == 3 && m["AAA"] == 1 && m["BBB"] == 2 && m["CCC"] == 3 &&"DDD", -1) == -1) {
map<char*, int>*% m = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3]

if(m.length() == 3 && m["AAA"] == 1 && m["BBB"] == 2 && m["CCC"] == 3 &&"DDD", -1) == -1) {

It will be. There is also a tuple. It is defined as follows.



struct tuple1<T>
    T v1;

impl tuple1 <T>
    tuple1<T>*% clone(tuple1<T>* self);
    void finalize(tuple1<T>* self)
    bool equals(tuple1<T>* left, tuple1<T>* right);

struct tuple2<T, T2>
    T v1;
    T2 v2;

impl tuple2 <T, T2>
    tuple2<T,T2>*% clone(tuple2<T, T2>* self);
    void finalize(tuple2<T, T2>* self);
    bool equals(tuple2<T, T2>* left, tuple2<T, T2>* right);

struct tuple3<T, T2, T3>
    T v1;
    T2 v2;
    T3 v3;

impl tuple3 <T, T2, T3>
    tuple3<T,T2, T3>*% clone(tuple3<T, T2, T3>* self);
    void finalize(tuple3<T, T2, T3>* self)
    bool equals(tuple3<T, T2, T3>* left, tuple3<T, T2, T3>* right);

struct tuple4<T, T2, T3, T4>
    T v1;
    T2 v2;
    T3 v3;
    T4 v3;

impl tuple4 <T, T2, T3, T4>
    tuple4<T,T2, T3, T4>*% clone(tuple4<T, T2, T3, T4>* self);
    void finalize(tuple4<T, T2, T3, T4>* self);
    bool equals(tuple4<T, T2, T3, T4>* left, tuple4<T, T2, T3, T4>* right);
tuple4<int,int,int,char*>*% t1 = (1,2,3,"AAA");
// int, int,int,char* t1 = (1,2,3,"AAA");

if(t1.0 == 1 && t1.1 == 2 && t1.2 == 3 && t1.3 === "AAA") {


The definition is as follows.


impl buffer*
buffer*% initialize(buffer*% self);
void finalize(buffer* self);
int length(buffer* self) 
void append(buffer* self, char* mem, size_t size);
void append_char(buffer* self, char c);
void append_str(buffer* self, char* str);
void append_nullterminated_str(buffer* self, char* str);
string to_string(buffer* self);
void append_int(buffer* self, int value) ;
void append_long(buffer* self, long value) ;
void append_short(buffer* self, short value);
void alignment(buffer* self);
int compare(buffer* left, buffer* right);


Usage is bellow:

buffer*% b1 = new buffer();


if(b1.to_string() === "ABCDEF") {


var fun = int lambda(int x, int y) { return x + y; }

if(fun(1, 2) == 3) {
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int a;
    var fun = int lambda(__current__* parent, int b, int c) {
        *parent.a = 4;
        return (*parent.a + b + c);

    printf("%d\n", fun(__stack__, 1, 2));
    printf("a %d\n", a);

current defines a structure that contains pointers to all variables in the current stack frame. stack returns the pointer of the structure in which the pointer of the stack frame is assigned to the structure that stores the pointers of all variables of the current stack frame. In this case, the structure struct {int * a, int * argc, char *** argv}; is defined.

__current__は現在のスタックフレームのすべての変数のポインタを格納している構造体を定義します。 __stack__は現在のスタックフレームのすべての変数のポインタを格納している構造体にスタックフレームのポインタを代入した構造体のポインタを返します。 この場合はstruct { int* a, int* argc, char*** argv };という構造体が定義されます。

Method block

void times(int n, void* parent, void (*fun)(void* parent))
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) {

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int a = 1;

    3.times() {
        puts("HELLO METHOD BLOCK");
        printf("a %d\n", a);

メソッドブロックの引数はit, it2, it3, it4,... という変数に代入されます。

static int int::expect(int self, void* parent, void (*block)(void* parent))
    if(self < 0) {

    return self;

static void int::times(int self, void* parent, void (*block)(void* parent))
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<self; i++) {

impl list<T>
    list<T>* filter(list<T>* self, void* parent, bool (*block)(void*, T));
    list<T>* each(list<T>* self, void* parent, void (*block_)(void*, T,int,bool*));
int fd = open("ABC", O_RDONLY).expect {
    fprintf(stderr, "can't open ABC");

3.times {

list<int>*% li = [1,2,3]

int a = 1;

li.filter { it > 1; }.each {
    a = 2;
    printf("%d\n", it, + a);
// result is 4\n5\n

printf("a %d\n", a);
// result is a 2
    list<char>*% li = ["AAA", "BBB"]
    char buf[128];
    strncpy(buf, "CCC", 128);
    li.each {
        printf("%s %s\n", it, buf);
    /// result is AAA CCC\nBBB CCC\n

Method Generics

struct sStruct<T>
    T a;
    T b;

impl sStruct<T>
    void fun(sStruct<T>* self, T xxx, void* parent, void (*fun)(void* parent, T a)) {
        fun(parent, xxx);

    template <R> R fun2(sStruct<T>* self, R a, R b) {
        return a + b;

template <R> R fun(R a, int b)
    return a + b;

int main() 
    sStruct<int>* data = new sStruct<int>;

    xassert("method generics test", fun(1,2) == 3);
    xassert("method generics test", data.fun2(1,2) == 3);

    return 0;
impl list<T> {
    template <R> list<R>* map(list<T>* self, void* parent, R (*block)(void*, T))
        auto result = new list<R>();

        list_item<T>?* it = self.head;
        while(it != null) {
            result.push_back(block(parent, it.item));

            it =;

        return result;

int main()
    list<char*>*% list3 = ["1", "2", "3"]
    list<int>*% list4 = { atoi(it); }

    xassert("map test", list4[0] == 1 && list4[1] == 2 && list4[2] == 3);

    return 0;

automatically output to common header

neo-c header common.h a.c b.c, ...

とするとcommon.hにa.c b.c, ...の宣言が出力されます。

public { #include <neo-c.h> }

とするとcommon.hに#include <neo-c.h>が追加されます。

ファイル内だけの宣言はprivate int A;などとします。static int A;でも同じです。関数、union, struct, typedefも同様です。

> vim a.c
#include "common.h"

public {#include <neo-c.h>}

private int gA;
public {int gB;}

open_struct sA
    int a;
    int b;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    sA a;
    a.a = 111;
    a.b = 222;
    a.c = 333;
    a.d = 444;
    printf("%d %d %d %d\n", a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d);
    gA = 222;
    gB = 333;
    gC = 444;
    printf("%d %d %d\n", gA, gB, gC);
    printf("%d\n", fun());
    return 0;

> vim b.c
#include "common.h"

public {int gC};

open_struct sA
    int c;
    int d;

int fun() { return 123 }

> neo-c header common.h a.c b.c
> cat common.h
struct sA
    /// a.c ///
    int a;
    int b;

    /// b.c ///
    int c;
    int d;
// a.c
#include <neo-c.h>

int gB;

int main(int argc, char** argv);

// b.c
int gC

int fun();


# multiple assign

#include <neo-c.h>

int, string fun(int n, string m) { (n, m); }

void fun() { int n; string m;

n,m = fun(1, string("BBB"));


int main(int argc, char** argv) { var n, m = fun(1, string("AAA"));

printf("n %d m %s\n", n, m);

return 0;


# auto, auto_immutable

int main(int argc, char** argv) { auto l = [1,2,3]; l.push_back(4);

auto_immutable m = [1,2,3];
m.push_back(4); /// error

return 0;


# class

class sData(int x, int y, int z) { int self.x = x; int self.y = y;

void show(sData* self) {
    printf("x %d y %d\n", self.x, self.y);

int self.z = z;

void show2(sData* self) {
    printf("x %d y %d z %d\n", self.x, self.y, self.z);


int main() { auto data = new sData(111, 222, 333);;

xassert("class test", data.x == 111 && data.y == 222 && data.z == 333);

return 0;


# smart pointer

#include <neo-c.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) { auto p = "ABC".to_buffer().to_pointer();


printf("CHARACTER %c\n", *p);

return 0;


neo-c a.c ./a a.c 12: out of range of smart pointer

#include <neo-c.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) { int a[10]; for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { a[i] = i; }

auto p = new smart_pointer<int>.initialize(a, 10);

printf("%d\n", *p); // 0
printf("%d\n", *p); // 1

return 0;


# exception

#include <neo-c.h>

exception int div_op(int left, int right) { if(right == 0) { throw; } return left / right; }

exception int test(int left, int right) { return div_op(left, right).catch { throw; } }

int main() { int n = test(4,0).catch { fprintf(stderr, "zero div\n"); exit(1); }

printf("n %d\n", n);

return 0;


# unsafe, safe

#include <neo-c.h>

using safe;

void fun(char* p) { using unsafe;

printf("%c\n", *p);


# fn

fn fun(a:int, b:int*) -> int { return a + b[0]; }

int main() { var a = new int[10];

int i;
for(i=0; i<10; i++) {
    a[i] = fun(1, a);

printf("%d %d\n", i, a[i]); }

return 0;


# as

int main() { var a = 123; void* b = &a;

printf("%d\n", *(b as int*));

return 0;


# val

int main() { val a = [1,2,3];

//a.push_back(4); // compile error

return 0;


# detected dagling pointer

int* fun() 
    int b;
    return &b; // compile error

void fun2(int** a)
    int b;
    *a = &b; // compile error

void fun3()
    int* a;
        int b = 123;
        a = &b;   // compile error

# Protocol, interface

#include <neo-c.h>

interface sBase { void show(); };

class sChildA { int self.x = 1; int self.y = 2; int self.z = 3; string self.str = string("ABC");

void show(sChildA* self)
    printf("x %d y %d z %d str %s\n", self.x, self.y, self.z, self.str);


class sChildB { int self.X = 111; int self.Y = 222; int self.Z = 333;

void show(sChildB* self)
    printf("X %d Y %d Z %d\n", self.X, self.Y, self.Z);


int main(int argc, char** argv) { vector<sBase*%>% v = new vector<sBase%>();

v.push_back(new sBase(new sChildA()));
v.push_back(new sBase(new sChildB()));

foreach(it, v) {>();

return 0;
