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C++ lib image to text reader

Use of the dynamic .DLL lib from c#:

create desired static extern methods with the same name in 'ApiEntry.h' following the next: (DllPath must be the location of the .DLL)

[Pure, DllImport(DllPath, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)] public static extern void create_templates();

the method void create_templates() should be called first of all. It creates the internal db of initial values that will be used in the future analisis.

Process text image .bmp to extract the string:

Phase 1: call process_document(string file_name);

Get the path of the image and load as bitmap (using Partow header lib): alt text

Phase 2: Detect and separate lines, croping the edges:

alt text

Phase 3: Detect and extract the columns ('leters or symbols') in each line, getting something such as follow:

alt text

Phase 4: Compare each letter getting percentage of equal pixels with previously loaded and analized template patterns, the best coincidence will be returned, with it's text value updated:

alt text -->> "A"


C++ lib image to text reader






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