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Arnaud Bailly authored and Arnaud Bailly committed Feb 23, 2012
1 parent 2376b82 commit b4a1521
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Showing 5 changed files with 211 additions and 23 deletions.
47 changes: 45 additions & 2 deletions Music.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,17 +4,33 @@ import Sound
type Octave = Int
type Tempo = Int

-- twelve half-tones form a chromatic scale
-- | @data@ keyword introduces a new concrete data-type and its set of
-- constructors. Here we define a simple enumerated type consisting in
-- the twelve notes of the chromatic scale. Note that the lexer/parser
-- of Haskell imposes the following restrictions on identifiers:
-- * Types and Constructors identifiers must start with an upper-case letter
-- * Functions and variables identifiers must start with a lower-case letter
-- * Types and Constructor operators must start with a colon (:)
data Pitch = C | Cs |
D | Ds |
E |
F | Fs |
G | Gs |
A | As |
-- a deriving clause provides automatic derivation of the functions
-- defined in the corresponding type-class. This derivation is by
-- default restricted to a predefined set of standard type classes
-- provided in the Prelude (or the compiler) but it can be extended
-- using some language extensions.
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Enum)

-- note values (in british notation)
-- | Note values (in british notation).
-- Here we use a recursive constructor for @Pointed Duration@. Technically this
-- kind of objects are called *products* as they represent the cartesian product
-- of the possible values of the composed types (sums are simply the enumeration
-- of all the constructors).
data Duration = Pointed Duration |
Semiquaver |
Quaver |
Expand All @@ -24,15 +40,39 @@ data Duration = Pointed Duration |
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)

-- | A Note defined using records-notation.
-- A Haskell record is similar to a product-type but provides syntactic sugar to
-- introduce accessors for components (eg. attributes, fields) of the type. Within patterns
-- one can use the product notation or explicitly match against named fields of the record.
-- For example, the following fragment:
-- @
-- f Note { pitch = p } = ...
-- @
-- binds the @pitch@ value of a parameter of type Node to p, ignoring other fields.
data Note = Note {
pitch :: Pitch,
octave :: Octave,
duration :: Duration
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)

-- | A chord could be alternatively defined as another form of Note, using a different
-- constructor.
data Chord = Chord [Note] Duration
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)

-- | A type-class declaration.
-- Type-classes can be thought of as both:
-- 1. An interface (in the Java sense) defining some related functions over a specific
-- type,
-- 2. A constraint over the possible types during type inference: Using a function
-- defined in a type-class effectively restricts the possible types occuring as
-- arguments or return values of this function to some member of type-class which
-- has consequences for callers.
-- Here we use the "simple" Haskell 98 syntax with a single variable.
class Playable p where
interpret :: Tempo -> p -> Wave

Expand All @@ -43,6 +83,8 @@ largo = 40 :: Int
-- see for formula
frequency p = truncate $ 2 ** (fromIntegral (fromEnum p - fromEnum A) / 12) * 440

-- |Define value function as an enumerated case over possible instances of Duration.
-- Note the *tabular* structure of this definition.
value Semiquaver = 1/4
value Quaver = 1/2
value Crotchet = 1
Expand All @@ -54,6 +96,7 @@ value (Pointed d) = value d * 1.5
chord :: Note -> Note -> Chord
chord n n' = Chord [n,n'] (max (duration n) (duration n'))

-- |A possible instance of Playable for Chord type.
instance Playable Chord where
interpret tempo (Chord ns d) = slice (durationInSeconds tempo d) $ foldl1 (°) (map (interpret tempo) ns)

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92 changes: 89 additions & 3 deletions Sound.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,33 +1,119 @@
-- One of many possible language extensions
-- Here is the error we get from the compiler when we remove this clause:
-- Sound.hs:74:9:
-- Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraints:
-- (RealFrac a0) arising from a use of `truncate' at Sound.hs:74:9-16
-- (Num a0) arising from a use of `*' at Sound.hs:74:28
-- (Integral a0) arising from a use of `fromIntegral'
-- at Sound.hs:36:25-36
-- (Enum a0) arising from the arithmetic sequence `0 .. n'
-- at Sound.hs:36:47-54
-- Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:
-- computeSound :: forall a.
-- (Ord a, Floating a) =>
-- a0 -> a0 -> a -> [a]
-- (bound at Sound.hs:86:1)
-- slice :: forall a. a0 -> [a] -> [a] (bound at Sound.hs:73:1)
-- wave :: forall b. Floating b => a0 -> [b] (bound at Sound.hs:21:1)
-- samplingRate :: a0 (bound at Sound.hs:17:1)
-- Probable fix: give these definition(s) an explicit type signature
-- or use -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
-- In the expression: truncate
-- In the first argument of `take', namely
-- `(truncate $ seconds * samplingRate)'
-- In the expression:
-- take (truncate $ seconds * samplingRate) repeatWave
-- Monomorphism restriction's definition is rather complex (see Haskell Report 4.5.5 for details)
-- but its meaning is quite simple: When a type variable is free within a type expression it
-- cannot be generalized (eg. implicitly universally quantified) even if this would be perfectly legal. Here we do not
-- have an explicit type for @samplingRate@ hence it's type is a variable which occurs free in the reported
-- context, hence it cannot be generalized and becomes "ambiguous" when used in two places with two different
-- possible types. Another way to fix the problem would be to declare explicitly a type for sampling rate:
-- samplingRate :: (Num a) => a

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

{-| A module for low-level sound generation routines.
By default modules export all the symbols they define.
module Sound where

-- | A simple type alias.
-- Type aliases are stricly syntactic: The symbol is replaced by its definition before
-- typechecking. Common aliases are
-- @@
-- type String = [Char]
-- @@
type Wave = [Double]

-- this a CAF: Constant Applicative Form
-- | This a CAF: Constant Applicative Form.
samplingRate = 44000

-- a sinusoidal wave between -1 and +1
-- | A function producing a sinusoidal sampling of a given frequency
-- depending on the sampling rate.
wave frequency =
-- @let@ keyword introduces variable definition scope. For all practical purpose
-- a let scope can contain any definition that would be valid at the toplevel but
-- of course the symbols are visible only within the scope of the let environment.
-- Note that mutually recursive definitions are perfectly legal in a let environment,
-- just like it is legal at the top-level.
-- Note here the use of a symbol in infix notation using backquotes. All binary function
-- symbols may be used as operators using backquotes. Conversely, all operators may be
-- used in prefix form using parens.
let n = samplingRate `div` frequency
in map (sin . (* (2 * pi))) [ fromIntegral i / fromIntegral n | i <- [0 .. n]]
in map
(sin . (* (2 * pi))) -- a common idiom in Haskell: Using "function pipelines" in so-called
-- point-free notation. The use of a partially applied operators @(* x)@
-- is called a _section_.
[ fromIntegral i / fromIntegral n | i <- [0 .. n]] -- a list comprehension, similar to a for-loop in Scala

-- |Defining an operator is identical to declaring a function.
-- An operator is any (valid) symbol which does not start with an alphabetic letter.
-- Note the use of an explicit type declaration which is never mandatory excepts in
-- situation where there is an ambiguity (for example due to conflicting type-classes existing
-- in scope)
(°) :: Wave -> Wave -> Wave
-- Operator's definition can use infix notation.
w ° w' = zipWith avg w1 w2
-- a @where@ clause is similar to a let-environment excepts its scope is the preceding expression.
avg a b = (a + b) /2
w1 = w ++ w1
w2 = w' ++ w2

-- |A typical definition of a recursive function using pattern-matching.
-- There is a very close match with inductive proofs in mathematics and practically this
-- form is quite useful to prove properties or derive more efficient forms from an existing
-- definition. However the order of clauses is important when they may overlap as this gets translated into
-- a sequence of possibly nested cases. The compiler can however issue warnings when it
-- it detects overlapping clauses (which could be the case here as 0 is a special case of n).
duplicate :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
-- define the behaviour for base case which usually stops the recursion
duplicate 0 l = l
-- recursively call the function, "reducing" step-by-step its scope until
-- it reaches the base case.
duplicate n l = l ++ duplicate (n-1) l

-- | This function's definition uses a *guard* to select cases depending on
-- the value of an expression, not only the structure of the parameters. All
-- the variables defined in patterns are in scope in the guard.
amplitude ratio | ratio > 0 && ratio < 1 = map (*ratio)
-- otherwise is simply an alias for True.
| otherwise = id

slice seconds wave =
take (truncate $ seconds * samplingRate) repeatWave
-- We take advantage of laziness to define concisely and efficiently a repeating structure
-- This expression and each subexpression will be evaluated only if its value is actually
-- needed at runtime to make progress in the computation (of the top-level main function).
repeatWave = wave ++ repeatWave

-- |Scale a list of doubles between -1 and 1 to an integer interval
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41 changes: 39 additions & 2 deletions SoundIO.hs
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,20 @@
module SoundIO where
import Music
import Sound
-- imports can be qualified to use a shortcut prefix. This allows disambiguating
-- functions occuring in several modules.
-- Note that by default we import every symbol from a module when it is used
-- unqualified. Qualifying it implies that no symbol is imported by default.
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import System.Process(createProcess, shell, CreateProcess(..), StdStream(..))
-- We can explicitly restrict the set of symbols imported from a module
import System.Process(createProcess, shell,
-- import a type and all its constructors.
import System.IO(hSetBuffering, hSetBinaryMode, hPutStrLn, hGetLine, stdin, hFlush, stdout, BufferMode(..))
-- Package-qualified imports resolves ambiguity when two modules export the same symbol.
-- This is generally a bad idea and a sign that the build environment is somehow broken
-- or in bad shape.
import "monads-tf" Control.Monad.State(State(..),get,put,runState)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

Expand All @@ -21,11 +32,34 @@ prepareSound = toEnum.scale (0,255)
outputSound = B.putStr. prepareSound
note (p,o,d) = Note p o d

-- | A command that uses the "dreaded" State monad to maintain a "state".
-- A function operates "in" a monad M when its return type is M X for some X.
-- The State type definition is something similar to the following:
-- @
-- newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
-- @
-- In other words, it encapsulates a function that takes a state value @s@ and
-- returns a value @a@ together with a possibly updated state @s@. Sequencing
-- operations within the State monad hides the details of passing the state @s@
-- from one function to another hence propagating "mutations" down the chain.
command :: String -> State Store CommandResult

-- here we use a View pattern (a language extension) as a pattern in the clause:
-- The function @words@ is called with the actual argument to command as as its
-- argument, and its result is matched against the pattern on
-- the right of the @->@ symbol.
command (words -> ["load",name,file]) = do
-- @get@ is a monadic operation in the State monad that exposes the current value of
-- the state @s@. The arrow @<-@ is part of the special monad notation (just like the
-- @do@ keyword.
store <- get
let store' = Map.insert name file store
-- @put@ modifies the current state using its argument
put store'
-- @return@ is the standard Monad function for producing a result in the Monad. Its
-- name is purposefully confusing with the @return@ of imperative languages but the
-- semantic is very different.
return Loaded
command (words -> ["play",name]) = do
store <- get
Expand All @@ -39,6 +73,7 @@ command c = return $ Error $ "'" ++ c ++ "' is not a valid command"
prompt = do putStr "> "
hFlush stdout

-- | Command-loop is another monadic computation, this time in the IO monad.
commandLoop :: Store -> IO ()
commandLoop s = do
cmd <- hGetLine stdin
Expand All @@ -52,7 +87,9 @@ commandLoop s = do
scoreData <- readFile file
playSound $ (map scoreData

-- use external program 'aplay' to generate sound
-- | Use external program 'aplay' to generate sound.
-- Haskell has a rich set of functions to interact with external processes and
-- system, which are rather simple to use.
playSound :: (Playable a) => [a] -> IO ()
playSound sounds = do
let procDef = (shell $ "aplay -r " ++ (show samplingRate)) { std_in = CreatePipe }
Expand Down
37 changes: 22 additions & 15 deletions synthesizer.hs
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@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
{- Command-line interface.
By convention program entry point is the symbol @main@ defined in the
module @Main@. Implicitly an unnamed module is Main.
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Sound
import Music
import SoundIO

We define various Constant Applicative Forms that can be used to
to generate music. Variables in Haskell are immutable and referentially
transparent: One can always replace the variable with the expression
it denotes. This implies that CAF and local variables value is memoized
upon its first evaluation.
simplenote p = Note p 4 Crotchet

harrypotter = [(B,4,Crotchet),
(E,5,Pointed Crotchet),
(E,5,Pointed Crotchet),

cMajor = Chord (map note [(C,4,Crotchet),
(G,4,Crotchet)]) Crotchet
Expand All @@ -31,10 +28,20 @@ cMinor = Chord (map note [(C,4,Crotchet),
-- main = do
-- outputSound $ (interpret 60 cMajor) ++ (interpret 60 cMinor)

Main symbol has type @IO ()@: It is a computation in the IO monad with
no interesting result.
main = do
commandLoop emptyStore

This version of @main@ demonstrates extraction of command-line arguments: We simply
invoke @getArgs@ which outputs a list of strings and we pattern match against the
expected number of arguments. In real-life situation, we would want to use a dedicated
utility such as @System.Console.GetOpt@ for handling arguments.
-- main = do
-- [frequency,volume,duration] <- getArgs
-- let f = read frequency :: Int
Expand Down
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion websynth.hs
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@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
-- | A module for sample web server providing wave generation from
-- a score in Readable form.

-- We use the OverloadedStrings extension in order to benefit from more
-- efficient string implementation provided by Data.ByteString.Char8 module.
-- By default in Haskell, a String is a list of Char which is extremely
-- inefficient as a Char is a full Unicode 32-bit number.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, PackageImports #-}

-- miku is one of many recent web frameworks that try to offer the same
-- ease of use than what's available in more dynamic languages like python
-- or ruby.
import Network.Miku(miku,html,get,post)
import Network.Miku.Utils(update)
import Hack2.Contrib.Request(input_bytestring)
Expand All @@ -9,7 +20,8 @@ import Hack2.Contrib.Request(params)
import "monads-tf" Control.Monad.Reader(ask)
import "monads-tf" Control.Monad.Trans(liftIO)

-- Templating stuff
-- Templating stuff. Blaze provides a rich set of combinators (functions) to
-- build objects representing HTML structure in a typed and efficient way.
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Text.Blaze.Html5 hiding (map, html)
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes hiding (form,label)
Expand All @@ -33,6 +45,9 @@ mainPage = docTypeHtml $
input ! type_ "submit" ! value "Submit"

main = run . miku $ do
-- miku provides a dedicated monad for expressing routing rules based on standard
-- http queries structure. Each operation in the monad is a rule that gets matched
-- by incoming request in order and returns a value.
get "/" (html $ toByteString $ renderHtmlBuilder mainPage)
get "/synthesize" $ do
env <- ask
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