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Creating Custom Tasks

The real power of Bolt is the ability to extend its functionality through new tasks that can be registered, configured, and executed through the This section explains the different ways in which you can provide new tasks to bolt and some best practices that you should consider when creating your own tasks.

What is a Bolt Task

A Bolt task is nothing but a Python callable object that will be invoked when its id is scheduled for execution. This means that to provide a new custom task you need to implement the callable and register it with Bolt giving it a unique id, which can be used to invoke the task.

The :doc:`Getting Started <getting_started>` guide demonstrated this with a very simple example. Let's revisit it on its own for clarity:

import bolt

def greeting(**kwargs):
    config = kwargs.get('config')
    message = config.get('message')

bolt.register_task('greet', greeting)

config = {
    'greet': {
        'message': 'Hello from Bolt!'

In this example, we implement our task right in the As you will see later, the recommended way is to create your tasks in their own package or modules so you can re-use them, but this example will help us understand how things work.

Right after the import statement, you have our task callable, which is a function that takes a set of keyword arguments (**kwargs). The function reads the config argument and from it, it extracts the message we want to display.

The next step is to register the callable with Bolt, which is done by the call to bolt.register_task(). We pass a unique identifier to our task and the callable that will be invoked.

Finally, we use the unique identifier for the task in our config to configure the message that we want to display.

As you can see, it is very simple to add a new custom task, but you will want to implement your tasks in a way that you can re-use them in different projects. The best way to do that is by creating your own modules or packages containing the Bolt tasks and then install them as requirements to the projects that use them. Let's take a look at that.

Implementing Custom Bolt Task Modules/Packages

Like any other python tool or application, you want to implement your Bolt tasks in their own modules or packages, so that you can install them as requirements in the projects you use them. The process to implement the tasks in a module is the same as above. The only difference is that you will have to provide a mechanism to register those tasks with Bolt, so they become available. Let's take a look at an example:

# in

def greeting(**kwargs):
    config = kwargs.get('config')
    message = config.get('message')

def register_tasks(registry):
    registry.register_task('greet', greeting)

As we discussed, the implementation stays the same, but we added a register_tasks() function that takes a registry parameter, which allows us to make available the task to clients.

Now if someone wants to use our task, they can install the module and add it to the

import bolt
import my_bolt_module


config = {
    'greet': {
        'message': 'Hello from Bolt!'

In this example, we first import the module containing the tasks, and then we register them by calling bolt.register_module_tasks(). Bolt will create the registry instance and pass it to the registration function in the module, which will make the task available.


The bolt.register_task() function grabs the instance of the registry and delegates to its method to register the task. Even-thought the result is the same, you should always use bolt.register_task() in your and registry.register_task() in the register_task() function of your custom modules.

Using a Callable Class to Implement Bolt Tasks

Bolt tasks are callable objects; therefore, you can implement your task in a callable class. The following example shows how to implement the greet task in a callable class:

# in

class GreetingTask:

    def __call__(**kwargs):
        config = kwargs.get('config')
        message = config.get('message')

def register_tasks(registry):
    registry.register_task('greet', GreetingTask())

This example implements the same task, but it uses a callable class (a class that implements a __call__() method) to implement the functionality. When the task is registered, we use a class instance as opposed to the function name as the callable registration. Other than that, the code is the same.

You may ask your-self why use a class when implementing a function is simpler. For very simple tasks, a function will work fine. When I started working on Bolt, most of the standard tasks were implemented as functions. Overtime, I reealize that classes will suit me better for the following reasons:

Classes are more suitable for testing. I write all my code using a TDD (Test Driven Development) process, and you should too. Unit testing functions that return a result is very simple, but testing functions with side-effects, it is a little bit more complicated. It didn't take long to see that most task were accessing external resources or code that will perform operations but will not return any useful values. In these cases, unit testing a function becomes very difficut, because it is hard to mock a specific state. Using a class makes unit testing simpler because you can always set the class to a desired state.

Classes simplify passing parameters. In our examples, we are dealing with just one option in our configuration. As soon as you start supporting more configuration options, you have to deal with validation of those options and conditional code that depends of values of those parameters. Classes work a lot better because you can have internal implementation methods that can access those options as data members, as opposed to having to pass them as parameters to other functions.

Classes can keep alive resources after execution. Imagine a task that needs to start a web-server to make a service available, while subsequent tasks run tests against the server. This task will have to start the service in a separate process and keep it running until the tests are done, but it will be nice to shut down the server once the test is complete. As we will see below, Bolt supports a tear_down() method that gets invoked at the end, and where resources can be freed. This can only be done with classes and not with functions.

The Execution Context

We have seen how to create new tasks and how support configuration options for them. But once in a while, you will run into a situation where it will be nice to share some data or state among different tasks. In those situations, you can use the execution context object.

The execution context is a |python|_ dictionary like object where you can store key/value pairs to share them with subsequent tasks.


The context object is a plain |python|_ dictionary that is passed to every task being executed, but this might change in the future, so you should assume that the only available interface for this object is that of a dictionary.

I am not a big fan of sharing data between tasks because it can create unwanted dependencies among otherwise independent tasks, but I also recognize that it is a concept that may come handy in certain situations. In general, try to avoid task implementations that rely on certain properties available in the context object and always provide suitable defaults in case the properties are missing. Let's take a look at a scenario where the execution context might come handy.

Assume we are writing a task that requires a job name from a service and doing so, it is an expensive operation. Furthermore, there is group of tasks that will use that job name, so you want to retrieve it once and use it in all other tasks.

In a situation like this, we will write a task that retrieves the job name and stores it in the context object, so subsequent tasks can use it (I'm using functions for simplicity, but I prefer classes).

# In

def retrieve_job_name(**kwargs):
    config = kwargs.get('config')
    job_id = config.get('job-id')
    manager = JobManager()
    job = manager.get_job(job_id)   # Very expensive operation.
    context = kwargs.get('context')
    context['job-name'] =

def notify_job_name(**kwargs):
    config = kwargs.get('config')
    context = kwargs.get('context')
    job_name = config.get('job-name') or context.get('job-name')
    notifier = Notifier()

def register_tasks(registry):
    registry.register_task('retrieve-job', retrieve_job_name)
    registry.register_task('notify-job-name', notify_job_name)

As you can see, the retrieve_job_name task retrieves the job name and stores it in the context object. Then, the value is used by the notify_job_name task. Notice how we still try to retrieve the job name from the task config. This allows to override that value in the which might come handy during testing.


When implementing a task that relies on some information stored in the context object, think about whether there is a suitable default or might be convenient to override the value through the configuration.


Avoid creating dependencies between tasks by over-using the context object. However, you'll find that some times it is a very handy feature.