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Format: XML

Nuno Godinho edited this page Feb 6, 2019 · 2 revisions

The XML format reads constants from an XML string.

Content data

The content data should be a valid XML string.

XML schema

This XML must adhere to a strict schema which is provided as an XSD Schema and is available here. This schema is (still?) not enforced by abaK but the XML data should respected it in order for things to work.


Simple value

Simple values can be declared directly in attribute value of the k tag:

<abak name="Global constants">
  <k ricef="GLOBAL" fieldname="BUKRS" context="MAIN" value="1234"/>


Multiple values or ranges need to be declared using sub tags v:

<abak name="Project Z">
  <k ricef="PROJZ" fieldname="WRBTR">
    <v sign="I" option="BT" low="1000" high="2000" />
    <v sign="I" option="BT" low="6000" high="9000" />
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