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Source: Custom

Nuno Godinho edited this page May 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

Although abaK already has several built-in sources, sometimes you may need to fetch your constants data from a different place. In order to accomplish that, you can implement new custom SOURCE classes.

Steps to implement a custom source class

  1. Create a new class inheriting from ZCL_ABAK_SOURCE and implement the following methods:
    • CONSTRUCTOR with the specific parameters and logic it may require (if needed);
    • Protected method LOAD() which should produce the data and return it in R_CONTENT as a STRING;
    • GET_TYPE().
  2. Use ZCL_ABAK_FACTORY=>GET_CUSTOM_INSTANCE() to get an abaK instance with your new custom content.

Use it

Get a reference to a ZIF_ABAK instance using the factory's method specific for custom objects GET_CUSTOM_INSTANCE(). Check Instantiating abaK to learn more about this. Here's an example for a custom ZCL_XYZ_ABAK_SOURCE which returns XML data:

DATA: o_abak TYPE zif_abak,
      o_xyz_source TYPE REF TO zcl_xyz_abak_source,
      o_format TYPE REF TO zif_abak_format.

CREATE OBJECT o_xyz_source
    i_param1 = '1'. " Random example for demonstration purposes

o_format = zcl_abak_format_factory=>get_instance( zif_abak_consts=>format_type-xml ).

o_abak = zcl_abak_factory=>get_custom_instance( io_format  = o_format
                                                io_content = o_xyz_source ).
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